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Faber Headquarters / Geza Gri e Zucchi Architetti Associati


Faber Industrie Spa是世界领先的钢瓶制造商。

他们的新总部位于工业区和农田之间的边界处,因此属于工业和自然景观的融合项目。 该项目希望将两个景观相互连接,并表现其不同的品质和价值。

Faber Industrie Spa are world leading manufacturers of steel cylinders.
Their new headquarters are located at a boundary between an industrial area and farmland, and hence belong to both, the industrial and the natural landscape. The aim of the project is to interface both landscapes and acknowledge their different qualities and values.

© Massimo Crivellari

© Massimo Crivellari


建筑物的体量设计旨在“将两个景观融入”,并将其纳入新空间。 该建筑由两个入口大厅相连接的纵向体块组成。

Two Volumes
The volume of the building is designed to “bring the two landscapes inside”, and integrate them in the new spaces. The building consists of two shifted longitudinal volumes linked by an entrance hall.

© Massimo Crivellari


因此,创建了两个“内部”开放空间,方便建筑物对两个景观的视图控制。 在这里,设计师的工作是缩小规模,即缩小到人的规模,而不是大型工业区。 一个庭院是“硬质”的,都是树木,被视为一个生活区,另一个庭院是“软质”的,完全绿色和自由,向东开放加深视觉深度,面向制造设施和山脉所在的斯洛维尼亚边界。

Two Open Courtyards
As a result, two “internal” open spaces are created, and controlled by views over the building and over the two landscapes. The designers here worked to obtain a reduced scale, i.e. the human scale, as opposed to the large-scale industrial area. While one courtyard is “hard”, lined with trees and conceived as a living area, the other courtyard is “soft”, entirely green and free, with an open visual depth eastwards, facing the manufacturing facilities and the mountains towards the Slovenian border.

剖面图/Section C-C

东西立面图/Eastern and Western elevation


“双”的概念反映在剖面,即两个“S”形。 走廊/办公室计划在两个层面上:一个完全封闭的一面和一个完全敞开的一面,这从根本上改变了开放/封闭路线的途径。办公室的东立面实际上突出了S部分,而在墙壁面板内放置消防楼梯的西部前端是封闭沉默的。

The Section and Head Fronts
The notion of “double” is mirrored in the section, that is two “S” shapes. The corridor/office plan is inverted on the two levels: one totally blind side and one totally open side are overlapped, giving way to radically shifting open/closed fronts. The eastern head fronts of the office bodies actually highlight the S-section, while the western head fronts, where fire-exit stairs are accommodated inside wall panels, are closed and silent.

© Massimo Crivellari



Two Materials
The notion of “double” permeates the whole design process, including the façade design. The building is covered in a ventilated “skin” made of two materials, i.e. black concrete and black glass.

© Massimo Crivellari

© Massimo Crivellari

剖面细节/Detailed section

预制混凝土墙和釉面板,宽4米,高70厘米。 所有元件都以相同的方法连接,即有20毫米宽的开放接头。 这个间隙控制所有安装,如水平和垂直分隔,材料变化等。

The prefabricated concrete walls and the glazed front cells alike are horizontal, 4 meters wide and 70 centimeters high. All elements are connected with the same method, i.e. 20 millimeters wide open joints. This gap element governs all installations of the front parts, groundline and skyline, horizontal and vertical separations, change in materials, and corner solutions.

© Massimo Crivellari

Faber建筑的黑色皮肤是设计师对抽象研究的产物。 虽然建筑物长约100米,但与其他巨型的工厂相比,它看起来还是很“小”。

The black skin of Faber building is a product of the designers’ research on abstraction. Although the building is about 100 meters long, it looks “small” as compared to other huge industrial plants.

© Massimo Crivellari

由于四种不同类型的玻璃和五种不同类型的混凝土产生的细微差别,建筑物保持了工业设施的形状和布局。 然后,由于它的形状,并不会使它脱离环境,仍与周围的草地、柏油碎石、制造工厂、天空和人群产生联系。

Thanks to the subtle nuances created by four different types of glass and five different types of concrete, the building maintains the rigorous shape and layout of an industrial facility. Then, it will not stand out from the context because of its shape, but only because of the lightness generated by one color getting degraded as it relates with the surrounding grass, tarmac, manufacturing plants, the sky and the people.

© Massimo Crivellari


Black concrete is also the main feature of the most important area inside the building: the entrance hall has a large black-on-black terrazzo floor, a “liquid” element helping mirror and connect the two green courtyards together.

底层平面图/Ground floor

© Massimo Crivellari


新总部占地面积约2800平方米,地下约1400平方米。 它们由两个东西纵向体块组成,总宽度为7.80米,高度和长度不同。

Functional Specifications
The new headquarters cover an area of about 2,800 square meters above the ground, and of about 1,400 square meters underground. They consist of two longitudinal volumes, oriented east to west, with an overall width of 7.80 meters, and different heights and lengths.

© Massimo Crivellari

两个块通过一个中心合并,作为大厅接待区,等待区域和所有区域的功能相连接。所有的开放空间都排列着黑色白杨树的树篱,它们作为站立的“标志”来映衬墙板。 树篱轮廓交替地移动到该区域的内部或外部边界,以隐藏停车场或突出显示建筑的透视感。

The two blocks merge through a central volume serving as hall/reception, waiting area and functional connection of all areas. All open spaces are lined with hedgerows of black poplars, which serve as standing “landmarks” to match the front wall panels. The hedgerow contour alternatively moves towards the inner or outer boundary of the area to hide the car park or highlight the perspective views.

© Massimo Crivellari

© Massimo Crivellari

总体规划/General plan

建筑设计:Geza Gri e Zucchi Architetti Associati
设计团队:Stefania Anzil, Chiara Marchetti, Tania Teixeira, Francesco Casella, Tina Carletti
摄影:Massimo Crivellari
项目负责:GEZA Gri e Zucchi Architetti Associati, Stefano Gri, Piero Zucchi
结构工程师:Nuttassociati, Udine, Italy
装饰工程:Ing. Angelo Peruzza
机械工程师:Bulfon Associati, Udine
电气工程师:Studio Venica, Udine
环境保护顾问:HT Engineering, Udine
现场主管:GEZA Gri e Zucchi Architetti Associati – Stefano Gri, Piero Zucchi
承包商:Edildri Costruzioni
机械系统:Elettrica Ducale
木质工艺:Arredi Ermacora
客户:Faber Industrie spa

•        Architects: Geza Gri e Zucchi Architetti Associati
•        Location: Via dell' Industria, 33043 Zona Industriale-artigianale UD, Italy
•        Design Team: Stefania Anzil, Chiara Marchetti, Tania Teixeira, Francesco Casella, Tina Carletti
•        Area: 4350.0 m2
•        Project Year: 2013
•        Photographs: Massimo Crivellari
•        Project: GEZA Gri e Zucchi Architetti Associati, Stefano Gri, Piero Zucchi
•        Structural Engineer: Nuttassociati, Udine, Italy
•        Facade Engineer: Ing. Angelo Peruzza
•        Mechanical Engineer: Bulfon Associati, Udine
•        Electrical Engineer: Studio Venica, Udine
•        MEP consultant: HT Engineering, Udine
•        Site supervisor: GEZA Gri e Zucchi Architetti Associati – Stefano Gri, Piero Zucchi
•        Contractor: Edildri Costruzioni
•        Mechanical Systems: Elettrica Ducale
•        Electrical Systems: Tecnoimpianti/Nonino
•        Millworks: Arredi Ermacora
•        Office furniture: Multitema
•        Client: Faber Industrie spa





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