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在大自然中享受诗意生活|意大利La Mugletta民宿第1张图片

B&B La Mugletta / Integrate Collective


来自建筑事务所的描述:  自然是家庭及其居住生活的一部分: IntegrateCollective事务所的 La Mugletta民宿项目消除了内外空间之间的所有障碍。

充满创意的La Mugletta项目是一家民宿酒店,它位于Padua附近的Euganean 山中,建筑师希望为客人创造一个舒适的住宿环境,让客人享受安静平和的氛围,生活在最真实的自然界之中,拥抱“otium ”(休闲)的感觉。

From the architect.A place where nature is part of the well-being of the home and its inhabitants: the project of the IntegrateCollective for the B&B La Mugletta eliminates every barrier between interior and exterior space.
The research and creativity behind the project La Mugletta, a B&B in the Euganean Hills near Padua, has evolved in harmony with the desire of the owners to create a cozy and comfortable place for receiving guests, offering a stay in an atmosphere of peace, being able to live real moments of true "otium” (leisure) feeling embraced by nature.

在大自然中享受诗意生活|意大利La Mugletta民宿第2张图片
© Antony Wilder

The project has created a place where, in addition to accommodations and hospitality for single events, it is also possible to carry out ceramic workshops and experimentation in the kitchen. In the future, it is the aim that these will become occasions and moments of integration with a disability, eliminating not only the physical but also the mental frontiers.

在大自然中享受诗意生活|意大利La Mugletta民宿第3张图片
© Antony Wilder

在大自然中享受诗意生活|意大利La Mugletta民宿第4张图片
底层平面图/Ground Floor Plan


Family, nature, protection, sustainability, growth, care, relaxation, diversity, ability and disability integration, well-being, time, serendipity, sharing, simplicity and conviviality are the client’s key words on which the design idea of IntegrateCollective is founded and which gave rise to a single space in which nature and architecture are seamlessly intertwined and where the strongly characterizing element of the large corner glass is the focal point of this continuum between in and out.

在大自然中享受诗意生活|意大利La Mugletta民宿第5张图片
© Antony Wilder


该建筑结构由XLAM木制成,运用了木纤维绝缘层和外部落叶松衬里,钢筋混凝土地下室铺设在木质特有的质感中,还运用了泡沫玻璃。 木材、混凝土、铁等材料都以最自然的质感呈现出来。

To strengthen the bond with the surrounding nature, the project uses natural materials and high-tech solutions for a home with low environmental impact.
The structure was made of XLAM wood with wood fiber insulation and external larch lining; the basement in reinforced concrete laid in wooden texture boxes, with cellular glass (Foamglass) insulation. The materials are all used in their original essence: wood, cement, iron.

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地下一层平面图/Underground Floor Plan


Energetically the house is autonomous: heating and cooling are produced with heat exchangers using the thermal energy present in the ground through two geothermal probes positioned at 150 meters deep. Total rainwater recovery is carried out, which is conveyed by rainwater and drainage systems to an underground tank.

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© Antony Wilder



The use of the lights (all LED) also contributes to the recognition of internal and external building volumes and enhances the properties of the materials used and differentiates the interior spaces according to their function.
All the elements of this project have been tailor-made: from architecture to furnishings, from lights to brand.

在大自然中享受诗意生活|意大利La Mugletta民宿第8张图片
© Antony Wilder

结合建筑项目,IntegrateCollective事务所还重新设想了一个名称和标志。这个名字是家族姓氏,其发音十分独特、愉快,同时又具有神秘和引人入胜的气息:La Mugletta。

标志诞生于陶瓷作品的符号的演变,将姓氏(U.E.-S.V.-M.)的缩写集成为一个独特的标志,如花朵 (自然)融入周边环境之中(家庭)。名字和标志一起表达了这个家庭的温馨之感, 这正是生活在这种“自然建筑”中所特有的感受。

Together with the architectural project, IntegrateCollective has also created a name and logo. The name is a descendant of the family surname in a unique, pleasant and at the same time mysterious and catchy sound: La Mugletta.
The logo was born from the evolution of the sign that the buyer used for his ceramic works, integrating the initials of family names (U.-E.-S.-V.-M.) into a single distinctive sign, like a flower (nature) embedded in an almost heraldic form (the family). Name and logo together express the warm feeling of this family dream. A feeling that is perceived strongly by living in this "natural architecture"...

在大自然中享受诗意生活|意大利La Mugletta民宿第9张图片
© Antony Wilder



The integration with nature, of course, means that special attention has to be also given to the design of the garden.  This was aimed at connecting naturally the main elements of the surrounding landscape with the interior and exterior of the building. Nature enters the garden design with a soft-shaped composition. Through their natural rhythms, groups of evergreens, shrubs, herbaceous perennials and grasses mark the seasons in harmony.
It's a garden that lives. Growth, variations in shape, color, and succession of blooms throughout the year contribute to creating movement, enhancing the natural appearance and bonding with the landscape. Adapting to morphology, terrain display and preserving existing elements, the three basic colors that characterize the interiors of the building and the rooms: green, yellow and orange have been reworked and inserted. These colors are proposed through the vegetation, in various shades and textures.

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© Antony Wilder


The old trees have been kept and the row of maples completed in a way to enhance the panoramic view enjoyable from the terrace. The orchard has been integrated with new species and allows to exploit the most sloping areas otherwise unused, while a large area already in the garden allows enjoying the fruits of the earth.

在大自然中享受诗意生活|意大利La Mugletta民宿第11张图片
© Antony Wilder

在大自然中享受诗意生活|意大利La Mugletta民宿第12张图片
© Antony Wilder

在大自然中享受诗意生活|意大利La Mugletta民宿第13张图片
© Antony Wilder

在大自然中享受诗意生活|意大利La Mugletta民宿第14张图片
© Antony Wilder

在大自然中享受诗意生活|意大利La Mugletta民宿第15张图片
© Antony Wilder

建筑设计:Integrate Collective
摄影:Antony Wilder, Chap Achen
制造商:B&B Italia, Gaggenau, Flaminia, Flexform, Galassia
建筑策划:Sergio Corazza, Valentina Lazzaro
灯光设计:Guido Granara
名称及标志设计:Francesca Forte
金属工程:Giorato snc
花园设计:Linea Verde Tapparello

•        Architects: Integrate Collective
•        Location: Veneto, Italy
•        Area: 630.0 m2
•        Project Year: 2016
•        Photographs: Antony Wilder, Chap Achen
•        Manufacturers: B&B Italia, Gaggenau, Flaminia, Flexform, Galassia
•        Architectural Project: Sergio Corazza, Valentina Lazzaro
•        Light Design: Guido Granara
•        Naming & Logo Design: Francesca Forte
•        Metal Works: Giorato snc
•        Garden: Linea Verde Tapparello





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