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IceBreakers 2017 Competition


注册: 2017年 10月13日

在首届活动成功落幕之后,Ice Breakers准备在多伦多的滨水区举办第二届。Waterfront BIA再次邀请了WinterStations有限公司,从2018年2月3日开始,在Bathurst St.和Yonge St.之间的五个临时公共艺术设施中,进行为期五周的活动。


WinterStations 有限公司
WinterStations 有限公司是一家非盈利组织,由Roland Rom Colthoff(RAW Design Inc.建筑师),Ted Merrick(Ferris + Associates景观设计师)和Justin Ridgeway(古玩,公共艺术顾问)于2014年成立。WinterStations在年度国际设计大赛众屡获殊荣,临时公共艺术装置沿着Ashbridges Bay的救生员站展览,东面临近Balmy海滩。

RAW设计有限公司 -
Ferris 联合有限公司-
curio -






第二届Ice Breaker的主题是“星座”。这可以从多方面解释,但我们希望看到有挑战性的工作,我们需要展现给公众的是,公共艺术也可以是有趣和具有参与性的。艺术家可以选择与北半球的冬季星座进行对话,探索占星学、神话、历史、恒星形态和地球表象等相关领域问题。



WinterStations有限公司正在邀请艺术家们为2018年的Ice Breakers创作临时公共艺术设施。有五个地点可供选择,代表五个公共艺术表现的机会。

这些地点已经与Waterfront BIA、多伦多公园、林业和娱乐,以及海滨中心选定合作,确定了具有可见度高、行人流通、有限的限制以及其他属性,如摄影条件和相对接近交通、居民和其他艺术品地点。


位置1 -We Brew Cafe

位置2 - Simcoe Wave Deck
皇后区码头西部243 号的Simcoe Wave甲板是一个城市景观,设置了一条2.6米高的曲线板。其西部部分为安装提供了相对平坦的区域。

位置3 - HTO 公园东面
位置3位于皇后区码头西部339号,在Peter Street Slip前,是Ice Breakers展览中心的地点。具体来说,这个地方是公园内沿着海岸线设立的三角沙滩。它坐落在靠近岛上的机场附近,几乎在水的边缘。公众将可以到达该地区,通过装置产生更好的视觉体验。

位置4 - Peter Street Basin/Maple Leaf Quay

位置5 - HTO公园西面
位置5位于皇后区码头西部339号,Maple Leaf Quay的东部,是Ice Breakers展览的中心。具体来说,这个地方是公园内沿着海岸线在遮阳伞下的三角沙滩。它坐落在靠近岛上的机场附近,几乎在水的边缘。公众将可以到达该地区,通过装置产生更好的视觉体验。注意:海滩上的遮阳伞全年保留。









第一 - 11 x 17“(279mm x 432mm) - 项目概要
□  最多1页
□  最多150个文字描述项目并呈现访客提供的体验
□  介绍项目所选图像和图纸的布局。

第二 - 11 x 17“(279mm x 432mm) - 图像和图纸
□  最多1页
□  整体展示设计。
□  艺术品安装的估算成本;

第三 - 8.5 x 11“(216mm x 279mm) - 团队信息
□  最多4页
□  设计团队成员名称,每个人简短的简历。
□  关于团队的100个单词描述,强调其实力。
□  最近出版物、项目或展览的名称、地点和日期。
□  团队成员负责的选定项目的图像,然后进行简要说明。





2018 Ice Breakers结束于2018年3月18日


安装包括设计、材料、安装和拆卸的预算为:$18,000.00 CAD。预算分配如下:
•  设计费 -  $3,500.00 CAD
•  艺术家旅行费用 - 如果适用, $1,500.00 CAD。
•  制作、交付、安装和拆卸 - $13,000.00 CAD(含HST)


Submission: October 13, 2017
Registration: October 13, 2017
Language: English
Location: Toronto, Canada
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open

After a successful inaugural year, Ice Breakers is returning to Toronto’s Waterfront. The Waterfront BIA has again enlisted WinterStations Inc. to bring five temporary, public art installations to various sights between Bathurst St. and Yonge St. for five weeks, commencing February 03, 2018.

Project Sponsors
WinterStations Inc.
WinterStations Inc. is a not-for-profit organization, co-founded, in 2014, by Roland Rom Colthoff (RAW Design Inc. architects), Ted Merrick (Ferris + Associates landscape architects), and Justin Ridgeway (curio, public art consulting). Winter Stations is an award-winning, annual international design competition and exhibition of temporary public art installations affixed to the lifeguard stands along Ashbridges Bay, east to Balmy Beach.
RAW Design Inc. –
Ferris + Associates Inc. –
curio –

The Waterfront Business Improvement Area
The Waterfront Business Improvement Area (WBIA), established in 2004, is the voice of the business community. Toronto’s WBIA is a community-driven organization dedicated to promoting and enhancing the economic and cultural vitality of the Waterfront area. The WBIA welcomes 17 million visitors annually with a service area population of 57,121 and growing rapidly. 68% of the area’s residents are under the age of 45. Unlike most Toronto BIAs, the Waterfront is both a full-service residential area and a tourist destination, committed to improving the Waterfront area and new pedestrian-friendly promenade. Through marketing and promotion, special events, streetscape enhancement, strategic planning and advocacy initiatives, the WBIA continues to secure its position as one of Toronto’s premier destinations. The Waterfront BIA has been the proud recipient of the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas (TABIA) Awards in 2011, 2013, 2014 and 2015, as well as the 2015 Downtown Merit Award from the International Downtown Association (IDA) and the Award of Distinction from the 2016 BIA National Conference Awards. For more information, visit

Harbourfront Centre
Over the past 40 years, Harbourfront Centre has emerged as one of the largest presenters of international contemporary arts in Canada, and one of the world’s leading multidisciplinary arts institutions. In showcasing contemporary Canadian artists in all creative disciplines, and placing their work within a broad international context, we maintain steadfast commitment to artistic excellence, contemporary arts, emerging Canadian artists, and fostering artistic exchange between disciplines and cultures. We also leverage our unique location through a range of outdoor and waterfront-related activities and offerings. For more information, visit

For Ice Breaker’s second year the theme is “Constellation”. This can be interpreted in various ways, but we are hoping to see work that is challenging, while also accessible, reminding the public that public art can be fun and engaging. Artists may choose to converse with the winter constellations of the Northern Hemisphere, playing with astrology, mythology, history and with stellar form and earthly representation.
As always, the intention is to bring colour, warmth and activity to the water’s edge, inviting people out of their buildings to take a winter walk along the waterfront and appreciate the unique Toronto landscape at this time of year.

Public Art Opportunity
WinterStations Inc. is asking Artists to develop temporary public art installations for Ice Breakers 2018. Five locations are available, representing five public art opportunities.
These locations have been selected in collaboration with The Waterfront BIA, Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the Harbourfront Centre after identifying sites with high visibility, pedestrian traffic, limited constraints, as well as other attributes, such as photograph opportunities and relative proximity to transit, residents and the other artwork locations.

Location 1 – We Brew Cafe
Ontario Square, located at 235 Queens Quay West, is an outdoor venue and part of the Harbour Front Centre. To the east of the square is Exhibition Common. The specific artwork location is on the flat turf surface in front of the We Brew Cafe near the northern edge of the Common.

Location 2 – Simcoe Wave Deck
Located at 243 Queens Quay West, the Simcoe Wave deck is an urban landscape feature, including a 2.6 metre tall curve. Its western portion provides a relatively flat area for an installation.

Location 3 – HTO Park East
Site Three is located at 339 Queens Quay West, on the former Peter Street Slip, a location central to the Ice Breakers exhibition. Specifically, the site is the triangular sand beach under the umbrellas, within the park, along the shoreline. It lies in close visual proximity to the island airport and is almost on the water’s edge. The public will have access to the area, allowing for both visual and physical interaction with the installation.

Location 4 – Peter Street Basin/Maple Leaf Quay
Maple Leaf Quay is located at 370 Queens Quay West. The artwork site is the northern side of the bridge spanning the basin, and includes set-back promontories on either side of the bridge.

Location 5 – HTO Park West
Site Five is located at 339 Queens Quay West, the eastern portion of Maple Leaf Quay, a location central to the Ice Breakers exhibition. Specifically, the site is the triangular sand beach under the umbrellas, within the park, along the shoreline. It lies in close visual proximity to the island airport and is almost on the water’s edge. The public will have access to the area, allowing for both visual and physical interaction with the installation. Note: the umbrellas remain throughout the year.

Photos of the five locations may be found under the “Resources” page.
General Site Notes and Constraints
Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation has not identified any constraints at this time, but will be consulted throughout the design development process.
Snow will not be removed during the winter within this area.
There will be no Electricity, water or plumbing to the sites. Solar Power is not allowed due to possibility of vandalism. Fire cannot be part of the submission.
Concepts may either be singular in nature or dispersed as a series of objects. In all circumstances, artwork should not impeded pedestrian traffic or cause potential injury.

Concept Proposal Submission
The entries must be submitted electronically as three separate PDF files not exceeding 7MB each.
Each entry must contain, in order, the following documents (in English):
Registration/sign up Form (electronic)

Page One – 11 x 17″ (279mm x 432mm) – Project Summary
□ 1 page maximum
□ A maximum of 150 word text describing the project and presenting the experience offered by the visitors
□ Layout of selected images and drawings describing the project.

Page Two – 11 x 17″ (279mm x 432mm) – Images and Drawings
□ 1 page maximum
□ 4 main views or elevations of the installation indicating size and specification of materials. Entrant is free to choose the scale.
□ A perspective showing the design in its entirety.
□ Rough-order-of-magnitude cost for artwork installation;

Page Three – 8.5 x 11″ (216mm x 279mm) – Team Information
□ Four (4) pages maximum
□ Design team member names, with brief CV for each.
□ A 100 word description of the team, highlighting its strength.
□ Name, location and date of recent publications, projects, or exhibitions.
□ Images of selected projects for which team members have been responsible, followed with a brief description.

Each document must include the Name of the project however there must be no information on page one or two of the design proposal that would identify the entrant. Note that Team Information (Page 3) will be withheld from the Jury until after their deliberation.
Apart from page 3, only single-page PDFs will be accepted.
Note that each proposal must clearly identify which of the 5 sites the installation is to be located in.

Competition Launch August 25, 2017
Artist Development + Questions September 2017
End of Question Period September 15, 2017
Proposals Due October 13, 2017
Jury Meets October 19, 2017
Costing and Consultation to begin October 25, 2017
Winners Announced November 8, 2017
Construction + Consultation to begin November 10, 2017
Begin Installation January 25, 2018
Opening February 01, 2018
Ice Breakers 2018 Concludes March 18, 2018

Language: English
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Prizes: Compensation

The budget for the installation, including design, supply, installation and removal is: $18,000.00 CAD. The budget is allocated as follows:
• Design Fee – $3,500.00 CAD
• Artist Travel and Expenses – $1,500.00 CAD if applicable.
• Fabrication, Delivery, Installation and Removal – $13,000.00 CAD (includes HST)

competition’s website:





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