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David Hartt的作品“In The Forest”展示了波多黎各的摩西萨夫迪未完成的项目
david hartt's 'in the forest' documents unfinished development in puerto rico by moshe safdie


艺术家David Hartt在萨夫迪(Moshe Safdie)未完成的1968年“Habitat Puerto Rico”项目上创建了一个多部分设施展示的展览。这个展览与2017年芝加哥建筑双年展上以及芝加哥世博会相类似,将于美国格雷厄姆基金会(Graham Foundation)的Madlener家庭展区展出。该展览名称为“In The Forest”,这个标题来自于克洛德•莱维•斯特劳斯(Claude lévi-Strauss )的“回忆录”三重奏,其中包括一部电影、一套照片和一系列的雕塑,这些让hartt对意识形态、建筑和环境之间的关系进行研究。

artist david hartt has created a multi-part installation that shines new light on moshe safdie’s unfinished 1968 ‘habitat puerto rico’ project. the exhibit, which coincides with the 2017 chicago architecture biennial as well as EXPO chicago, is on view at the graham foundation’s madlener house galleries. named ‘in the forest’ — a titled borrowed from claude lévi-strauss’ 1955 memoir tristes tropiques — the installation consists of a film, a suite of photographs, and a series of sculptures, which continue hartt’s investigation into the relationship between ideology, architecture, and the environment.

2017年david hartt,“Carolina I”,打印尺寸为36 x 54英寸/david hartt, ‘carolina I,’ 2017, archival pigment print mounted to dibond, print size 36 x 54 inches. courtesy of corbett vs. dempsey and commissioned by the graham foundation for advanced studies in the fine arts.

萨夫迪(Moshe Safdie)在蒙特利尔的设计作品“Habitat 67”完工之后一年,“Habitat Puerto Rico”项目也逐渐开始步入正轨。该实验住房开发的目的是利用堆叠式预制混凝土模块系统,从而为中等收入家庭提供800个低成本住宅。原计划开发于该地区的主要林荫大道旁,然而,当前的建筑则被置于一片茂密的热带森林之中。

work on ‘habitat puerto rico’ began just a year after the success of moshe safdie’s design for habitat 67 in montreal. the experimental housing development was designed to provide 800 low cost units to moderate-income families in a system of stacked prefabricated concrete modules. the development was planned to open next to one of the area’s major boulevards, however, the derelict building now sits amid a dense tropical forest.

courtesy of corbett vs. dempsey and commissioned by the graham foundation for advanced studies in the fine arts.


although safdie was initially optimistic about the project, a number of constraints led to its downfall: the financing of the scheme was strictly dictated by the federal housing subsidy, while the flat hexagonal form and size of the individual modules was derived from the need to make the concrete units transportable by highway or barge — as it was not possible to build a factory in close proximity to the original site. consequently, the project was abandoned at an early phase of its construction.

courtesy of corbett vs. dempsey and commissioned by the graham foundation for advanced studies in the fine arts.

在芝加哥的格雷厄姆基金会中,David hartt制作了一部冥想电影,用于记录了萨夫迪的那个中途停止的项目,此时距离那个项目的开始已大约半个世纪。hartt通过了许多方式来表达对于这个项目的纪念,其特点是运用了许多由丛林所环绕的模块形式,并且还运用了来自电子音乐家Karl Fousek的音乐作品。电影中展示了照片、雕塑、热带植物、环境声音和许多六角形陶瓷制品,这些作品主要用于种植植物,也作为游客的座椅。

at the graham foundation in chicago, david hartt has created a meditative film that captures the remains of safdie’s abandoned project — nearly half a century after it was initiated. hartt’s elegy to the unrealized development features long takes of the weathered modules surrounded by the encroaching jungle and environmental recordings layered with a composition by electronic musician karl fousek. the movie is accompanied by photographs, sculptures, tropical plants, ambient sound, and stacks of hexagonal ceramic objects that serve as both planters and seats.

courtesy of corbett vs. dempsey and commissioned by the graham foundation for advanced studies in the fine arts.

格雷厄姆基金会总监Sarah Herda 表示:“David hartt是当今艺术与建筑交汇中最引人注目的艺术家。 通过这次的展示,我们很高兴David在实践中创造一个实验平台,并向公众展示这种具有开创性的工作。”

2017年芝加哥建筑双年展“In The Forest”仍然在展示,本次展览将于2018年1月6日结束。

‘david hartt is one of the most compelling artists working at the intersection of art and architecture today,’ says graham foundation director sarah herda. ‘through this commission and presentation, we are thrilled to create a platform for experimentation in david’s practice and to work along with him to present this immersive and thought provoking work.’
‘in the forest’ remains on view until January 6, 2018 coinciding with the 2017 chicago architecture biennial.

courtesy of corbett vs. dempsey and commissioned by the graham foundation for advanced studies in the fine arts.

courtesy of corbett vs. dempsey and commissioned by the graham foundation for advanced studies in the fine arts.

courtesy of corbett vs. dempsey and commissioned by the graham foundation for advanced studies in the fine arts.

courtesy of corbett vs. dempsey and commissioned by the graham foundation for advanced studies in the fine arts.

courtesy of corbett vs. dempsey and commissioned by the graham foundation for advanced studies in the fine arts.

courtesy of corbett vs. dempsey and commissioned by the graham foundation for advanced studies in the fine arts.

David Hartt ,“In The Forest”2017. 4K数字视频文件、颜色、声音;时长: 20分钟/david hartt, ‘in the forest,’ 2017. 4K digital video file, color, sound; 20 min. image by designboom

image by designboom





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