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该项目位于西班牙马德里的 Francisco de Vitoria 大学校园内,是一个体育中心和教室综合体。其中包含体育馆、多功能厅、健身房、游泳馆和理疗空间。体育馆还可以作为举办大型活动的多功能场地,方便举行会议和其他学生活动。Designed for the campus of the Francisco de Vitoria University in Pozuelo (Madrid), the building houses a sports center and classroom complex. It includes the use of sports halls, multi-purpose rooms, a gymnasium, swimming pool, physiotherapy, etc. The sports complex can also be used as a large multi-purpose area and meeting hall, facilitating a range of university activities.

▼体育馆西南立面,southwest elevation

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建筑设计受到大学场地的限制,高度和体量都严格按照校区规划的尺度进行布置。设计概念明确区分了教学区域和体育馆空间,建筑师利用不同的材料和空间尺度定义了两个分离却互相联系的功能。设计的基本元素是一个巨大、通透,拥有良好采光的长方体。建筑长60米、宽50米、高度12米,和校园的主广场有机地联系在一起。两个干净、功能明确的的体量由一层较低的建筑物连接在一起。凹陷部分空间是两个体块共享的中庭。The design of the building is restrained and volumetrically adapted to the general layout of the campus in terms of maximum height and alignment. And it is intended to clearly differentiate the sports and teaching areas in terms of volume and façade material. The fundamental element of the project is a large translucent box of light, 60x50x12m, filtered and controlled, entering into a spatial relationship with the main square of the campus. Two clean, well-defined boxes are joined together by a low-rise building whose roof becomes an inter-connecting patio.

▼体育馆和教室空间明确区分,the sports and teaching areas are clearly differentiated

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体育馆使用了 GRC 玻璃纤维强化的混凝土,设计考虑到空间的通透和采光效果,没有使用传统的封闭型教室和低关联性的空间。在体育馆综合体中,不同的朝向布置了不同的功能。南向的立面采用强化混凝土,以免过多的阳光进入室内;北侧的立采用大面积半透明的玻璃。西南立面底部是一条全透明的玻璃墙,加强了校园与主广场的联系。这种运用透明度的手法在东北立面的顶部重复出现,正对两个体块中间的中庭。因此,广场和体育场馆之间形成了良好的视觉关系,而教室空间西南部的立面成为了体育馆的帷幕,将两个场地联系在一起。The sports pavilion is designed with lightness in mind, in GRC glass fiber reinforced concrete, unlike the more closed classroom complex and low interconnecting building. In the volume of the sports complex the orientation of the various sides are valued differently, so that the facades of the southern dihedral, more exposed to sunlight, are enclosed in a prefabricated panel of GRC glass fiber reinforced concrete, while those of the northern dihedral are in translucent glass. The southwestern facade features a low strip of transparent glass highlighting the link with the main square of the campus. And this mechanism of transparency is repeated on the north eastern facade facing the upper patio. Thus a visual relationship is created between the square and the sports complex, while the southwestern façade of the classroom complex becomes a backdrop to the complex as a whole.

▼场馆通透的设计,the lightness of the design

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体育馆的运用了钢结构的设计:桁架的柱网、梁,解决了屋顶跨度的问题。空间内运用了纯白色的设计。其他的结构都是钢筋混凝土。游泳馆位于地下室,空间中的梁采用了大跨度的设计。The structure of the pavilion is in steel: a grid of pillars and beams on the facades and trusses to resolve the great roof span. All painted in white. The remainder of the structure is in reinforced concrete, with the unique feature of wide angled beams over the basement swimming-pool area.

▼体育馆入口,entry of the gym

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▼钢结构的空间,the steel structure

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▼看台位于上层,the viewing podium

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▼游泳馆,swimming pool

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最后建筑呈现出一种伟大的、清醒并克制的形象。The result is a building of great sobriety and formal restraint.

▼体育馆中的表演,the activity in the complex

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▼首层平面,ground floor plan

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▼看台层平面,first floor plan

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▼地下层平面,basement plan

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Architect: Alberto Campo BaezaLocation: Carretera. Pozuelo-Majadahonda km 1.800, Pozuelo de Alarcón, MADRID
Client: Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
Function: Sports center and classrooms
Project: 2012
Built: 2017
Building Area: 9,000 sqm



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