The Peckham Observatory / Cooke Fawcett
来自建筑事务所的描述:该作品的客户是Bold Tendencies,3.5米宽的挑出平台横跨停车场,钢结构支撑着两端的悬挑部分。位于两侧的楼梯是人们的垂直交通枢纽,北端则为人们提供了鸟瞰伦敦美景的好去处。
From the architect. For Bold Tendencies, their 3.5m-wide raised platform spans the entire width of the car park, its steel support beams cantilevered at both ends. Two staircases at either side provide an elevated promenade and on the northern tip the balustrade position at the half-landing provides unencumbered views of London.
© Peter Landers Photography
挑板与踏步由硬木木材制成,上面设置有长凳和太阳椅。上层的木扶手向内倾斜,从而为人们提供能够休息停留的自然场所,停车场的屋顶上有艺术品展示和各类活动,远端还有Frank酒吧。在钢结构下方是一个深蓝色的木质盒子。这里是一些必要的功能空间,如售票亭和商店,另外,这里也将成为Bold Everywhere 教育项目的主要服务场所。
The deck and steps are made of full-width hardwood timber decking, and three areas of custom-designed benches and sun-loungers are planned. Timber handrails on the upper level are angled to provide natural places to lean and rest, taking in the artwork and activities taking place on the roof of the car park, with Frank’s Bar at the far end. Nestled underneath the steelwork is a timber-framed box painted dark blue. This kiosk will provide Bold Tendencies with much-needed space for staff, serving as an information point, ticket booth and shop. It will also act as a hub for the Bold Everywhere educational programme.
© Peter Landers Photography
透视图/Perspective 02
透视图/Perspective 01
这个新建筑的预算很低,并且客户Bold Tendencies也决定由自己来管理该项目,甚至整个项目由始至终都由当地的供应商与承包商合作。这是Cooke Fawcett与客户Bold Tendencies合作的第二个项目。Concert Wall是他们以前合作的项目,这是一个折叠式夹板墙,为现场音乐演出提供了听觉与视觉效果都十分完美的屏幕背景。
The new structure has been achieved on a very low budget as Bold Tendencies took on the project management themselves and worked with local suppliers and contractors, making this a thoroughly Peckham endeavour from start to finish. This is Cooke Fawcett's second commission for Bold Tendencies. Their previous project, Concert Wall, is a concertinaed plywood screen which provides an acoustic and visual backdrop for live music performances.
© Peter Landers Photography
© Peter Landers Photography
Cooke Fawcett的导演Oliver Cooke说:“我们很满意这个作品的设计方案,这个方案结合了停车场空间与艺术氛围。”
Oliver Cooke, director of Cooke Fawcett, said: “We’re so pleased to return to Bold Tendencies with another project that enhances the experience of the car park and the art contained within it."
© Peter Landers Photography
© Peter Landers Photography
Francis Fawcett补充道:“Bold Tendencies是一个思想前卫的文化机构,它已成立了11年,接下来更重要的是,Bold Tendencies为自己的粉丝与游客呈现了不同的表现效果,也为人们带来了更难忘的体验。”
Francis Fawcett added: “For an avant garde cultural institution now in its 11th year, it is important that Bold Tendencies retains the capacity to reinvent and present new experiences to its loyal following as well as to new visitors.”
© Peter Landers Photography
© Peter Landers Photography
© Peter Landers Photography
© Peter Landers Photography
© Peter Landers Photography
© Peter Landers Photography
© Peter Landers Photography
建筑设计:Cooke Fawcett
地点:英国 伦敦
主要建筑师:Francis Fawcett
摄影:Peter Landers Photography
制造商:Silva Timber
结构工程师:AKTII / Pell Frischmann
客户:Bold Tendencies
Architects:Cooke Fawcett
Location:Peckham, London SE15, United Kingdom
Lead Architects:Francis Fawcett
Area:150.0 m2
Project Year:2017
Photographs:Peter Landers Photography
Manufacturers:Silva Timber
Structural engineer:AKTII / Pell Frischmann
Client:Bold Tendencies
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