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亚历山德罗·门迪尼(Alessandro Mendini)和Ecopixel把回收塑料变成点状物
Alessandro Mendini and Ecopixel transform plastic recycling into a work of pointillism


Atelier Mendini工作室和Ecopixel合作完成塑料回收产业的创新工作,将“像素色块和再生塑料”密切结合。Alessandro Mendini使用废塑料碎片作为基础材料完成了一件名为ALEX的躺椅,这件作品由多个24x24mm的“像素”块组成。

The collaboration between Ecopixel and Atelier Mendini has led to a remarkable plastic recycling industry innovation where ‘pixelated colors and recycled plastics’ go hand in hand. Thanks to Alessandro Mendini’s visionary persistence, an impressive 24x24mm ‘pixel’ has been developed using shredded plastic waste as a base material for a chaise longue called ALEX.

蓝色的ALEX 躺椅/ALEX chaise longue in blue. all images © max&douglas

Alessandro Mendini精彩的设计推进了Ecopixel加压技术的进一步发展,设计师把精心挑选的8种色彩进行随机组合,从而形成独特的外观。“Ecopixel技术产生的作品品质卓越,具有很强的色彩表现力,这种技术通过将聚乙烯废弃物的再生转化,从而形成像素化作品。”Alessandro Mendini说。

Alessandro Mendini’s extraordinary design pushed the development of the pressurized Ecopixel technique further ahead, mixing the intriguing mélange of 8 carefully selected colors randomly into the magnificent Mendini-mix, resulting in a unique appearance each time. ‘The remarkable qualities of Ecopixel has been an opportunity for powerful expression through texture and color and has given rise to an exciting new multi-colored pixel-based approach’, says Alessandro Mendini. ‘Ecopixel transforms polyethylene waste into a work of pointillism’.

建筑师 Alessandro Mendini在米拉工作室/Architect Alessandro Mendini at his studio in Mila

具有动态线性边缘的多边形平面结合,形成强大的几何形态。Ecopixel独具创意的“加压旋转生产法”能够形成一种简洁、折叠的形式,它有鲜明的折纸线条,并且产生一种与传统圆形曲面完全不同的现代外观,事实上,圆形表面是其他生产技术的副产品。 Ecopixel技术通过将色彩与材质随机混合,从而形成独特的作品。

Owerful geometric forms are derived from a combination of polygonal plane surfaces with dynamic linear edges. The Ecopixel’s innovative ‘pressurized rotational production method’ enables a crisp, folded form with sharply defined origami lines, resulting in a contemporary appearance that is radically different to traditionally rounded surfaces that are a byproduct of other production techniques. The Ecopixel technique randomly combines colored pixels in the  Mendini-mix, creating a distinctive result every time.

Ecopixel可以混合不同形状和颜色/Ecopixel can be melted into different shapes and color

每个躺椅用专用标记板进行独立编号并附带证书。‘ALEX’100%可回收,在这件作品中使用的可回收材料达到一半以上,并且能够承受从-10°C 到+50°C的温度变化,这意味着Ecopixel技术同时适用于室内和室外环境。这种材料非常耐用,但手感柔软,给人们带来奇妙的触觉体验。

Each chaise longue is individually numbered with a special marker plate and comes with a certificate . ‘ALEX’ is 100% recyclable and made of up to 55% recycled materials. Ecopixel aims to use materials that will continue to be part of the recycling loop. Withstanding temperatures from -10°C up to +50°C means Ecopixel is suitable for both indoor and outdoor environments. This material is incredibly durable, yet soft to the touch and wonderfully tactile.

Alessandro Mendini说:“Ecopixel 技术将聚乙烯废料变废为宝。”/Alessandro Mendini says: ‘Ecopixel transforms polyethylene waste into a work of pointillism’


Ecopixel claims that this new method for recycling plastics is composed of 100% low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and melts at 120°C, which means it can be re-melted an infinite number of times without altering its properties. Its low melting temperature means its ecological impact is also greatly reduced during the production phase. The material can be melted into different shapes and colors, without homogenizing color pigments from its ‘raw’ waste material, resulting in a distinctive pixelated appearance.

ALEX 躺椅适用于室内和室外/ALEX chaise longue is suitable for indoors and outdoor

ALEX躺椅使用于哥伦比亚圣玛尔塔(Santa Marta)的泳池边上/ALEX chaise longue by the pool in Santa Marta, Colombia

蓝色的ALEX 的躺椅/Chaise longue ALEX in blue

Alessandro Mendini关于ALEX躺椅的手绘草稿/Esquisse of ALEX development by Alessandro Mendini

Alessandro Mendini精心挑选了8种颜色随机混合/Alessandro Mendini creates the intriguing mélange of 8 carefully selected color

ALEX开发团队/ALEX development team

Atelier Mendini 团队:Francesco Mendini, Alex Mocika, Alessandro Mendini
设计师:Jan Puylaert & Mariandrea Zambrano
生产者:Claudio Milioto

Poject info:
Atelier Mendini team: Francesco Mendini, Alex Mocika, Alessandro Mendini
Ecopixel team: designers Jan Puylaert & Mariandrea Zambrano, producer Claudio Milioto





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