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Life in Plastic: 8 Times Architects Rehabilitated the “World’s Most Hated Material”




联合国环境规划署的一份报显示,近年来塑料废物的产生量已达到约 3 亿吨。上世纪50 年代以来生产的83亿吨塑料中,60%填满垃圾填埋场或是进入海洋生态系统。与此同时,塑料还导致了大量的温室气体排放。

围绕塑料的使用和替代品寻找的讨论如今已成为一种常态。人们提倡使用可重复使用的布袋、纸吸管、硅胶容器,并试图将回收利用纳入日常生活。 在这些话题中,一些设计师已经介入公共艺术创作,通过充分利用可能最终进入垃圾填埋场的塑料来进一步推动这些讨论话题。以下项目展现了几种他们的表达方式。

In recycling plastic to create environmental awareness, designers are reveling in the building material’s translucency and malleability.
Memes about plastic straws and turtles are not an uncommon sight when scrolling through social media. What could be laughed off as a joke is actually a major problem that we are struggling with today — plastic pollution. Plastics are present in every aspect of our lives, from our grocery packaging to the cards we use to pay for them. But while the material is convenient to use and facilitates cheaper production and packaging, it is causing excessive harm to the natural ecosystems, to the point where it has been labeled our most hated material.
According to a United Nations Environment Programme report, plastic waste production has amounted to about 300 million tons in recent years. Of the 8.3 billion tons of plastic that has been produced since the 1950s, 60% has either filled up landfills or entered marine ecosystems. Furthermore, plastics have also contributed to a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions.
Conversations around the use of plastic and the hunt for alternatives have now become a norm. People are championing the use of reusable cloth bags, paper straws, silicone containers and also trying to incorporate recycling in their daily lives. Amid these talks, some designers have stepped in to create public art that forces these discussions further by making the best use of plastic that might otherwise end up in landfills. The following projects showcase a few ways in which they have done so.

Image by Ashley Simone

Image by John Muggenborg Architectural Photography

州长杯展馆 / CDR Studio Architects, PC,纽约 纽约州

该装置是纽约新濠天地展馆设计竞赛的获胜者。 参考了每年在垃圾填埋场发现的 1000 亿个杯子,这种带花边钩针设计的灵感来自大约 30,000 个回收塑料杯。 有超过 100 名志愿者与 CDR Studio 一起帮助建造这个展馆,通过钻孔并将它们粘合在一起以制作更小的模块,并最终构成整个结构。 它的独特形式充当了一个天篷,并创造了一个聚会空间,成为了一个对话的开始。

Governor’s Cup Pavilion by CDR Studio Architects, PC, New York, New York
The installation was the winner of the City of Dreams Pavilion design competition in New York. Referencing the 100 billion cups that are found in landfills every year, the tape-lace crochet-inspired design is made using about 30,000 recycled plastic cups. Over 100 volunteers came together with CDR Studio to help build this pavilion by drilling holes and gluing them together to make smaller modules which eventually composed the entire structure. Its unique form acts as a canopy, creates a gathering space and serves as a conversation starter.



Bottle Sail / 1+1>2 Architects,海防,越南

这座房子是 1+1>2 Architects 构思的众多社区发展项目之一,专门服务于受艾滋病毒/艾滋病影响的农村社区。 该地区每年可能发生 12 次台风,因此工作室想要创造一种设计以在如此恶劣的条件下保护农场中的幼苗。 该结构配有交叉支撑,其混凝土基础深埋于地下。 庇护所形似风帆,用大约 3,000 个塑料瓶覆盖,保护着大约 10,000 株番茄幼苗。 它同时是农民放松的空间,也是孩子们举办课后活动的空间。

Bottle Sail by 1+1>2 Architects, Haiphong, Vietnam

This house, which is one of many community development projects conceptualized by 1+1>2 Architects, specifically benefits rural communities affected with HIV/AIDS. The region is prone to 12 typhoons a year, so the studio wanted to create a design that would protect the seedlings in the farm in such harsh conditions. The structure is equipped with cross bracing and its concrete foundation is buried deep in the ground. Shaped like a windsail, the shelter is covered in about 3,000 plastic bottles and protects about 10,000 tomato seedlings. It also acts as a space for the farmers to relax and for children to host after-school activities.



Self-Ornamentalize / Vinn Patararin X Fahpav,泰国 清迈

该设计是 Vinn Patararin 和 Fahpav 公司在泰国 Compeung 艺术家驻留项目中的合作。 他们发现随着城市环境的扩大,周围环境有着大量塑料,并缺乏手工编织和自然生长的材料。 以塑料是当今材料为想法,且因为它们具有半透明性和延展性,该项目使用了 850 个塑料瓶。 该设计激发了发现自我并提高了对材料、技术和工艺的认识。

Self-Ornamentalize by Vinn Patararin X Fahpav, Chiang Mai, Thailand
The design is a collaboration between the firms Vinn Patararin and Fahpav for the Compeung artist residency program in Thailand. They discovered a large amount of plastic in the immediate environment and a lack of hand-weaving and naturally grown materials due to the expansion of the urban environment. Assuming plastic to be the material of today, 850 plastic bottles were used for their translucency and malleability. The design inspires self-discovery and increases awareness about materials, technology and craftsmanship.



upcycling升级再造 / Bunker Arquitectura,墨西哥 墨西哥城

工作室想对临时展览后产生的废物造成的污染发表声明。 他们通过堆叠可口可乐赞助的汽水箱创造了一个低成本而零浪费的装置。 这些板条箱使用塑料束带固定,以便在展览结束后拆卸和退回。 展馆的弧形墙壁为人们坐在咖啡馆内创造了隐蔽处。

Upcycling Pavilion by Bunker Arquitectura, Mexico City, Mexico
The studio wanted to make a statement about the contamination caused by the waste generated due after temporary exhibitions. They created a low-cost zero-waste installation by stacking soda crates that were sponsored by Coca-Cola. These crates are attached using plastic cinch straps so that they can be detached and returned once the exhibit is over. The curved walls of the pavilion create nooks for people to sit within the café.



“cola-bow”艺术装置 / Precht,中国北京

Cola-Bow 是另一个使用塑料瓶原形式的装置。 这个形态由 17,000 个可乐瓶制成,其灵感来自可口可乐标志的波浪。 这些瓶子是在与北京的大学的一项联合计划中收集的,可口可乐中国为每个提供空瓶的市民提供了一瓶饮料。 除了作为雕塑外,该装置也是对塑料污染发表了评论,并强调了回收利用的重要性。

Cola-Bow by Precht, Beijing, China
Cola-Bow is another installation that uses plastic bottles in their original form. The form, made from 17,000 Coke bottles, was inspired by the waves of the Coca-Cola logo. The bottles were collected in a joint initiative with universities in the city where Coca-Cola China gave citizens a bottle of the beverage for every empty one that was brought in for recycling. Apart from serving as a sculpture, the installation is a comment on plastic pollution and champions awareness about recycling.



100%借用材料的人民展馆 / SLA 局,荷兰 埃因霍温

该建筑仅使用借来的材料进行建造,其体现了循环经济的理念。 这些材料来自当地资源,如供应商和生产商以及城市居民本身。 使用的每一个元素——从混凝土和木梁到照明、玻璃和塑料覆层——都以一种可以以原样归还给主人的方式连接起来。 多彩的立面也是由从家庭收集的塑料垃圾制成的。 该展馆赢得了多个奖项,如 2018 年可持续设计类别的Frame奖、ARC18 创新奖和 2018 年人居类别的荷兰设计奖。

People’s Pavilion – 100% Borrowed by bureau SLA, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Exemplifying the concept of circular economy, the building only uses borrowed materials for its construction. These materials come from traditional sources like suppliers and producers as well as the residents of the city themselves. Every element used — from the concrete and wooden beams to the lighting, glass and plastic cladding — is attached in a way that it can be returned to its owners just as it was received. The multi-colored façade is made from plastic waste collected from the households as well. This pavilion won several awards like the Frame Awards 2018 in the Sustainable Design category, the ARC18 Innovation Award and the Dutch Design Awards 2018 in the Habitat category.



Boston Treepods / AETRANGERE,马萨诸塞州波士顿

波士顿 Treepods 计划通过将二氧化碳转化为氧气并为实现城市向零碳能源过渡的目标做出贡献。 其被定义为“净化二氧化碳的生活机器”,回收而来的塑料豆荚在形状上模仿龙血树,以提供最大的遮荫、气流和家具支持,同时捕获温室气体并产生太阳能。 每个吊舱都可以根据需要在城市中以集群形式使用或作为独立结构使用。

Boston Treepods by AETRANGERE, Boston, Massachusetts
The Boston Treepods initiative works by converting carbon dioxide to oxygen and contributing towards the city’s goals of transitioning to zero carbon energy. Defined as “CO2-scrubbing living machines”, the recycled plastic pods mimic the Dragon Blood Trees in shape to provide maximum shade, wind flow and furniture support while trapping the greenhouse gas and generating solar energy. Each pod can be used in clusters or as a standalone structure throughout the city as needed.




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