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Kennedy Center Israeli Lounge International Design Competition

注册日期:2018年 4月13日

约翰肯尼迪表演艺术中心(The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts)占地17英亩(约6.9公顷),俯瞰华盛顿特区的波托马克河(Potomac River),是美国纪念肯尼迪总统的纪念碑,它代表着当地的艺术和文化成就,也代表着人类的历史传统。这是全美最繁忙的表演艺术中心,肯尼迪中心的9个演出场地每年举办近2000场演出,观众近200万人次。

除了为肯尼迪中心荣誉院士(Kennedy Center Honors)和  马克吐温美国幽默奖(Mark Twain Prize for American Humor)进行颁奖典礼之外,这里还会举行一些特价、低价和免费演出,让不同阶层的人都能欣赏到艺术盛典。此外,每年有超过一百万的观众参观肯尼迪中心的公共场所,另有2000万人参加巡回演出或收听与肯尼迪中心有关的电视或广播节目。肯尼迪中心是音乐、舞蹈和戏剧中的最高表演场地,这里支持艺术家创作新作品,并为国家培养艺术教育的领导者。


现有的以色列休息室位于华盛顿特区约翰肯尼迪表演艺术中心音乐厅的礼堂里,是给以色列人民的礼物。音乐厅是国家认可的国家交响乐团的表演场地,该乐团由Maestro Gianandrea Noseda负责领导。这个休息室为顾客、捐助者、客人和肯尼迪中心的工作人员提供娱乐和接待空间,是世界各地人们交流与思考的重要部分。这里最初由Raphael Blumefield设计,该空间的天花板由Shraga Weil粉刷绘制,木制墙体的雕塑作品则由Nechemia Azaz设计。国家交响乐团的前音乐总监的照片和纪念装饰挂在这间休息室的墙壁上。休息室南端的门起到隔音的效果,同时还设置有酒吧和厨房。休息室空间长59英尺(约18.0米),宽20英尺(约6.1米),高约20英尺(约6.1米)。肯尼迪中心官方的设计竞赛页面展示了休息室的平面图和照片。









Submission: March 16, 2018
Registration:  April 13, 2018
Language: English
Location: Washington, D.C. ; USA
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open

The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, located on seventeen acres overlooking the Potomac River in Washington, D.C., is America’s living memorial to President Kennedy and his vision that the arts and cultural achievement should be an integral part of human experience. It is the nation’s busiest performing arts facility: each year the Kennedy Center’s nine performance spaces host approximately 2,000 performances for audiences totaling nearly two million.
In addition to being the home of the Kennedy Center Honors and the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor, its diverse offerings include specially priced, low-cost, and free performances, making its programs available to everyone. In addition, more than a million visitors tour the Kennedy Center’s public spaces each year, and an additional 20 million attend touring productions or tune in to Kennedy Center-related television or radio broadcasts. The Kennedy Center presents the greatest performers and performances of music, dance, and theater; supports artists in the creation of new work; and serves the nation as a leader in arts education.

The Israeli Lounge:
The existing Israeli Lounge is located on the Box Tier level of the Concert Hall, in the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC, and was a gift from the People of Israel. The Concert Hall is the home of the nationally recognized National Symphony Orchestra led by Maestro Gianandrea Noseda, and for concerts, and other performances, this Lounge serves as a space for patrons, donors, guests, and Kennedy Center staff to entertain and host people from around the globe to connect and reflect on an important part of the world. Originally designed by Raphael Blumefield, the space currently features painted ceiling panels by Shraga Weil and a wood wall sculpture by Nechemia Azaz. Photos and commemoratives of former music directors from the NSO adorn the walls of this lounge. Doors midway along the south end of the Lounge serve as sound separation from the activities in the lobbies and the Grand Foyer. There is an integral bar and associated kitchen and pantry. The Lounge space is 59 feet long by 20 feet wide and approximately 20’ high. A floor plan and photographs of the Lounge are included on the design competition page on the Kennedy Center website.

The competition is open to all designers, artists, sculptors and architects.  Competitors must be at least 18 years of age at the time of submission.  A competitor may enter the competition as an individual or member of a team.
Officers, members of the Board of Trustees, or employees of the Kennedy Center, their immediate families or others living in the same household and any professional interior or architectural design firms or contractors with which any of the above are affiliated are not eligible to compete.  Technical advisers for the competition and competition selection committee are also ineligible to compete.

Competition Schedule:
Registration: March 16, 2018
Questions submitted by: March 23, 2018
Closing Date for Design submissions: April 13, 2018

The winner will receive a prize of $5,000.

competition’s website:





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