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Massimiliano和Doriana Fuksas的工作室赢了的为成都第一个文化中心的设计的国际性比赛。成都市四川省省会,但在2008年遭受大地震的严重冲击。


Fuksas工作室在中国依然有正在进行的项目,准确地说是在深圳:国信塔以及明年夏天即将完成的宝安国际机场三号航站楼。除了这些方案,FUKSAS工作室正在了解这个位于中国的价值12亿元(1亿5千万欧元)。文化中心由四个螺旋椭圆形的建筑构成。设计主题由成都城古代标致启发(中间有太阳的圆圈,周围伴有螺旋形光芒)以及展示了中国人放眼于未来的精神,专注于艺术和文化。Massimiliano和Doriana Fuksas的工作室的构思与建筑体量交织,创造出一种你可以用眼睛聆听的音乐。在总共110,000平方面的面积里,每个建筑的椭圆形给人一种无限的动感以及持续性的感应。


外立面是延续不断地带状金属皮肤,配以开放的几何形设计,使自然光的一进入四个体量的室内。设施有一个立在中心的表演中心,有两个总过有1800个座位的剧场,以及一个600坐席的音乐厅;一个拥有2600至3000坐席的剧场,展览画廊,作家办公室和文学协会的文化中心;一个给艺术家的公寓组成。 这些建筑都被绿色花园包围,引入四川东面丘陵和彩色植被。建筑将在2013年年初开工,显示出成都作为中国第五大人口城市,渴望活力渴望成长成大型社会的心态。

特别鸣谢翻译一组7号 叶闻博 提供的翻译,译稿版权归译者所有,转载请注明出处。

The studio of Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas has won the international competition for the first cultural center in the city of Chengdu, the capital of China's Sichuan province which was hit hard by a terrible earthquake in 2008.

Project Description from Studio Fuksas:

Studio Fuksas has other projects still going on in China and precisely in Shenzhen: the Guosen Tower and the Terminal 3 of the Bao'an International Airport that will be completed by next summer. Besides these projects, Studio FUKSAS is preparing to realize this new one in the People’s Republic of China whose worth is 1 billion and 200 million yuan (150 million euro). The cultural complex consists of four buildings of elliptical shape with a spiral structure. The design concept is inspired by ancient symbol of the city of Chengdu (a circle with a sun with rays spiral) and demonstrates the willingness of the Chinese community to look at the future, focusing on art and culture.

The project of Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas was conceived as a symphony of architectural volumes, creating the effect of a music that you can listen to with your eyes. On a total area of about 110,000 square meters, the elliptical shape of each building gives the impression of a perpetual motion and continuous vibration. The surface of the facade is a continuous ribbon coated with a metal skin with openings geometric design that allow natural light to enter the interior of the four volumes.

The complex is made up of a center for the performing arts that houses two theaters for a total of 1800 seats and a music hall (600 seats), a cultural center that includes a theater with 2600-3000 seats and an exhibition gallery, offices Writer and Literary Association, an apartment building for artists. All surrounded by green gardens that evoke the eastern hills of Sichuan, with their colorful vegetation. The construction should start early 2013, reflecting the dynamism and desire to grow of the big community of Chengdu, which is the fifth most populous city in China.



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  • 四脚小天鹅
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