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MoMA's Toward a Concrete Utopia exhibition presents the architecture of Yugoslavia




The impressive monuments, ambitious masterplans and unrealised visions of architects across socialist former Yugoslavia are the subject of an exhibition at New York's Museum of Modern Art.
Toward a Concrete Utopia: Architecture in Yugoslavia, 1948-1980 explores the use of building and urban planning to create a national identity for the country during its 45-year existence.

现代艺术博物馆展览了南斯拉夫45年来的建筑,包括为纪念第二次世界大战而建造的许多纪念碑/MoMA's exhibition presents the architecture created during Yugoslavia's 45 years of existence, including the many monuments built to commemorate the second world war

博物馆三层的罗伯特·门斯节画廊(Robert Menschel Galleries),拥有超过400幅图画、模型、照片和电影胶片展示了南斯拉夫建筑环境的演变,而究其原因是南斯拉夫在政治和意识形态上脱离苏联和西方。


Spread across the The Robert Menschel Galleries on the museum's third floor, more than 400 drawings, models, photographs, and film reels present the evolution of Yugoslavia's built environment as it politically and ideologically positioned itself away from both the Soviet Union and the West.
"The exhibition investigates architecture's capacity to produce a shared civic space and common history in a highly diverse, multiethnic society," said a statement from MoMA.

展览展出了400多幅图纸、模型、照片和电影胶片/Toward a Concrete Utopia includes more than 400 drawings, models, photographs, and film reels


然而,其领导人Josip Broz Tito于1980年去世后,该国随之瓦解,并在1991年至2001年期间遭受血腥的战争。其领土现已归属到克罗地亚、塞尔维亚、波斯尼亚、黑塞哥维那、马其顿、斯洛文尼亚等国,以及仍然存在争议的科索沃。

Yugoslavia was formed in its entirety after the second world war, joining several socialist republics and provinces across the Balkans peninsula in southeastern Europe.
However, following the death of its leader Josip Broz Tito in 1980, the country broke up and subsequently endured bloody wars from 1991 to 2001. The region is now spilt into the nations of Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Slovenia, and Montenegro, plus the still-disputed territory of Kosovo.

展览中较小的房间主要用于介绍该国最重要的建筑师,包括BogdanBogdanović和Juraj Nedhardt/Smaller rooms across the exhibition focus on the country's most important architects, including Bogdan Bogdanović and Juraj Nedhardt



MoMA's exhibition focuses on the period of advancement during Yugoslavia's heyday. Parts of the region were heavily damaged during the second world war, so concerted rebuilding efforts were required, along with major construction projects to assert the new nation's prowess and ideals.
The first part of the exhibition investigates modernisation in the country, and how this led to structural expressionism that spanned from the International Style to brutalism, for buildings intended to improve social standards.

A区专门展览了南斯拉夫的工业设计/A section is dedicated to Yugoslavia's industrial design output



Grand public structures like stadia, museums, libraries and educational facilities – as well as private ventures such as hotels and office towers – went up across the country, all with daring forms made possible by advances in concrete construction techniques.
"Tasked with constructing a socialist society based on 'self-management', modern architecture was a key instrument in the implementation of a utopian vision in a perpetual state of emergence; many of the featured visionary projects and executed buildings speak to architecture's aspirational role in terms of both design and social impact," said MoMA's statement.

展览突出的项目有Vjenceslav Richter在布鲁塞尔举办的58届世博会南斯拉夫馆/Projects highlighted in Toward a Concrete Utopia include Vjenceslav Richter's Yugoslav Pavilion for Expo 58 in Brussels

展览的各个部分突出了具体的大型项目,包括新联邦首都新贝尔格莱德(New Belgrade)的建立,其中涉及多个住宅区和城市建筑的设计建成。


Sections of the exhibition highlight specific large-scale projects, including the creation of the new federal capital, New Belgrade, which involved producing multiple housing blocks and civic buildings.
One area is dedicated to the reconstruction of Skopje, which was devastated by an earthquake in 1963. Japanese modernist architect Kenzo Tangecame up with a radical masterplan for the city, which included a vast City Gate and City Wall, although the majority of his was never built.

IvanVitić在克罗地亚萨格勒布的公寓楼/Ivan Vitić's apartment building in Zagreb, Croatia, is one of several housing schemes presented

然而,野兽派建筑的几个重要例子确实在马其顿首都完成。 其中包括Janko Konstantinov的电信中心,Georgi Konstantinovki的GoceDelčev学生宿舍,以及MarkoMušič的Ss Cyril和Methodius大学校园。

展览的另一部分展示了重建扎达尔的计划,扎达尔在第二次世界大战期间遭到严重轰炸。 更多的这一现代派的愿景得以实现,包括博物馆建筑和克罗地亚城市滨水区的住房。

However, several important examples of brutalist architecture did make it to completion in the Macedonian capital. Among them are Janko Konstantinov's Telecommunications Center, Georgi Konstantinovki's Goce Delčev Student Dormitory, and Marko Mušič's Ss Cyril and Methodius University Campus.
Another part of the exhibition shows the plans for rebuilding Zadar, which was heavily bombed during the second world war. Much more of this modernist vision came to fruition, including museum buildings and housing along the Croatian city's waterfront.

在这次展览的档案作品中,有一本书名为《波斯尼亚建筑和现代之路》,由DušanGrabrijan和Juraj Neidhardt于1957年撰写/Among archival works sourced for the exhibition is this cover of a book titled Architecture of Bosnia and the Way to Modernity, written by Dušan Grabrijan and Juraj Neidhardt in 1957

在博物馆里较小的展厅中,展示了该地区当时最重要的建筑师,如受到超现实主义影响的BogdanBogdanović和Juraj Nedhardt,他们的目的是创建一个基于奥斯曼当地风格的现代主义区域设计。



Smaller rooms focus on the region's most important architects of the time, such as Bogdan Bogdanović – who was heavily influenced by surrealism – and Juraj Nedhardt, who aimed to create a regional version of modernism based on the Ottoman vernacular.
Toward a Concrete Utopia's final section is dedicated to the giant sculptural monuments erected across the region in the 1950s and 1960s to commemorate the victims of the second world war.
These include sculptor Miodrag Živković's Monument to the Battle of Sutjeska in Bosnia and Herzegovina, comprising a pair of huge jagged forms the splay away from each other, and Marko Mušič's faceted-roofed Memorial and Cultural Centre, and Town Hall in Montenegro.

这张1984年建筑师Janko Konstantinov回顾展的海报展示了他的设想项目/This poster for a 1984 retrospective exhibition of work by architect Janko Konstantinov illustrates his visionary projects

在整个展览期间,Valentin Jeck特别委托烧毁的照片与原始建筑图纸一起展出。


Throughout the exhibition, specially commissioned photographs by Valentin Jeck are blown up and displayed alongside original architectural drawings.
These prove that many of the projects were realised, rather than remaining as pie-in-the-sky visions, and are possible to visit today.

1951年贝尔格莱德的总体规划体现了该国一些城市规划的规模/The scale of some of the country's urban-planning ambitions is exemplified by this 1951 masterplan for Belgrade

展览由MoMA的建筑与设计首席策展人Martino Stierli,佛罗里达大西洋大学副教授VladimirKulić和现代艺术博物馆馆长助理Anna Kats组织。

该展览于2018年7月15日向公众开放,一直持续到2019年1月13日。目前在博物馆展出的还有雕塑家Bodys Isek Kingelez的奇幻建筑模型回顾展。


Toward a Concrete Utopia is organised by MoMA's chief curator of architecture and design Martino Stierli, Florida Atlantic University associate professor Vladimir Kulić, and MoMA curatorial assistant Anna Kats.
The exhibition opens to the public 15 July 2018 and runs until 13 January 2019. Also currently on show at the museum is a retrospective of fantastical architectural models by late Congolese sculptor Bodys Isek Kingelez.
Its previous recent exhibitions have included an investigation into the history of iconic fashion designs, and a major showcase of work by architect Frank Lloyd Wright.




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