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Dezeen's top 10 graduate design projects of 2018


毕业季总是设计界一年中最闪亮的时期,2018年也别无例外。设计栏目编辑Gunseli Yalcinkaya挑选出今年的十件学生设计作品,它们有便携式厕所,也有便携式厨具系列。接下来让我们先睹为快。

Graduate show season is always a highlight in the design calendar and 2018 was no exception. For our review of the year, design reporter Gunseli Yalcinkaya selects 10 of this year's standout student projects, from a portable protest toilet to a portable cooking set.


水陆两栖/Jun Kamei设计

皇家艺术学院毕业生Jun Kamei设计了一件鱼鳃式的服装并通过3D打印技术制作出来。旨在帮助人类在海平面不可避免地上升并淹没地球时生存下来。


Amphibio by Jun Kamei
Royal College of Art graduate Jun Kamei built a 3D-printed garment that functions like fish gills, intended to help humans survive when sea levels inevitably rise up and submerge the earth.
Called Amphibio, the two-part accessory consists of a gill-like chest piece and a respiratory mask. It is designed to allow humans to completely breathe underwater.


Yellow Spot厕所/Elisa Otañez

埃因霍芬设计学院的毕业生Elisa Otañez设计了一套明黄色可移动的厕所,该设计旨在抗议荷兰缺乏女性使用的公共设施。


Yellow Spot by Elisa Otañez
Design Academy Eindhoven graduate Elisa Otañez created a bight yellow, mobile toilet as a protest against the lack of public facilities for women in The Netherlands.
"Men were peeing in public, in corners, in the streets, and they got rewarded with toilets," Otañez told Dezeen. "Do women have to start doing that as well to get their public toilets?"


P-rouette芭蕾舞鞋/Hadar Neeman

以色列贝扎雷艺术与设计学院的毕业生Hadar Neeman使用3D打印技术制作的芭蕾舞鞋可以减少舞者的痛苦。


P-rouette by Hadar Neeman
Bezalel Academy of Art and Design graduate Hadar Neeman's personalised ballet shoes use 3D-printing technology to reduce dancer's pain.
The reimagined ballet shoe is adapted to fit the user's foot, providing comfort and protection. The result is three-times more durable than traditional ballet shoes.


叶轮无人机/Marcus Kung

皇家艺术学院毕业生Marcus Kung将无人驾驶飞机项目作为他的毕业设计课题,旨在减少无人机造成的伤害。


Impeller Drone by Marcus Kung
For his graduation project, Royal College of Art graduate Marcus Kung designed a drone that can fly without propellers, intended to reduce drone-related injuries.
The Impeller Drone flies using four air blowers, as opposed to exposed rotor blades like most drones. The product aims to make drones safer for casual users and bystanders.


One is Fifty项目/Jiabao Zhang

皇家艺术学院毕业生Jiabao Zhang将杯子、瓶子、钢笔、遮光镜和阅读眼镜尽可能平均地组合在一起,形成一系列的物体。


One is Fifty by Jiabao Zhang
Royal College of Art graduate Jiabao Zhang combined the forms of multiple cups, bottles, pens, light shades and reading glasses to create a series of objects that are as average as possible.
For each of her five objects, she measured 50 ready-made examples of "largely anonymous, inexpensive and unexceptional" objects. Her aim was to explore the relationship between form and function.


“Foreign Garbage ”猫/Katie May Boyd

中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院毕业生Katie May Boyd耗时九个月,用收集的废塑料制成了猫的模型,以此作为她的毕业项目。


Foreign Garbage by Katie May Boyd
Central Saint Martins graduate Katie May Boyd moulded cats out of waste plastic that she collected from her university over a period of nine months for her final project.
She wanted to create an installation that would draw attention to the inefficiency of plastic waste recycling and chose to focus on a Japanese Maneki-neko cat as a symbol of a mass-produced object that is commonly made in China.


A Basic Instinct椅子/Anna Aagaard Jensen

埃因霍分设计学院毕业生Anna Aagaard Jensen设计的作品隐含着“男人也许不喜欢好好座椅子”的内涵,她设计这些作品是为了挑战社会的规范,鼓励妇女为自己争取更多的空间。


A Basic Instinct by Anna Aagaard Jensen
Men are not suppopsed to use these chairs by Design Academy Eindhoven graduate Anna Aagaard Jensen. She designed the pieces to challenge social norms and encourage women to claim more space with their bodies.
Each of the three chairs is a different shape that relates to an exaggerated form of the human body and encourages the user to spread their legs to sit.


虎鞭计划/Kuang-Yi Ku

埃因霍分设计学院的毕业生Kuang-Yi Ku的“虎鞭计划”是一项推测性的设计,该设计建议使用合成生物学创造的器官,取代传统中药中的动物产品,尤其是一些濒危物种。


Tiger Penis Project by Kuang-Yi Ku
Design Academy Eindhoven graduate Kuang-Yi Ku's Tiger Penis Project is a speculative design that proposes using synthetic biology to create organs that can replace the animal products used in traditional Chinese medicine, including parts from endangered species.
His project explores ways to harness new technologies to create an alternative source of animal products for use in the traditional recipes.


Restless Body 家具/Yuming Hu

清华大学毕业生Yuming Hu针对使用者不同的需求设计了这个系列的椅子。

Yuming Hu专注于身体语言和手势的微妙之处,他分析了人们坐下后的微小动作,并设计了一系列的椅子。

Restless Body Furniture by Yuming Hu
Tsinghua University graduate Yuming Hu designed this range of chairs aimed at the peculiar behaviours of its different users.
Focusing on the micro-movements people make after they sit down, Hu wanted to create a range of chairs that focus on the subtleties of body language and gesture.


Mobile Journalism/Jim Brady

埃因霍分设计学院的毕业生Jim Brady设计了一款虚拟现实体验设备,让人们体验抗议活动,游客们可以在那里以防暴警察、抗议者和媒体的角度观察。


Mobile Journalism by Jim Brady
For his final project, Design Academy Eindhoven graduate Jim Brady created a virtual reality experience that depicts a protest event where visitors are able to change their point of view between riot police, protesters and the media.
"In this age of information, we are quick to form an opinion based on what's published. But there is more than one version to the stories we hear," he explained.




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