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Deskopolitan Renovation / Franklin Azzi


来自建筑事务所的描述:该项目的所在地,法国巴黎第十一街区的核心区域,曾一度被人们所遗忘。Franklin Azzi针对该项目构思了翻新与扩建方案,根据建筑设计的最初原则,建筑师对这份建筑遗产保持了最大的尊敬。

Text description provided by the architects. In the heart of the 11th district of Paris, the islet located at 224-226 Boulevard Voltaire is a forgotten site, almost kept secret. The renovation and extension project proposed by Franklin Azzi is part of a respectful approach to built heritage, based on the initial principles of the design of the building.



Saved for many years, this islet today is under the impulse of DESKOPOLITAN to become a unique place. Its singular position at the heart of the island makes it an unusual place where one of the first urban issues was to open the site to the district thanks to a rich program. In this way, nearly 6,000 square meters of activities and varied uses for innovation are gathered: workspaces, a hotel, a restaurant, sports studios and a crèche.


历史与背景。Voltaire大街226号毗邻闻名于家具制造工作车间、Paul Bert村,以及其中的顶级商店,这条大街也见证了巴黎第十一街区工业的发展。

History and context. The 226 boulevard Voltaire, located close to the village Faidherbe formerly known for its cabinetmaking workshops, the village Paul Bert and its first-class shops, is one of the emblematic places that bear witness to the strong industrial past of the 11th arrondissement of Paris.


场地的后侧是Cusenier工厂,它由Eugene Cusenier于1868年设立,以其烈酒闻名遐迩。在1871年,Cusenier工厂于Voltaire大道226号设立了办公总部和销售商店。在1894年,这个工厂有了阶段性的改变,开始建造起如同我们今天所知的建筑与施工流程,建筑中有着地下储藏室,里面放着品牌的重要配方。

Behind this address hid the house Cusenier, founded in 1868 by Eugene Cusenier, known for its liquors, absinthes and other spirits today forgotten. In 1871, the Cusenier factory set up at 226 boulevard Voltaire to install its head office and its store of sale. The year 1894 is marked by a change of general direction which launches the construction of the building that we know today. It hosted in its basement a vault room, guardian of the formulas of the brand.


多年来,Cusenier工厂成为了Mutual B2V的总部,在21世纪早期之前,该总部一直在此办公,后来,RATP收购了该公司,用于发展铁道指挥中心。而这个项目后来在2006年便不再有进展。在2015年,Deskopolitan公司从RATP那里收购了房地产综合体,并且委托Franklin Azzi事务所对其进行翻新与扩建工作。

Over the years, the former stronghold Cusenier then became the headquarters of Mutual B2V that will occupy the premises until the early 2000s, before the RATP acquired it to deploy a command center of the metro. The project will finally be abandoned in 2006. In 2015, Deskopolitan buys the real estate complex from RATP and launches the rehabilitation and extension project for which the Franklin Azzi agency was commissioned.


守护场地的灵魂特征。该项目主要由Franklin Azzi负责,针对场地的建筑和传统特征,建筑师进行了大胆且微妙的修复策略,尽量保留场地的灵魂特征,同时以当代的视角进行阐释。建筑师深入地分析了建筑形态和设计原则,结合现有的特征和当代策略,选择保留了建筑的主要框架和主要的开口,表达了对历史的尊重,沿用了可持续策略,降低对于环境的影响。建筑的其他特征也得以保留下来,例如梁柱结构和整体布局。建筑立面应用了裸露的混凝土和保护涂料。

Preserve the soul of the site. Faced with the architectural and patrimonial wealth of this site, the project led by Franklin Azzi is oriented towards the bias of a bold and sensitive rehabilitation, anxious to preserve the soul of the site while directing it towards a contemporary architectural response.Based on an in-depth analysis of the morphology of the buildings and their constructive principles, the aim of the project was to make the existing fabric compatible with contemporary uses. Thus, the primary frameworks of the buildings are preserved, as well as the existing fills and openings in order to include this rehabilitation in a respectful and sustainable approach with a low environmental impact (BREEAM certification "Very good"). The tertiary character of the building is maintained in order to preserve the ordered layout of the post-beam structure as well as the existing openings. On the facades, we find the materials that make up the structure: the exposed concrete and the protective coating.



A contemporary writing dialoguating with the existing. The contemporary extension, creating two additional levels (6 Levels), is an extension of the rigorous writing of the original building. An over-densification of the plot by the extension of the building did not seem necessary, because it was essential to let the inhabitants of the neighborhood to reclaim the plot of a site almost forgotten.


后侧新建的建筑主要用于Bed & Coworking酒店,这座建筑采用了场地的工业化材料,其中包括砖石和金属。该项目与现有建筑相互结合,模糊了现有建筑所带来的碎片感。Franklin Azzi希望能够把场地的后侧改造为具有活力的城市综合体。

In addition, a new back-to-back building hosts the Bed & Coworking Hotel Program. His architectural writing takes the codes of the site's industrial materials, brick and metal. The project thus interacts with existing buildings and blurs the ruptures created by the fragmentation of the existing. Franklin Azzi’s ambition has been to transform a backyard site into a living and reconnected urban ensemble in the city.



Restructuring by vegetation. In addition to the architectural approach, the landscaped component is also structuring. Indeed, the nature of urban soils and their valuation in a dense city like Paris is a real issue. Therefore, the project proposes a strengthening of the presence of the plant through the creation of collective and generous landscaped areas.To do this, all spaces in the ground are treated in the manner of a landscaped garden crossed by several pedestrian paths; the slab spaces are planted with the addition of topsoil and will accommodate plant pots of different sizes.



These devices allow the creation of visual breakthroughs delimiting the spaces to be invested and thus guide the different pedestrian circulations. Finally, in response to a global environmental approach based on the re- appropriation of outdoor spaces by the public, the fifth facade is made accessible. A terrace and a vegetable garden have been created, with the aim of developing an urban agriculture to feed the restaurant and benefit the various users of the site.











建筑设计:Franklin Azzi
面积:6000.0 m2
摄影:Frédéric Baron-Morin
制造商:Saint Gobain, Wienerberger, Schuco
执行项目管理:Builders and Partners
室内设计:Morey Smith
室内设计(酒店):Quantic Studio
声学工程:META & ACV
立面工程:Terrell S.A.S
水利专家:Square Ingénierie

Architects: Franklin Azzi
Location: 224 Boulevard Voltaire, 75011 Paris, France
Category: Extension
Area: 6000.0 m2
Project Year: 2019
Photographs: Frédéric Baron-Morin
Manufacturers: Saint Gobain, Wienerberger, Schuco
Contracting party: Quadrilatère
Execution project management: Builders and Partners
Interior designer: Morey Smith
Interior designer (Bed & Coworking): Quantic Studio
Construction economists: VPEAS
Acoustic engineer: META & ACV
Facade engineer: Terrell S.A.S
Fluids specalists: Square Ingénierie
Security office: TECOBAT
Vegetable garden specialists: TOPAGER
Landscaper: Mutabilis
Clients: SAS Voltadine / DESKOPOLITAN
General contractor assistant: REDMAN
Environmental general contractor assistant: ELAN
Budget: 11 millions €




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