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上海玻璃博物馆 / Coordination Asia第1张图片

Shanghai Museum of Glass Park / Coordination Asia



Text description provided by the architects. Once a busy glass factory on the edge of Shanghai city until the 1990s, Shanghai Museum of Glass went through several transformations since 2009 from an industrial legacy into a unique cultural destination.

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It has evolved from a 3,500 sqm museum when it first opens in 2011 to a 17,800 sqm multi-functional museum park where visitors can spend the entire day. With the vision to build a constantly growing and living museum, a variety of display methods, both interactive and artistic have been incorporated over past years to engage not only the senses but also the minds of the visitors.

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在过去的十年里,Coordination Asia事务所创始人Tilman Thürmer一直与上海玻璃博物馆馆长Zhang Lin密切合作,目的是打造一个不断发展且有影响力的文化机构。Tilman从一开始就参与其中,为博物馆公园注入了新活力。现在,博物馆公园已经发展成为上海的一个占地17800平方米、拥有20个主题展厅和设施的主要景点。博物馆公园并没有消除所有过去的痕迹,而是将本有的结构和元素转化为一种有影响力的设计语言,与当地的记忆融合,打造引人注目的叙述玻璃的无限可能。

For the past decade, Tilman Thürmer, founder of Coordination Asia, has worked closely with Zhang Lin, President of Shanghai Museum of Glass, to create a constantly evolving influential cultural institute. Involved from the beginning, Tilman has helped to keep breathing new life into the museum park which now has grown to a major attraction in Shanghai, covering 17,800 sqm with 20 thematic exhibition halls and facilities. Instead of eradicating all traces of the past, the park translated existing structures and elements into an impactful design language, fusing with the memories of the place to forge a compelling narrative of the endless possibilities of glass.

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Every inch of Shanghai Museum of Glass is carefully curated to unfold a multi-layered story of glass as well as its relationship with people and with the memories of the place. Sometimes informative and other times philosophical, the exhibitions constitute a symphony of artistic presentation and interactive displays.

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通过入口处万花筒般的玻璃隧道,五个屏幕用慢镜头展现游客运动的画面,使游客与其产生共鸣,捕捉了两者之间的潜在联系。一件令人印象深刻的艺术品由10个大彩色玻璃窗组成,描绘了10张面孔,分别来自三代不同的人。这件艺术品由900块不同颜色和纹理的玻璃碎片组成,视觉化了几代人之间的紧密联系,也微妙地暗示了这个空间保留下来的遗产。一个互动媒体装置“Fusion” 位于原工厂玻璃制作窑的位置,它将观众的运动转化为物质和元素的动态可视化,让观众体验玻璃形成过程中的三种主要感受。这个装置是博物馆和媒体艺术家Tobias Gremmler的合作,他的作品探索了计算机艺术中的运动。在正厅中央,八条LED动画线从地面上喷射出来,展示了上海玻璃制造的历史,仿佛它们是窑炉从过去散发出来的余热。

Through the kaleidoscopic glassy tunnel at the entrance, a set of 5 screens greets visitors with slow-motion footages of the movement of people that resonates the movements of objects, capturing the underlying connections between the two. An impressive commissioned artwork consisting of 10 large stained glass windows depicts 10 faces of individuals of three different generations. Made of 900 glass shards of multiple colors and textures, this piece of artwork visualizes the strong bond between generations, also is a subtle hint of the legacy preserved in this space. Sitting at the very spot of the glass-making kiln in the former factory is an interactive media installation “Fusion”, which translates viewers’ movements into dynamic visualization of material and element, letting visitors experience three major sensations during the formation of glass. This installation is a collaboration between the museum and media artist Tobias Gremmler whose body of work explores movement in computer art. In the center of the main hall, eight animated lines of LED showing the history of glass manufacturing in Shanghai shoot out from the ground as if they are the residual heat of the kiln radiating from the past.

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上海玻璃博物馆不再是一个展示物品的静态空间,而是一个不断成长的平台,不仅容纳知识、灵感,还包括在这里发生的所有事件。在主大厅的2层,一个装饰华丽的玻璃房子放置了一件不寻常的艺术品——一对破碎的玻璃翅膀。这幅作品原本名为《天使在等待》,艺术家Shelly Xue为纪念女儿出生而创作,不幸的是,在2013年9月7日,这幅美丽的艺术品被一名游客故意损坏,且无法修复。尽管对此感到心痛和挫败,艺术家和博物馆还是决定以受损的形式展出这件作品,希望它能警告和提醒每一个参观展览的游客都应该尊重和爱护艺术家的作品。艺术家将这幅作品重新命名为“Broken”,赋予其一层新的且更加深刻的意义——任何破坏最终都会丰富整个故事。

Instead of a static space that displays objects, Shanghai Museum of Glass is a growing platform that houses not only knowledge, inspirations but also all the events that take place here. An illuminated elevated house of glass on the 2nd floor of the main hall shelters a piece of unusual artwork – a pair of broken glass wings. Originally titled “Angel is Waiting”, this piece had been created by the artist Shelly Xue to mark the birth of her daughter. Unfortunately, on September 7, 2013 part of this beautiful work of art was deliberately damaged by a visitor and cannot be repaired. Despite the frustration and heartache, the artist and the museum decided to display the piece in the damaged form, hoping that it will serve as a warning and a reminder that everyone partaking in a cultural visit should respect and care for the artists’ works. The artist renamed this piece of work “Broken”, giving a new layer of meaning and deeper significance – any damage will eventually enrich the narrative as a whole.

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通过与国内外知名艺术家的合作,上海玻璃博物馆为玻璃艺术创造了一个平台。陈列在大厅入口处的艺术品名为“暖流”,是一个巨大的圆形结构,由玻璃烧杯和小瓶在两个方向上缓慢旋转,粉红色荧光液体在里面流动。这幅令人印象深刻的作品由故宫博物院与著名艺术家Lin Tianmiao合作完成,它已成为博物馆的永久收藏品。

Through collaborations with renowned national and international artists, Shanghai Museum of Glass has created a platform for art and the material glass. The artwork displayed at the entrance of main hall, titled “Warm Currents”, is a large circular structure consisting of glass beakers and vials slowly rotates in two directions with pink florescent fluid running inside. This impressive artwork is a collaboration between the museum and renowned artist Lin Tianmiao and it has become part of the museum’s permanent collection.

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Adding a series of outdoor spaces and artist studios to the nexus of the museum park in 2019, Shanghai Museum of Glass creates opportunity for a vast range of activities, bringing the art of glass closer to the public. Located at the former warehouse of glass-making materials, the skeleton of the building is kept and integrated into a black steel dome structure, stretching over an open event platform and an outdoor theater. Clusters of trees and a web of lights on the ground shape a vibrant environment that welcomes visitors to stick around. Forum is a 260 sqm open platform that contains seats on a cascade of wooden stairs where visitors can enjoy drinks under the shades during various live events, such as music performances and lectures.

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Adjacent to the back of Forum, a matrix of glowing red LED lines captures attention from distance, highlighting a visually impactful 436 sqm Outdoor Theater that accommodates up to 340 people for hot glass show or various live performances.The radiating light installation surrounding the elevated seats fully expresses the heat, passion and excitement on the stage.

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Next to a new entrance to Kids Museum of Glass, an open runway gives young visitors a playground to spend time with their families and it also serves as a space for a diversity of activities designed for kids.

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上海玻璃博物馆立志成为具有全球意义的文化目的地,因此始终秉承其最初的愿望,其成就获得了国际奖项的认可,并在国内外越来越受欢迎。Tilman Thurmer作为设计总监和顾问在过去十年的多次帮助馆长Zhang Lin打破常规实现大胆的理念,并确保上海玻璃博物馆不断为中国的博物馆树立新的标准。

Started out with determination to be a cultural destination of global significance, Shanghai Museum of Glass has remained true to its original aspiration and the achievements are recognized by international awards and growing popularity both at home and abroad. As design director and consultant, Tilman Thürmer has helped President Zhang Lin at every step for last decade, to break rules, to realize daring concepts and make sure that Shanghai Museum of Glass keeps setting new standards for museums in China.

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建筑设计:Coordination Asia
面积:17800 m2

Architects: Coordination Asia
Area: 17800 m2
Year: 2019




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