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景观设计以水景说故事 建构健康生活社区第1张图片

可持续生活讲求的是人与自然契合,而设计得宜的绿化景观就能在城市和自然环境之间发挥过渡作用。LWK + PARTNERS 景观设计团队从健康养生、环境生态、智慧科技、文化特色及生活便利五方面着手,为中国珠海天恒‧湾景创建健康、快乐的生活环境,将景观健康价值有机地融合到整个项目设计中。同时设计团队以水景说故事,突出项目靠近海岸线的特点,从高至低、外到内规划独特的归家旅程和游园流线,描绘出层次丰富的水墨画。


Sustainability is about bringing people and nature together in harmony. Meanwhile, successful landscape designs are often praised for their ability to mediate between the city and its natural environment. To create a healthy and pleasant living environment for residents of Tianheng‧Bayview in Zhuhai, China, LWK + PARTNERS Landscape Team focused on five aspects: health and wellness, ecology, smart technology, culture and living convenience. Inspired by the site’s proximity to the coastline, the landscape design narrative includes an extensive range of water features, plotting interesting journeys for homecoming residents and those seeking respite in a richly plenished garden. The experience goes from high to low and from the edge towards the centre, like a living ink painting. “Sustainable urbanisation hinges on finding balance between people, architecture and nature,” said the firm’s Director and head of Landscape Team Paul Wong, “We started off by understanding the site and its ambient urban ecology, and arrived at a final scheme that respects and embraces nature.”

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由于住宅大楼沿着园林边界呈半圆形布置,园林成为项目的中心焦点。黄俊彦称:“中央花园是凝聚居民的日常活动空间,同时是归家路线的核心节点,标志着一个共享经验的场所。” 设计团队顺沿空间的脉络,诠释生活的诗意,“我们以摄影师的角度抓住每个生活的瞬间,按照一天中不同时间点的特性,设计出大、中、小不同尺度的作息场景。”

The garden as community hub
Landscaped areas at Tianheng‧Bayview are designed along five-point spatial succession, “Gate-Hall-Garden-House-Pond”, in line with the spatial structure and design logic of traditional oriental painting and garden, creating layers of landscaped spaces and a rich experience.
The garden is a central focus, with a semi-circle of residential blocks running around its boundary. “For residents,” said Paul, “It’s the community hub where daily activities take place, and a key node on their way home. It’s really a place of shared experience.” He also explains how a curation of space creates poetry in life: “We studied how natural elements play out at different times of the day and sought to capture each moment in daily life from a photographer’s perspective. We designed a range of ‘scenes’ with different scales, so people can find their favourite dwelling spot that suits their daily routine.”

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The main entrance is styled with layers of sleek white landscape walls and a pair of inkstone-like pools on both sides. A tree grows through a hollowed roof allowing sunlight to sift through while providing cool shades for inhabitants.

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Through the main entrance, a green promenade spreads out leading walkers on a spiralling route towards the heart of the garden where a massive light well resides. Surrounded by transparent glass with a waterfall on the east side, this circular sunken plaza creates an artful, secluded space for inhabitants to escape from the hustle, becoming the project’s ‘spiritual fortress’.

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As it is also the entrance to the basement car park, fresh air and natural light are brought in through the light well, hence reinventing the usual stuffy experience associated with underground space.

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As you go up the stairs and reach the other side of the waterfall, a beautiful mirror pool embraced by lush greenery awaits. The roof and columns of the surrounding arcade also feature rippling patterns casting placid light and shadows throughout the space for a healing experience.

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The central plaza connects to the green avenue linking up several landscaped gardens, offering an eclectic mix of ground-level and semi-sunken pavilions. Walls and structures of the pavilions deconstruct and reshape the space to invoke different vibes, while the interplay between light, shadows and swaying wooden branches constantly recreates the visual space.

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Each residential block has its own entrance courtyards and wide open porch, with sea-facing ones providing lively social spaces while inward-facing ones are designed as quiet, contemplative spaces, catering for the needs of different residents. A tea garden is set amid layers of water features, offering a pocket of mindfulness in the spirit of Chinese literatus Zheng Banqiao’s famous line: “Make new tea from fresh river water, have all the green hills as screen paintings like you own them.”

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处于示范区的 108 米长无边界泳池及瀑布是大区景观的重要部分,更成功列入世界纪录,获认证为“世界最长水幕泳池”。

Infinity pool sets world record
Overlooking the seafront is a 108-metre-long infinity pool and waterfall – a highlight of the overall landscape. It has set the world record and recognised as the world’s ‘Longest Swimming Pool with Water Curtain’.

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The infinity pool and sea converge as swimmers enjoy mesmerising views of the ocean, while the sweeping water curtain interacts with the woods to create a one-of-a-kind public space below. The sound of falling water makes it a fun playscape for children while the curtain acts as a natural barrier for enhanced privacy.

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LWK + PARTNERS 景观设计团队早在天恒‧湾景的规划阶段就参与其中,使景观方案能够从不同面向回应项目的整体愿景,创造多重公共价值。

Five design visions
LWK + PARTNERS Landscape Team got involved in Tianheng‧Bayview as early as in the project planning stage, enabling the team to respond holistically to the project’s overall vision through multiple added values.

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To create a healthy environment, the scheme includes a landscaped circular running track, a fitness centre, an infinity pool, a fitness and recreational area for children and the elderly, and a wellness-themed tea garden. There are also spaces for sports, tea culture and chess culture in the porches to bring about a healthy, active community.

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For an ecofriendlier environment, designers took reference from rainforests. Sustainable materials are adopted along with a sponge city design and porous pavement. Runoffs are captured through the lawns and rain gardens. The drainage system is designed according to the local environment and climate, including resilience towards typhoons, seawater intrusion and waterlogging.

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Like traditional Lingnan gardens, water is a vital element in the Tianheng‧Bayview landscape. Taking inspiration from Zhuhai’s natural landscape and vernacular culture, the design aims to break the site boundaries to become part of the beautiful scene of Tangjiawan while creating a cooling effect in summer.

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设计致力善用智慧科技,与社区保安基建无缝结合,给予居民最大安全保障。除了门禁系统,项目设置 24 小时数字网络视频监控、车牌自动识别系统、二维码体系等一体化智能安防。


The project uses smart technology and integrates with the security infrastructure to provide maximum security for residents. Besides access control, the project also features like 24-hour digital network video surveillance, license plate recognition and QR code system.
For greater living convenience, the project incorporates a whole range of multi-level circulation systems and barrier-free designs to efficiently separate cars and pedestrians while ensuring a safe and friendly community for all, including seniors, children and people with disabilities. Winding covered walkways between the buildings also allow residents to smoothly transition between the spaces at ease.

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设计团队精心规划天恒‧湾景的景观结构,创造多层丰富水景,不仅为居民带来与众不同的游园和生活体验, 同时从各个层次定义低碳智慧生活。现今的建筑业趋势强调不同领域的互相协同,预计日后景观设计的角色将会继续扩大,进一步将自然生态元素融入城市生活的每个细节,推动可持续绿色发展。

The landscape and gardens at Tianheng‧Bayview are designed and structured to make staying home and enjoying the garden a wholesome experience while fostering smart low-carbon living. As today’s building industry relies increasingly on interdisciplinary synergy, it is expected that the role of landscape design will continue to expand, making nature and ecology part of city living and promoting sustainable green development.

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用地面积︰36,322.48 平方米
建筑面积︰ 73,665.75 平方米

Project: Tianheng‧Bayview
Location: Zhuhai, China
Client: Zhuhai Tianheng Properties Limited
Landscape Architect: LWK + PARTNERS
Site Area: 36,322.48 sqm
Gross Floor Area: 73,665.75 sqm
Year of Completion: 2022

来源:本文由LWK + PARTNERS提供稿件,所有著作权归属LWK + PARTNERS所有。




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