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道路逼仄,巷弄曲折,密密麻麻的楼房,一座挨一座,挤成一团,伸手即可与旁边楼的人对握,这是曾经深圳福田上沙村极为寻常的景象。Aedas在此进行了一场从城市空间到生活方式的大型改造更新项目——中洲湾C FutureCity,现在已可窥见它竣工后现代化的未来新城市模样。


Aedas has taken up the role of architect and urban planner for the largest urban renewal project in Shenzhen, setting up a new model for future cities.
C FutureCity is located in Shangsha Village in Futian, Shenzhen, where winding alleys, thronged roads and crowded buildings are commonplace in this site with over 800 years of history.  As population grows drastically in the past 30 years, the pressure for infrastructure support becomes increasingly palpable, and Aedas is poised to transform this place on a sweeping scale.

△ 上沙的握手楼
Shangsha Village architecture


The site and chanllenges of Phase 2
Less than 2.5 kilometers away from the financial street in Shenzhen Futian CBD, the project is ten-minute drive from the intercity rail station that connects the city to Hong Kong in the south. Overlooking the mangrove nature reserve across the street in the south, C FutureCity is in an incontrovertibly favourable position, surrounded by accessible public transportation and rich landscape resources.

△ 项目位于深圳CBD后花园之称的上沙村的中心

△ 左:区域位置
△ 右:一期及二期总平面图


The massive site is developed in two phases: Phase 1 includes high-rise twin office towers and residential towers to form a live-work complex that attracts talents and residents; while Phase 2 comprises residential, retail, entertainment, cultural and exhibition components. Introducing modern lifestyles to the residents with emphasis on both functionality and green-living,  the design also seeks to conserve village folk culture and revitalize the area by consolidating the mélange of business formats.


“C FutureCity是一座未来城市,这个未来不是三年五年,而是更长远的时间维度,我们需要从居民、片区和城市三个维度综合考量,用建筑作为媒介,以一个前瞻性的眼光,为它争取到更好的发展,提前解决可能出现的问题,而不是只图一时之美。”Aedas 主席及全球设计董事纪达夫(Keith Griffiths)如是说。


Project strategy
"The ‘future’ in C FutureCity envisions a distant time as we approach the design through the perspectives of the environment and communities therein, anticipating problems and resolving them with forward-looking solutions." said Aedas Chairman and Global Design Principal Keith Griffiths.
The second phase celebrates three overarching themes—nature, technology and art. Aedas brings together global design forces and convenes more than ten senior Design Directors in a “Think Tank” Workshop to conclude the design. The fruits of this think tank workshop are 7 idiosyncratic single-family pavilions along the retail street, coalescing as a tourist mecca.

△ 三大广场鸟瞰


The historical Huanggong Temple is on the southwest side of the plot. In an effort to preserve the legacy of this oldest ancestral hall in Shenzhen, the design emulates the original spatial scale, reserves the adjacent banyan tree, and transforms a past social space into an open market. Integrating advanced building materials, LED technology and installation art by world-renowned multimedia artists, it will create a unique visual focus and a futuristic appearance. As Aedas Executive Director Chris Chen explains, “the Ancestral Hall is the soul of the entire Phase 2. The entire design stems from the Ancestral Hall to create a living space integrating residence, shopping, entertainment, leisure, and nature.”  
Surrounding the Banyan Market, the team also created the Dancing Water Pavilion and the Mirror Box. The undulating facade of the former presents an illusion of a fluttering water curtain; supported by artificial waterfalls below, it paints a picture of a bucolic xanadu. The mirror box structure combines elements of the ancestral hall and the banyan tree. The jagged cubes above are abstracted from the volume of the ancestral hall, and the pillars below are like banyan trees. The beautiful scenery is reflected on the mirror facade, blending artlessly into the environment.

△ 多首层的商业街
Multi-storey commercial podium

△ 绿色退台形成住宅与商业的分隔
The green space eclipses the hustle and bustle


The bookstore at the west entrance takes rock element as the blueprint for its outline, and draws inspiration from the opened pages for the facade, engineering curvilinear folds on the building volume; with linear lighting, a three-dimensional sculpture effect is projected. The sports flagship store is located at the entrance of the retail street, where it takes the form of a triangular prism. Erected in the spirit of festivity is the clock tower composed of LED glass on which nuances of lighting effects flicker; when it is festival season, a gorgeous light show can be performed.

△ 人车分离的交通动线
The Circulation

△ 无缝衔接一期及上沙地铁站
Seamless connection between Phase I and Shangsha Metro Station


Taking the spirit of the mangrove nature reserve and the ecological square, the design introduces a restaurant premised on birds and forests and nestled at the centre of the development. The building is shaped as a colossal bird's nest with an open green space at the crown.

△ 上沙村黄公祠(图片来自网络)
Huanggong Temple in Shangsha Village

△ 过去市民在古榕树下社交互动
The citizens socialized under the ancient banyan tree

△ 保留古榕树

△ 榕树市集
Banyan Market


“如何让城市进化、将未来兑现,打造出独属于C FutureCity的购物空间体验,形成激活片区、推动发展的新动能,是设计的关键。”Aedas执行董事梁志华说道。Aedas汇集全球设计力量,召集Aedas全球办公室的十余位资深建筑师,以Think Tank工作营的形式在日本封闭设计,沿零售商街精心打造了7座独栋特色商业零售展馆,以吸睛的造型增强项目辐射力和话题性,形成网红打卡圣地,塑造福田全新的商业文化名片。

Design Highlights
"The touchstone of the design for C FutureCity is how we converse with the future and render a unique shopping experience that advances the development of the city.” professed Leon Liang, Executive Director of Aedas. Introducing advanced media technology, combined with artistic architectural and landscape design, the pavilions bring forth a vibrant destination, activating community and leading the leisure development of the city.

△ Aedas Think Tank2.0工作营


The pavilions are also key nodes of connectivity, providing visual guidance and multiple access to the retail podiums and the high-rise residential towers sitting atop. The multi-storey commercial podiums are designed as a divider between public and private space, as the podium rooftop transformed into a garden laden with verdant plants. The acre of green space eclipses the hustle and bustle, ensuring a tranquil atmosphere for residents.

△ 7座独栋建筑规划布局
Layout of the 7 pavilions

△ 充满活力的公共广场鸟瞰图


Green terraces, sky bridges, and elevated walkways are set between podiums to form a three-dimensional 24-hour pedestrian system, enhancing accessibility and integrity between the two phases of the development.

△ 门户书店
Gateway Bookstore

△ 运动旗舰店
Sports flagship store

△ 钟楼
Clock tower


△ 鸟语林鸾
Echo Habitat

△ 主题餐厅的内部空间
Interior of the restaurant

△ 舞动水幕
Dancing Water Pavilion


At underground level, the two phases are seamlessly connected to the Shangsha Metro Station; a number of sunken plazas are also created to bring natural light into the underground and provide more public space. The porous space accommodates the flow of people from all corners and imbues fluidity and vitality throughout the development.   

△ 镜盒
The Mirror Box

目前,C FutureCity一期已经封顶进入到幕墙搭建阶段,高精度实现了设计效果;二期也在如火如荼的建设中,Aedas将继续密切关注项目进展,以高质量的完成度,为福田带来一座未来感与城市记忆兼具的全新地标。

At present, the twin tower office in Phase 1 has topped out and entered the curtain wall installation phase while the second phase is under construction.

△ 高精度实现设计效果
High-precision realization of design

△ 一期已封顶进入到幕墙搭建阶段
Phase 1 has topped out

项目:中洲湾 C FutureCity二期
主要设计人:纪达夫(Keith Griffiths),主席及全球设计董事;陈川(Chris Chen),执行董事;梁志华(Leon Liang),执行董事

Location: Shenzhen, PRC
Involvement: Masterplanning, Design& Project Architect
Client: Centralcon Group
Gross Floor Area: 458,500 sq m
Completion Year: On-going
Design Directors:  Keith Griffiths, Chairman & Global Design Principal; Chris Chen, Executive Director; Leon Liang, Executive Director





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