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南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第1张图片


Ying Yue is a creative Cantonese cuisine located in the Qinhuai district of Nanjing. As a Cantonese, the owner, P, had visited more than 50 cities and rural areas in Guangdong before opening the store, and spent half a year on the road of searching for food inspiration. He is dedicated to restoring the taste of authentic Cantonese cuisine to fellow locals and food lovers in Nanjing.

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第2张图片
▲ 空间概览 Space overview

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第3张图片
▲ 空间概览 Space overview        

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第4张图片
▲ 空间概览 Space overview  

从整体空间风格的把控出发,如何还原广式休闲体验的生活环境状态成为我们设计着重考虑的要点。颖粤强调舒适性与地域性, 空间布局上没有采用过多的划分,原始空间中的砖墙结构与肌理被保留下来,浅白与灰绿交映的室内墙面铺贴出复古绿意,辅以独特的深色木线条,马赛克与水磨石的地面拼花,作为粤地老茶楼中典型设计选材灵感,亦沉淀出地方主题体验的记忆风味。

Starting from the control of the overall space style, how to restore the living environment of the Cantonese leisure experience has become a key consider- ation in our design. Yingyue emphasizes comfort and regionality, and does not use excessive division in the spatial layout. The brick wall structure and texture in the original space are preserved, and the interior walls of light white and gray-green are paved with retro greenery, supplemented by unique dark wooden lines. The mosaic and terrazzo floor parquet, as the inspiration for the typical design materials of the old Guangdong teahouse, also precipitates the memory flavor of the local theme experience.

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第5张图片
▲ 过道细节 Aisle details        

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第6张图片
▲ 餐厅室内一角 A corner of the restaurant


The curved ceiling contrasts sharply with the richly decorated wall and floor. The circle of retro benches in the central area highlights the inspiration elements drawn from the concept of VINTAGE train station. Many cave doors and view windows in the space scene are common styles in the doors and windows of arcade buildings. The mix and match style makes the level of the space richer and fuller, and the com- plex and not chaotic space performance is also the inheritance and re-engraving of the traditional con- struction craftsmanship by modern design techniques. The square-inch space where exquisiteness and simplicity coexist creates a luxuriant landscape that pushes diners into a leisurely tea-like time in Can- ton.

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第7张图片
▲ 美式张贴海报赋予空间年代感
American posters give the space a sense of age

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第8张图片
▲ 四角打光的顶部穹弧造型
Dome shape at the top with lighted four corners

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第9张图片
▲ 休闲氛围被独特的空间观感点亮
The leisure atmosphere is illuminated by the unique space perception

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第10张图片
▲ 斑驳的原始凝柱墙
Mottled original concrete column wall

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第11张图片
▲ 门窗视角营造
Perspective construction of doors and windows

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第12张图片
▲ 餐厅设计细节
Restaurant design details

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第13张图片
▲ 餐厅设计细节
Restaurant design details


In addition to style creation, finely arranged furnishings have also become important decorative elements. Retro wooden
doors and deep wooden grilles serve as the boundaries of the space. The combination of white marbled dining tables and rattan bamboo chairs further strengthens the au- thentic spatial experience. The use of many representative spatial elements has enabled Yingyue    to construct more old Cantonese in the memory of young people in Guangdong who are similar    to the shopkeeper, and become a space imprint for him to convey homesickness, not only taste,  but also feelings.

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第14张图片
▲ 空间局部绿植与红砖墙形成亲密联系
Local green plants in the space form an inti- mate connection with the red brick wall

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第15张图片
▲ 立面材质的差异增强空间体验
Differences in façade materials enhance spatial experience

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第16张图片
▲ 空间细节
Spatial details

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第17张图片
▲ 空间细节
Spatial details

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第18张图片
▲ 空间细节
Spatial details

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第19张图片
▲ 空间细节
Spatial details

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第20张图片
▲ 空间细节
Spatial details

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第21张图片
▲ 空间平面图
Space plan

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第22张图片
▲ 空间轴测图
Axonometric drawing

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第23张图片
▲ 空间剖面图
Space profile

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第24张图片
▲ 空间剖面图
Space profile

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第25张图片
▲ 空间立面
Spatial facade

南京颖粤 / 三厘社TRIOSTUDIO第26张图片
▲ 空间立面
Spatial facade


品牌合作:三可灯具 菊叶草建材 美居建材





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