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景巷 | 杭州Becó295买手店及创意空间第1张图片
▲ 建筑立面:微微敞开的“漂浮盒子”与黑镜反射出的“Becó”;
The facade of architecture:Slightly open "floating box" and black mirror reflecting "Becó";



SCENERY ALLEY | Hangzhou Becó295 select store and creative space

Old street
Known as Imperial Street, Middle Zhongshan Road was one of the most important streets of Hangzhou in Southern Song Dynasty. The prosperity and flourishment of this busy street lasted till the 1990s. In the early 2000s, with the business core area shifted, Middle Zhongshan Road became a pedestrian street in the old town where  culture relics of old Hangzhou remains.

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▲ 建筑入口与沿街立面;
The entrance and street facade of architecture;

本项目便位于中山中路295号,临近积善坊巷,既存建筑周围“拥簇”着许多商铺旧屋,市井气息浓郁。此次设计改造包括建筑立面、室内及部分展陈道具,完成后的Becó 295将承担独立设计师品牌零售、展览、工作坊及咖啡等功能。



Our renovation project is located at No. 295, Middle Zhongshan Road, near the Jishanfang Alley. The original building was surrounded by shops and old houses with vigorous vibes of business and daily life. The renovation includes the elevation, interior and some display props. On completion, it became Becó295 undertaking the function of designer select store, showroom, workshop and cafe etc.

Order of imaging
At the beginning of design, TEAM_BLDG learned that the old building was originally one of the earliest photo studios in Hangzhou, and it’s only 100 meters away from the ancestral home of the studio founder. In the building, we couldn’t help imagining the past events that were recorded here. The special pattern of the old space reminded us of the camera imaging principle and it became the key to our design.

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▲ 光学成像意向图;
Intention of Optical Imaging;




Before renovation, the old space was a KTV and bar. The interior was divided into small rooms either square or long which unable to meet the functional requirements of a select store. It was also our job to solve the problem in renovation to make reasonable arrangements for multiple functional areas of the store.

The first order of imaging: blending into the street
The design of the facade along the street is intended to make the building standing out from other shops around it. On the basis of the original facade, we added a wall and rotated it by 20 degrees to form an "opening". The upper space of the entrance is relatively complete, like a slightly opened "floating box". The simple paint finish contrasts with the surrounding buildings, so that the select store can be seen from a distance.

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▲ 立面设计使空间从周围均质化商铺中跳脱出来;
The design of the facade along the street is intended to make the building standing out from other shops around it;

待人走近时,又会发现“盒子”暗藏的玄机。原本藏在片墙反面的LED发光字体,通过黑色镜面清晰地反射了出来。仔细观察,才会发现眼前所见的“Becó ”仅是镜中虚像。亦真亦幻的效果为到达的访客带来视觉冲击,让好奇心引人入店。


When people approach, they will find the hidden mystery of the "box". The LED glowing fonts hidden on the back of the new added wall is reflected through the black mirror clearly. Careful observation will reveal that "Becó" is only a virtual image in the mirror. The combination of real and insubstantial brings visual impact to the visitors which arouses the curiosity and bring them into the store.
The owner once expressed her hope that the entrance space should attract the passers-by in a "live" way, rather than just a door or a signboard. By sorting the functions of the store, we managed to blur the boundary between indoor and outdoor with the architectural language "semi-opening" , so that the entrance of the store could blend into the Middle Zhongshan Road. Step up into the engawa space and look inside, you will see the cafe area connected to the entrance. Stainless steel bar together with the micro-cement finish create a simple but modern visual impression. And the sales area is hidden behind it. During the day, drinks and light meals are served in the cafe area. At night, the space can be used as a bar. The layout integrated with the street makes the building a public place for viewing, using, staying and sharing. Meanwhile, we have noticed that in many old streets and lanes in Hangzhou, people like to gather in front of their houses for tea and chess in their spare time. This habit is closely related to the "live" status.

景巷 | 杭州Becó295买手店及创意空间第5张图片
▲ 可看、可用、可停留的店铺入口;
The entrance that can be seen, used and stayed;


Besides of that, a subtle detail is designed at the entrance based on the imaging principle. The "295" logo on the mirrored glasses actually comes from the light emitted by the LED on the back of the stainless steel font. The street view of Middle Zhongshan Road is faintly reflected on two mirrored glasses. Reflections of  passers-by interact with the shop display, bringing vitality to the original narrow space.

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▲ 入口玻璃反射出“295”与中山中路街景;
"295" and the street view of Middle Zhongshan Road are reflected on the glass at the entrance;

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▲ 咖啡区;
Coffee area;

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▲ 以玻璃区分咖啡区与买手店空间;
Glass separates the coffee area from the select store;


与业主初涉现场时,建筑北侧的短巷让人过目难忘。“Becó ”在葡萄牙语中意为“巷子”,是品牌未来的发展线索,而“巷子”亦成为了售卖与展览空间内的“点睛之笔”。

The second order of imaging: objects in the mirror
When TEAM_BLDG first visited the site with the owner, we found the short alley on the north side of the building quite impressive. The store name“Becó " means "alley" in Portuguese which contains clues to the future development of the brand. And "alley" has become the "finishing touch" in the sales and display space.

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▲ 光学成像分析图;
The Diagram of Optical Imaging;

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▲ 店铺内镜面折射出的巷景;
The scenery of alley reflected on the mirror in the store;


Hidden behind couple of old houses, the short alley is connected to the north side of the store and can only be reached by a detour. It was the focus of our design thinking to make it possible for people to be aware of the alley when inside the space or even at the entrance along the street. A black mirror is placed next to the window on the north side of the first floor, with an angle of 45 degrees so that the view of the alley outside the window would be reflected on the black mirror, which creates a visual connection between the alley and the entrance. The shadowy view of old alley mingles with the display area by mirror refraction, which flavors the space with visual interest and sense of time.

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▲ 在短巷内展现的店铺图景-1;
Store imaging in the short alley -1;

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▲ 在短巷内展现的店铺图景-2;
Store imaging in the short alley -2;


The same mirror trick is also used in the dressing room. Multiple spatial dimensions are created by complex mirror angles, bringing surprise to the customers who enter the room.

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▲ “棱镜”更衣室;
"Prism" locker room;



The third order of imaging:The box
The ground floor of Becó295 is open as a whole space. the two functional spaces of north and south are divided only by ground elevation. Cross the cafe area at the entrance, visitors come to the integration zone of independent designers where products are displayed by hanging mostly and customized stands are scattered like islands. With a 30 centimeter’s subside, the south side became a separated space of display and event. A spiral staircase sits here as a visual focus of this square box and as a podium in events.

景巷 | 杭州Becó295买手店及创意空间第14张图片
▲ 由室内高差划分出的两个功能区;
Two functional areas divided by height difference;

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▲ 旋转楼梯成为视觉焦点;
The spiral staircase becomes a focal point;

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▲ 挑空结构将窗外阳光引入一层;
The void structure brings sunlight from the window to the first floor;


The second floor works as the thematic display and VIP area. When climbing up, the shape of the spiral staircase blocks part of the view, stimulating desire for exploration. With the void structure of the second floor, natural light is brought into the ground floor as much as possible while the turn-back moving line is limited to single-in and single-out. As a result, the experience of going to the inside of the "box" is set to turn from a narrow alley-like passage into a relatively open space.

景巷 | 杭州Becó295买手店及创意空间第17张图片
▲ 旋转楼梯-1;
Spiral staircase-1;

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▲ 单进单出的人行动线;
The turn-back moving line is limited to single-in and single-out;

景巷 | 杭州Becó295买手店及创意空间第19张图片
▲ 挑空结构将访客引入“盒子”空间内部;
The void structure leads visitors into the interior of the "box" space;

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▲ 挑空结构引发视线穿插;
The void structure causes the sight to penetrate;


On the second floor, there’s plenty of natural light inside the room. Part of the lights are embedded into the wall as supplements to the CDM-TD spot lights. With layers of soft lights refracting, the room looks bright and transparent. And the visual depth is increased by the internal reflection of the mirror door on the east side. On the other hand, original roof structure of the second floor is preserved in the renovation. Bare truss and glass, cement self-leveling materials, etc., old ones mixed with the new ones, presenting the comparison of the atmosphere belonging to different times.

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▲ 新旧材质在空间内兼糅;
New and old materials are mixed in the space;

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▲ 镜面设计增加空间的进深感;
The mirror increases the depth of the space;

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▲ 内嵌光源营造出柔和的室内氛围;
Built-in light sources create a soft interior atmosphere;




Shortcomings and difficulties
Back to the days when the walls to be demolished, the exposed wall column made of red bricks laid before us as the original mark of the old house. The architects hoped to have the rough texture preserved in the renovation at first. Out of the consideration of the tonality of the select store, the red bricks have not been shown in the end. Other than that, our architects think that it would be more appropriate if the spiral staircase presented inside the space in a way more restrained.
The design of Becó295 went along quite well. As to the construction, many details couldn’t be delivered properly due to the limitation of worker’s skill. Repeated adjustment and correction resulted in an unnecessary extension of the project timeline.

景巷 | 杭州Becó295买手店及创意空间第24张图片
▲ 空间细部;
The details of the second floor;

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▲ 室内空间与窗外老房屋檐辉映;
The interior space contrasts with the eaves of the old house outside the window;


The various street scales of Middle Zhongshan road remind us of old Hangzhou. It’s our hope that given the spatial picture of the coexistence of old and new, people walking into Becó295 could experience the city from a different angle.

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▲ 一层平面图 1F PLAN

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▲ 二层平面图 2F PLAN

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项目名称:景巷 | 杭州Becó295买手店及创意空间
摄影助理:Wai Wai

Project Name: Scenery Alley | Hangzhou Becó295 select store and creative space
Function: select store, exhibition, coffee
Design Period: 2020.10-2020.12
Construction Period: 2020.12-2021.06
Location: 295 Middle Zhongshan Road, Hangzhou, China
Building Area: 318.3SQM
Architects: Xiao Lei, Shigeno Yuji,Wang Zipeng, Shi Jiaxin
Collabrations: N/A
Owner: Becó295
Type: Interior and exterior facade renovation
Status: Completed
Photographs: Jonathan Leijonhufvud
Assistant Cameraman: Wai Wai





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