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SOM and Burckhardt+Partner create mass-timber office for UN on Lake Geneva


Skidmore Owings & Merrill事务所和Burckhardt+Partner事务所在日内瓦联合国园区设计了一座木材与混凝土的混合办公建筑。


Architecture studios Skidmore Owings & Merrill and Burckhardt+Partner have unveiled a hybrid mass-timber and concrete office block on the United Nations campus in Geneva.
The 24,000-square-metre office was designed for an organisation described by the architecture studios as a "non-profit humanitarian organisation in Geneva". However, the building appears to be Building H, which is located at the north of the United Nations' (UN) campus.

▲ 该项目是联合国园区的一座新建筑
Building H is the latest addition to the United Nations' campus

这座建筑由Skidmore Owings & Merrill (SOM)事务所和Burckhardt+Partner事务所联合设计,可容纳1500名员工,建筑由一系列砌块构成,环绕着两个菱形院落而布局。


Designed by Skidmore Owings & Merrill (SOM) and Burckhardt+Partner to accommodate 1,500 staff, the building consists of a series of kinked blocks that were arranged around two diamond-shaped courtyards.
The blocks, which overlook Lake Geneva, step down the hillside and are topped with landscaped roofs to integrate the building into the landscape.

▲ 建筑周围环绕着两个庭院
The blocks are arranged around two courtyards

SOM事务所的合伙人Kent Jackson说:“无论在可持续方面还是针对周边公园的视觉影响,对我们而言重要的是要设计一座尊重环境的建筑。”


"It was paramount to us to design a building that is respectful to the environment, both in terms of sustainability and its visual impact on the surrounding park," said SOM design partner Kent Jackson.
"The great benefit of prioritising nature means that everyone who works in the new building has immediate access to fresh air and feels connected to the landscape around them."

▲ 在办公空间可以看到大量木梁
Mass timber beams are visible in the office spaces





The open-plan offices are enclosed by floor-to-ceiling windows that provide natural light and provides views of Lake Geneva and the French Alps.
Each floor has access to several outdoor spaces, including the central courtyards, rooftop terraces and external plazas.
A stepped seating area at the building's entrance, described as a "Town Hall space", will be used for informal meetings and presentations.
Throughout the building, the office floors are connected by laminated oak stairs.

▲ 座椅区域是办公楼的入口
A seating area is located at the office's entrance



Designed to meet Swiss Minergie sustainability standards, the building's structure is a hybrid of concrete columns with floors supported by alternating mass timber and concrete beams, which are visible in the offices.
Water from Lake Geneva will be used to heat and cool the building using hydrothermal technology developed by local company GeniLac, while solar panels mounted on the roof will contribute to the building's energy use.

▲ 木质楼梯连接着各个楼层
Timber stairs connect the floors


Burckhardt+Partner Oliver Henninger事务所的合伙人说:“我们非常荣幸能够在日内瓦为该组织设计一座全新的建筑,并且这将带来全新的合作模式。”

美国SOM建筑事务所是全球最大的设计工作室,近期其完成的项目包含有美国陆军国家博物馆以及美国Daniel Patrick Moynihan火车站候车大厅。

摄影:Dave Burk

The office block forms part of an overall plan to renovate and modernise the UN's campus, which includes the historic art deco Palais des Nations building, which was originally built as the home for the League of Nations in the 1930s.
"We are delighted to have had the opportunity to realise the first new building for this organisation in Geneva for many decades and to be able to offer new and forward-looking forms of collaboration," said partner at Burckhardt+Partner Oliver Henninger.
American architecture studio SOM is one of the world's largest studios. It recently completed the National Museum of the United States Army and the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Train Hall in the USA.
The photography is by Dave Burk.




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