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龙舌兰酒品牌Jose Cuervo在元宇宙开设了一家酒厂,由墨西哥Rojkind Arquitectos事务所和英国设计师Bompas & Parr设计,其中的景点包括一个酿酒桶迷宫和一个游泳池派对。

位于Decentraland平台上的Jose Cuervo酿酒厂是一个体验中心,它邀请客户前来通过在现实世界中不可能的方式与品牌互动。

Tequila brand Jose Cuervo has opened a metaverse distillery designed by Mexico-based Rojkind Arquitectos and British designers Bompas & Parr, where attractions include a barrel maze and a pool party.
Located on the Decentraland platform, the Jose Cuervo Metadistillery is an experience centre that invites customers to come and interact with the brand in ways that wouldn't be possible in the physical world.

Rojkind Arquitectos和Bompas & Parr在元宇宙设计了Jose Cuervo酒厂第1张图片
▲ Jose Cuervo 酿酒厂是一个虚拟体验中心
The Jose Cuervo Metadistillery is a virtual experience centre



Rojkind has designed a huge virtual building that is modelled on the roots of the agave plant – a key ingredient in the making of tequila.
Experience design specialists Bompas & Parr have meanwhile developed a series of gaming challenges for users to complete as they move through the building.

Rojkind Arquitectos和Bompas & Parr在元宇宙设计了Jose Cuervo酒厂第2张图片
▲ 该建筑被设计成类似龙舌兰植物的根
The building is designed to resemble the roots of an agave plant

设计师与Vegas City district、品牌代理Mekanism、创意机构Tangible和Ache以及数字程序员M2工作室合作创造了这些空间。


The designers created these spaces in collaboration with Decentraland's Vegas City district, branding agency Mekanism, creative agencies Tangible and Ache, and digital programmer M2 Studios.
Rojkind's architectural design takes advantage of the freedom offered by the metaverse, where planning regulations, engineering challenges and material costs are no longer an issue.

Rojkind Arquitectos和Bompas & Parr在元宇宙设计了Jose Cuervo酒厂第3张图片
▲ 在室内,每个空间都有不同的基于酿造龙舌兰酒的任务
Inside, each space hosts a different "tequila-based task"



The structure is designed to physically embody the identity and values of the brand.
The agave-fibre facade gives it an outwardly curving shape, while the interior appears to be formed of floating platforms.

Rojkind Arquitectos和Bompas & Parr在元宇宙设计了Jose Cuervo酒厂第4张图片
▲ 在Cuervo Discovery 植物园中种植和收获龙舌兰植物
Agave plants are cultivated and harvested in the Cuervo Discovery Garden

工作室说:“ 这座建筑的造型灵感来自龙舌兰的根部,龙舌兰是一种植物根茎,当被观察到时,会有一种保护和巩固的感觉。”

“在这种情况下,Jose Cuervo酿酒厂有望成为所有个人都能建立更牢固联系的中心,构建一个包容的社区。”

在建筑内部,空间围绕着Bompas&Parr开发的基于酿造龙舌兰酒的任务进行设计,将游客带入制作Jose Cuervo龙舌兰的整个过程。

首先是Cuervo Discovery植物园,在这里,用户需要培育一个虚拟的龙舌兰植物园,并收获成熟的龙舌兰。

"The structure's form was inspired by the roots of the agave, a plant nucleus that, when observed, evokes feelings of protection and consolidation," said the Mexico City-based studio.
"In this instance, the Jose Cuervo Metadistillery aspires to be the centre around which all individuals can forge stronger bonds, building an inclusive community."
Inside, spaces are designed around the "tequila-based tasks" developed by Bompas & Parr, which take visitors through the entire process of making Jose Cuervo's tequila.
First up is the Cuervo Discovery Garden, where users are required to nurture a virtual garden of agave plants and harvest the fully grown piñas.

Rojkind Arquitectos和Bompas & Parr在元宇宙设计了Jose Cuervo酒厂第5张图片
▲ 龙舌兰泳池派对举办排球比赛作为发酵过程的一部分
The Piña Pool Party hosts volleyball games as part of the fermenting process


在第四空间可以找到一个晶体过滤器。最后,游客必须完成寻宝,找到制作虚拟鸡尾酒所需的所有原料,他们可以在La Familia酒吧与其他用户一起享用。

At the Piña Pool Party, users must play a game of volleyball in order to pop the fermentation bubbles that give the tequila flavour. After that, they have to navigate the Barrel Maze to collect droplets of barrel-aged tequila.
A crystal filter can be found in the fourth space. Then finally, visitors must complete a treasure hunt to find all the ingredients needed to make a virtual cocktail, which they can enjoy with other users in the La Familia bar.

Rojkind Arquitectos和Bompas & Parr在元宇宙设计了Jose Cuervo酒厂第6张图片
▲ 用户必须通过酿酒桶迷宫收集桶陈酿龙舌兰酒的液滴
Users have to navigate the Barrel Maze to collect droplets of barrel-aged tequila

由设计师Sam Bompas和Harry Parr领导的Bompas & Parr说:“我们在墨西哥开发了一个互动的、抽象的La Rojeña酒厂。”



"[We] developed an interactive, abstracted version of the La Rojeña distillery in Mexico," said Bompas & Parr, which is led by designers Sam Bompas and Harry Parr.
"In Decentraland, almost anything is possible, enabling [us] to play with the laws of physics in order to create the experience."
Those who completed all the challenges were rewarded with a digital wearable for their avatar.

Rojkind Arquitectos和Bompas & Parr在元宇宙设计了Jose Cuervo酒厂第7张图片
▲ 虚拟建筑可以在Decentraland平台上找到
The virtual building can be found on the Decentraland platform

Jose Cuervo的国际经销商Proximo Spirits的高级营销副总裁Lander Otegui说:“Cuervo对把龙舌兰酒带到它从未去过的地方并不陌生。”



“Cuervo is no stranger to bringing tequila to places it's never gone before," said Lander Otegui, senior vice president of marketing at Proximo Spirits, the international distributor for Jose Cuervo.
"We were given the first license to distil in Tequila, Jalisco, where the Cuervo family created the national spirit over 260 years ago, and still produces it today in Latin America's oldest distillery," he said.
"It's time for Cuervo to take on a new frontier and bring tequila to new audiences by opening the first-ever distillery in the metaverse."

Rojkind Arquitectos和Bompas & Parr在元宇宙设计了Jose Cuervo酒厂第8张图片
▲ 在开业48小时内,近2000名用户访问了这家酿酒厂
Almost 2,000 users visited the metadistillery in its first 48 hours

Jose Cuervo元宇宙酿酒厂于7月24日正式开业,当天是美国龙舌兰酒日。在最初的48小时内,它有近2000名访客,用户平均停留16分钟。

在元世界开放的其他建筑包括由BIG设计的ice Media Group的虚拟办公室,以及由独家虚拟房地产公司the Row运营的一系列设计师庄园。

The Jose Cuervo Metadistillery officially opened on 24 July, which is National Tequila Day in the US. It had almost 2,000 visitors in the first 48 hours, with users staying for an average of 16 minutes.
Other buildings to open in the metaverse include a virtual office for Vice Media Group, designed by BIG, and a series of designer properties operated by the exclusively virtual real estate company The Row.




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酒厂 (27 articles)

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Rojkind Arquitectos (6 articles)