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Michel Rojkind:建筑只是硬件,而城市需要软件第1张图片
Nestle Application Group / Rojkind Arquitectos . Image © Paul Rivera

“Architecture Should be About What It Can Do, Not What it Can Look Like”: In Conversation with Michel Rojkind


Michel Rojkind于1969年出生于墨西哥,上世纪90年代在伊比利亚美洲大学学习,同时还在Aleks Syntek的流行摇滚乐队la Gente Normal中担任鼓手。在2002年,他成立了自己的Rojkind Arquitectos事务所,其最具代表性的建筑作品有为韦拉克鲁斯Boca del Rio爱乐乐团设计的Foro Boca、墨西哥城全新的电影综合体Cineteca Nacional、雀巢公司的工厂扩建项目,以及雀巢巧克力博物馆,这些作品都在墨西哥。在沟通中,我们说到了其项目与人的关系,以及建筑师为什么应该承担建筑之外的角色,另外还有慷慨的重要作用等等,这些都不仅仅是设计。

以下是我和Rojkind所进行的一系列对话,当时我也正在筹备自己的展览,展览主题为“叙事之外的一些东西(Something Other than a Narrative)”,本次展览于墨西哥举办。

Born in 1969 in Mexico City, Michel Rojkind was educated in the 1990s at the Universidad Iberoamericana, while also performing as a drummer in Aleks Syntek’s popular rock band la Gente Normal. He opened his practice Rojkind Arquitectos in 2002. Among his most representative built works are Foro Boca for the Boca del Rio Philharmonic Orchestra in Veracruz, a newly expanded film complex Cineteca Nacional in Mexico City, a pair of factory additions for the Nestlé Company in Queretaro, and the Nestlé Chocolate Museum in Toluca, all in Mexico. We spoke about how his architecture engages with people, why architects should assume roles that extend beyond architecture, and the importance of generosity and not worrying about designing everything 100%.
The following excerpt from my interview with Rojkind completes a series of conversations that I conducted in Mexico City while preparing my exhibition “Something Other than a Narrative” from the Architects’ Voices and Visions series at Facultad de Arquitectura Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM.

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墨西哥Foro Boca音乐厅|Foro Boca / Rojkind Arquitectos . Image © Jaime Navarro

Vladimir Belogolovsky(下文称为VB):你能谈谈你的工作室如何运营吗?

Michel Rojkind(下文称为MR):我们更加关注设计策略。我们不只是简单地遵循客户的需求,我们会质疑他们的目的,然后进行建筑以外的建议。最让人兴奋的项目是Boca del Rio爱乐乐团音乐厅Foro Boca,该乐团成立于2014年,从没有设计过自己的建筑。这座全新的音乐厅位于滨海地区,毗邻城市的中心生活区。该项目令人振奋,不仅仅是因为能够为这个乐团提供表演场地,同时还包含了许多诸如剧场、排练厅、电影院、音乐图书馆等艺术功能。






MR:是的,我们会让事情变得复杂一些。(笑)我们不只是建筑师,我们还会加上诸如社会学、人类学、金融学、景观学、图像学、工业设计等问题。举例来说,当我们在墨西哥构思Mercado Roma项目时,有人说,这看起来就是个现代的市场,这种类型遍布巴塞罗那或是纽约。他们说在墨西哥市场已经有很多,但是我们还是由内而外来进行这个项目,这并不是客户的要求,而是我们的工作习惯。


Vladimir Belogolovsky: Could you talk about how your office operates?
Michel Rojkind: We focus on design strategies here. We don’t simply follow the clients’ briefs; we question their intentions and make many suggestions beyond architecture. Our most exciting project is Foro Boca, the new home of the Boca del Rio Philharmonic Orchestra in Veracruz. This institution was formed in 2014 and it never had its own building before. The new concert hall is situated on the coast, located right in the heart of cultural life of the city. The project is exciting because not only is there a concert hall for the orchestra, but it incorporates many different artistic programs such as a theater, rehearsal halls, cinema, and music library.
We also met with the local government and discussed rezoning of the whole immediate area, which will be influenced by the new building. So, our project grew into becoming a masterplan with a great impact on the entire city, which includes urban infrastructure improvements, coastal area refurbishments, and planning for increased density in the surrounding neighborhood. As the project is now built, we are also working on improving a much larger territory. We need to be mindful that architecture will not solve problems by itself. In other words, buildings alone will not solve anything. Architecture is just the hardware; there is still a need for software. Who is designing that?  
“ Architecture is just the hardware; there is still a need for software. Who is designing that?  ”

VB: You, as an architect, assume that role, right?
MR: Who else? Architecture must engage with people.

VB: How?
MR: Well, we make things more complicated. [Laughs.] We are not just architects here. We are bringing together such specialists as sociologists, anthropologists, financial advisers, as well as landscape, graphic, and industrial designers, and so on. Let me give you an example. When we worked on our Mercado Roma here in Mexico City, we were criticized for trying to do a contemporary version of a market, something that can be found in Barcelona or New York. We were told that here in Mexico markets already exist and they are what they are. But we started working on this project from inside out and not because the client asked me to, but because that’s how we work.
The idea is that we have to understand who the key players are or who might be missing and whom we need to go out and find. We knew we wanted to do a gastronomical market, so it was logical for us to approach chefs who would want to work there, and not just create spaces for rent. These collaborations stimulate our work. We like to be contaminated by other peoples’ ideas. The more I work with non-architects the more diverse and relevant my work becomes. I like when creative boundaries between architecture, industrial design, graphic design, and so many other disciplines dissolve. A project should be driven by the best ideas possible. Most importantly, if we share our knowledge, we will learn from each other and spark a greater growth. There is power in collaboration. Whenever I or any of the people who we collaborate with come up with a good idea, we immediately share that.

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墨西哥Mercado Roma美食城|Mercado Roma / Rojkind Arquitectos . Image © Jaime Navarro






VB: Bringing these diversities you become more valuable to your clients.   
MR: Precisely, because my clients can always hire another architect but if I am his advisor and thinker, and strategist, he wants me there. I am there to provoke his thinking.

VB: This is quite interesting how you flipped your role as an architect. For you designing a building is not enough. How would you then define your role as a contemporary architect?
MR: My role is to find, connect, and interconnect loose ends. If I say – I am an architect, all I want to do is to create a building. That only creates boundaries. As architects, we must blend in and dissolve; we must find ways to work with others. I call it co-responsibility. We need to find and bring together all potential stakeholders. There is a disconnect between formalities and informalities. Mexico thrives on informalities. It is beautiful – you see pop up informal markets and stores everywhere. We have this incredible vibrancy because we know that politically our system does not work so people constantly need to improvise and be very resilient to be adaptive to the circumstances and the city. So, when I have formal clients who just want to do a project I always try to provide a link to a potential informality. For example, when we were hired to redesign a local supermarket I proposed to the client to set up an informal market on weekends in place of their parking lot and see what kind of products people would sell there. Then the most popular vendors could be invited to the store and that’s how a strong link with the community can be established. Often these design strategies are more powerful than the physical appearance of a particular building. It is not that I don’t believe in the power of architecture on its own, but it could be so much more.
“As architects, we must blend in and dissolve; we must find ways to work with others. I call it co-responsibility. We need to find and bring together all potential stakeholders.”

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墨西哥Cineteca Nacional电影院|Cineteca Nacional / Rojkind Arquitectos . Image © Jaime Navarro








VB: You feel you need to activate architecture, not just to make a building.
MR: Activate is the right word. I like that. And you know, because of our experience, sometimes we are invited to contribute as consultants by developing various design strategies. Once these strategies are defined, clients may choose to hire other architects for the project.

VB: You came into architecture from music. Do you think there is a tangible connection between music and architecture?   
MR: Of course. It is true that both music and architecture have such common qualities as rhythm and repetition. But to me, the essence is somewhere else. I see all disciplines as boundless and interconnected. The point is that different arts and disciplines help your mind to expand, so you don’t see things only as an architect. You must see things as an architect, musician, citizen, father, friend, and so on. All these things will make you a better architect  

VB: Why do you think this idea of being so prepared would make architecture better?
MR: Because you would be more open and not blinded by seeing things only the way architects see things. This is what happens to so many architects – they become so good at their work, they don’t see the world through other peoples’ eyes. I love discussing my work with people who are not architects. I need to hear their feedback. It will address more issues. It is important because the response of such people is not about architecture but about their experience, and isn’t it the experience that architecture is all about? The difference between music and architecture that I discovered was on the collaborative front. If a musician hears another musician playing music there is a natural draw to play music together. Architects don’t usually like to work together. Every architect is playing solo; that’s boring. It is changing, however. I try to change this around. Architecture should be an open source. I like to create environments where the voice of an architect is as important as the voice of a storeowner, chef, street vendor, or developer. That would produce more humane and robust places.   
“This is what happens to so many architects – they become so good at their work, they don’t see the world through other peoples’ eyes. I love discussing my work with people who are not architects. I need to hear their feedback.”

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The Hybrid Hut / Rojkind Arquitectos . Image © Jaime Navarro


MR:建筑师将客户的真实需求转化为具有功能的空间形式,但对我而言,这远远不够。在学校的时候,我们都是在解决问题,但我想要的更多,我希望能够实现空间的连续性。举例来说,在Cineteca National项目中,开幕时,当时的人数多出了预计的3倍,那这么多人怎么办?人们喜欢这个空间,就会愿意在这里呆着。因此,作为建筑师,我们不应该完全考虑设计,我们应该为可能的事情留出空间。但是我们也没办法考虑到全部的可能,社会的进步非常快。我们要做的是让人们能够从这个空间中获得学习的可能,并且在下一个项目中应用到这些经验。



VB: What would you say your work is about? What are the main intentions?
MR: Architecture is about translating certain needs of the client into a form that brings all these functions to life. But for me that’s not enough; architects are trained for that. We did that at school – we solved problems. I want more. I want to activate and interconnect spaces. For example, when we opened Cineteca National its attendance tripled and there are so many people who go there now for many more reasons than just going to the movies. People like the space and want to spend time there. Also, we, as architects, should not worry about designing everything 100%. We need to leave space for things to happen and let people take over. We can’t plan for everything. Societies change quicker than we think. What we can do is to let people use our spaces and learn from that to use that knowledge in our next project.   

VB: As an architect, you always try to go beyond the scope. Doesn’t this mean that even before you know what the project will be about, you have your own agenda? What is it? What is there in you that goes beyond any given program?
MR: Generosity. Imagine if all clients were more generous to our communities by building new parks, providing wider sidewalks, and so on. We don’t have a good government, so we must find other means to improve our public spaces. Architects need to pick up where governments fail. Forget iconic architecture; I hate that. I only wish architecture would become iconic as meaningful places that make good social connections to local communities. Architecture should be about what it can do, not what it can look like.

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墨西哥tori-tori餐厅|Tori Tori Restaurant / Rojkind Arquitectos . Image © Paul Rivera

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Nestle Application Group / Rojkind Arquitectos . Image © Paul Rivera

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巴西雀巢巧克力博物馆|Nestle Chocolate Museum / Rojkind Arquitectos . Image © Paul Rivera


VLADIMIR BELOGOLOVSKY是纽约非营利Curatorial项目的创始者,他在纽约库伯联盟学院学习建筑,并且著有9本著作,其中包括、《纽约:建筑指南》(2019年)、《名人时代的建筑师对话》(DOM, 2015)、《Harry Seidler: LIFEWORK 》(Rizzoli, 2014)、《苏维埃现代主义:1955-1985》(TATLIN, 2010)。另外还有许多大型展览,即2012年的世界巡回展览“Harry Seidle:绘画建筑”,2017至2018年的“Emilio Ambasz”、2016年起的“Sergei Tchoban”,还有2008年威尼斯建筑双年展俄罗斯展馆的“象棋游戏”。 Belogolovsky还是柏林建筑杂志“SPEECH”的美国记者,在2018年,他是北京清华大学的受邀学者,并且曾经在超过30个国家的高校和博物馆进行演讲。


VLADIMIR BELOGOLOVSKY is the founder of the New York-based non-profit Curatorial Project. Trained as an architect at Cooper Union in New York, he has written nine books, including New York: Architectural Guide (DOM, 2019), Conversations with Architects in the Age of Celebrity (DOM, 2015), Harry Seidler: LIFEWORK (Rizzoli, 2014), and Soviet Modernism: 1955-1985 (TATLIN, 2010). Among his numerous exhibitions: world tours of the work of Harry Seidler (since 2012), Emilio Ambasz (2017-18), Sergei Tchoban (since 2016), Colombia: Transformed (American Tour, 2013-15), and Chess Game for Russian Pavilion at the 11th Venice Architecture Biennale (2008). Belogolovsky is the American correspondent for Berlin-based architectural journal SPEECH. In 2018, he was a visiting scholar at Tsinghua University in Beijing. He has lectured at universities and museums in more than 30 countries.
Belogolovsky’s column, City of Ideas, introduces ArchDaily’s readers to his latest conversations with the most innovative international architects. Since 2002, he interviewed over 300 architects. These intimate conversations are featured in the curator’s ongoing site-specific installations made up of voice recordings and thought-provoking quotes.




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