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The DHaus Company revamps London house with butterfly-roof extension


建筑工作室 DHaus Company 为伦敦北部的一栋排房扩建了“蝴蝶屋”,独特的倒坡屋顶和棱角分明的砖砌外墙增添了现代气息。

DHaus Company对该住宅的一楼经过细致的重新配置和扩建,改善用餐区,为客户十几岁的孩子创造了一个绝佳的用餐区和私人起居空间。

该项目的特色是其倒斜屋顶,即蝴蝶屋顶,是对该地区 19 世纪历史建筑的一次致敬,也是这个项目名字的来源。

An inverted-pitch roof and angular brick cladding characterise the Butterfly House extension, which architecture studio The DHaus Company has added to a terraced home in north London.
The DHaus Company reconfigured and extended the ground floor of the home to improve its dining area while providing more private living spaces for the client's teenage children.
It is distinguished by its inverted-pitched roof, or butterfly roof, which references the surrounding 19th-century architecture and inspired the project's name.

▲ The DHaus Company 设计了一个带有蝴蝶屋顶的扩建项目
The DHaus Company has created an extension with a butterfly roof

DHaus Company说:“蝴蝶屋顶极具视觉冲击力。其独一无二的形状为建筑结构增添了现代感和立体感。”

V 形设计与外立面相映成趣,利用倾斜的砖块将扩建部分的上半部分包裹在统一的图案中。

工作室表示,他们不仅要将蝴蝶的概念融入宽阔的屋顶设计中,还要在砖块的细致排列中体现出来。这种方法在光线照射下形成迷人的阴影,突出了立面上独特的 V 形或蝴蝶形。

"The butterfly roof is visually striking," The DHaus Company told Dezeen. "Its unique shape adds an element of modernity and sophistication to the structure."
Its V-shape is echoed in the facade, where angled bricks have been used to clad the upper portion of the extension and create a repeated pattern across it.
"We wanted this concept of the butterfly not just at a large roof level, but in the way the bricks were set out, creating amazing shadows in the light and reinforcing the V or butterfly in elevation," the studio added.

▲ 它被加装在伦敦北部的一栋排屋中
It has been added to a terraced home in north London

砖砌外墙有助于隐藏两个隐蔽的橱柜,这两个橱柜由 DHaus 公司设计,用于存放园艺工具。

DHaus Company 说:“这个项目背后的理念是利用设计中增加的后墙厚度,在墙内建立更深的存储空间,从而使墙体实现多种功能。”

The brick cladding helps conceal two discreet cupboards, which The DHaus Company has built into the facade to store garden tools.
"For this project, the idea was that if we increase the thickness of the rear wall in plan, then you could use these deeper walls for storage within the wall, so the wall can do more than just one thing," said The DHaus Company.

▲ 外墙采用隐藏式橱柜
The facade incorporates hidden cupboards



Large angled skylights set within the pitches of the roof flood the dining area below with natural light and create the feeling of a double-height space.
Offering views onto the garden, the dining area is now big enough to host the whole family together. It is connected to a kitchen but separated from a smaller front room, designed as a more private space.

▲ 倾斜的砖块与屋顶形状相呼应
Angled bricks echo the roof shape

DHaus Company 将住宅向后扩展,将现有的开放式用餐区分割,创造了两个不同的功能空间,完美地满足了家庭的要求。

The DHaus Company 提到:“当孩子成长为青少年时,家庭会经历新一轮的变革。在这个阶段,开放式布局可能不那么实用了。”

By extending the home to the rear, The DHaus Company was able to split the existing open-plan dining area into these two clearly defined areas, which the studio said better suits the needs of the family.
"There is a new wave of changes families go through when their kids approach their teens," said The DHaus Company. "Suddenly open-plan spaces are not so useful anymore."

▲ 内设用餐区
It contains a dining area



"[The] teens don't need full-time supervision anymore, they want to play computer games and have their own space," the studio continued.
"Equally, the parents also want to have their own space without the latest teen thriller movies blaring on the TV."

▲ 厨房和用餐区与客厅分开
The kitchen and dining area has been separated from the living room

在对底层进行重新配置的同时, DHaus Company 的目标是创造“更好、更温暖、更密闭的空间,在节约能源的同时让人感到舒适。”




While reconfiguring the ground floor, The DHaus Company's goal for the project was to create "better, warmer and more airtight spaces that require less energy to be comfortable".
This was achieved by installing "ample glazing" and designing for natural ventilation, the studio said.
Completing the project are large bi-folding glass doors, used to connect the dining area with the rear garden as the clients are keen gardeners.
Utilising the butterfly roof, rainwater is channelled into a water tank for recycling.

▲ 其设计可容纳大型家庭聚会
It is designed to accommodate large family gatherings



The same bricks that define the facade are used to line the patio and planters to tie the home and garden together.
"We extended the bricks out onto the floor to form the patio, so that the extension now formed the architecture of the garden, designing these stepped planting beds that drift off away from the main facade but have all of the same language" the studio added.

▲ 天窗照亮空间
Skylights illuminate the space

DHaus Company 由 David Ben-Grunberg 和 Daniel Woolfson 于 2010 年创立。


The DHaus Company was founded in 2010 by David Ben-Grunberg and Daniel Woolfson.
Other recent projects by the studio include a row of six townhouses on the site of a former petrol station and a glazed extension to a house in Hertfordshire.









摄影:Richard Chivers

The photography is by Richard Chivers.




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