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纽约庭院的 “拱形魔法墙”——串联功能,调和自然与城市第1张图片

布鲁克林的城市庭院有个连续的拱形钢装置墙面——Mian Ye工作室
multi-arched steel installation by mian ye outlines urban courtyard in brooklyn


由Mian Ye 工作室设计的Party Walls是一个永久性的钢结构墙面,具体位置是在纽约布鲁克林的一个庭院内。钢结构墙面围合而成的空间将场地内的各个功能紧密联系了起来,譬如场地内的住宅单元、录音棚和美术展馆等功能。该庭院的设计还使得城市环境与自然环境之间保持了动态平衡。


Party Walls by Office Mian Ye is a permanent, multi-functional installation situated within a compact courtyard in Brooklyn, New York. Designed to serve the surrounding residential, creative, and public functions, the space integrates diverse building programs, including garden-level residential units, a recording studio, and an art gallery. This courtyard installation balances the dynamic needs of its urban environment with a design that fosters connection and tranquility.
The design centers on a series of multi-arched steel structures crafted from ¼” steel plates. These arches are arranged at varying angles to create a rhythm of open and enclosed spaces, defining private entryways for tenants while facilitating natural light and privacy. Certain arches incorporate planter beds, enabling urban gardening and softening the industrial backdrop with natural greenery. Others are adapted for technical functions, such as supporting a projection screen or providing shade over a bar area, enhancing the versatility of the space.

纽约庭院的 “拱形魔法墙”——串联功能,调和自然与城市第2张图片
all images courtesy of Office Mian Ye

Mian Ye工作室设计的庭院空间功能多样化,如设计有电影放映区、研讨区、室外瑜伽活动区和社区休闲活动区等。该庭院最多可容纳50名客人,包括公共区域与私密区域,能够让客人体验不同的活动场地。该庭院的设计促进了居民与客人之间的交流,也为人们提供了休息场地。庭院四周均是建筑,建筑表面使用的是混合材料,如蓝色波纹金属板、喷以灰色油漆的木材和混凝土等,与白色涂层的拱形钢板有机融合在一起,产生一种奇妙的美感。建筑表面的混合材料也增强了其工业特性,为场地内提供了视觉焦点,使得场地内具有凝聚力。

The installation by Office Mian Ye is designed to accommodate a range of activities, including film screenings, workshops, outdoor yoga, and community events. With capacity for up to 50 guests, the courtyard balances open and sheltered zones, ensuring adaptability for events of different scales. Its configuration fosters social engagement while maintaining areas of retreat for residents. Surrounded by buildings clad in a mix of materials such as blue corrugated metal, grey-painted wood, and concrete, the courtyard’s powder-coated steel arches offer a unifying aesthetic. The material palette complements the industrial character of the neighborhood while introducing a cohesive and refined visual identity to the space.

纽约庭院的 “拱形魔法墙”——串联功能,调和自然与城市第3张图片
▲ Mian Ye工作室在布鲁克林庭院内设计的Party Walls使得庭院被重新定义,即为多功能共享空间
Party Walls by Office Mian Ye redefines a Brooklyn courtyard as a multi-functional shared space

纽约庭院的 “拱形魔法墙”——串联功能,调和自然与城市第4张图片
▲ 多个拱形钢结构之间种植有草皮,使得公共空间与私密空间之间有一个缓冲空间
natural greenery complements the steel structures, creating a buffer between public and private spaces

纽约庭院的 “拱形魔法墙”——串联功能,调和自然与城市第5张图片
▲ 该拱形钢结构联系了庭院内部的多个功能,如住宅单元、录音棚和艺术画廊之间的关系变得紧密
the installation serves diverse programs, including residential units, a recording studio, and an art gallery

纽约庭院的 “拱形魔法墙”——串联功能,调和自然与城市第6张图片
▲ 庭院内部的特色是一个由多个拱形钢结构墙面组成的休闲共享空间
multi-arched steel structures crafted from ¼” steel plates frame the courtyard’s spatial design

纽约庭院的 “拱形魔法墙”——串联功能,调和自然与城市第7张图片
▲ 拱形钢结构墙面向庭院内部倾斜,使得公共空间与私密空间之间产生一种微妙的平衡
steel arches are angled to create a balance between open areas and private tenant entryways

纽约庭院的 “拱形魔法墙”——串联功能,调和自然与城市第8张图片
▲ 拱形门之间的绿化种植使得工业环境变得柔和,也为城市园艺增添光彩
planter beds integrated into the arches encourage urban gardening and soften the industrial setting

纽约庭院的 “拱形魔法墙”——串联功能,调和自然与城市第9张图片
▲ 多个白色涂层的拱形钢结构设计使得庭院有内聚感,且能将庭院内不同材料联系在一起
powder-coated steel arches introduce a cohesive aesthetic that ties the diverse material palette together

纽约庭院的 “拱形魔法墙”——串联功能,调和自然与城市第10张图片

纽约庭院的 “拱形魔法墙”——串联功能,调和自然与城市第11张图片

纽约庭院的 “拱形魔法墙”——串联功能,调和自然与城市第12张图片

纽约庭院的 “拱形魔法墙”——串联功能,调和自然与城市第13张图片

纽约庭院的 “拱形魔法墙”——串联功能,调和自然与城市第14张图片

纽约庭院的 “拱形魔法墙”——串联功能,调和自然与城市第15张图片

纽约庭院的 “拱形魔法墙”——串联功能,调和自然与城市第16张图片

纽约庭院的 “拱形魔法墙”——串联功能,调和自然与城市第17张图片

纽约庭院的 “拱形魔法墙”——串联功能,调和自然与城市第18张图片

项目名称:Party Walls
建筑设计:Mian Ye工作室

project info:
name: Party Walls
architect: Office Mian Ye | @mianye
collaborators: Proptogroup
size: 2500 sqft
location: Brooklyn, New York




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