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土耳其的绿色新开发 Green new development for Turkey第1张图片

BIO校园是工程师Transsolar AllesWirdGut和城市规划师AllesMatton的一个城市整体规划项目,形式看起来将大型站点伊斯坦布尔新的郊区发展成一个繁荣的空间。团队计划创建一个公共空间网络和受到起伏不定的自然环境动态影响的建筑.对于这个环保计划,利用地球的能量来提供可持续的冷却和照明。

土耳其的绿色新开发 Green new development for Turkey第2张图片


土耳其的绿色新开发 Green new development for Turkey第3张图片


土耳其的绿色新开发 Green new development for Turkey第4张图片

因此,AllesWirdGut,Transsolar和Tom Matton提议的一个自给自足的社区商业和零售单位,娱乐和休闲设施,和日常设施都相接近。作为这种策略的一部分,植被,颜色和各种水特性等因素将发挥减少依赖空调的作用。

土耳其的绿色新开发 Green new development for Turkey第5张图片


土耳其的绿色新开发 Green new development for Turkey第6张图片

特别鸣谢翻译一组5号 刘政和 提供的翻译,译稿版权归译者所有,转载请注明出处。

BIO Campus is an urban masterplanning project form AllesWirdGut with engineers Transsolar and urban planner Ton Matton which looks to transform a large site on the outskirts of Istanbul into a thriving new development at a human scale. The team plan to create a network of public spaces and dynamic buildings that are inspired by the undulations of the natural environment, harnessing the Earth’s energies to provide sustainable cooling and lighting methods for this eco-friendly scheme.

A mission statement released by the three-pronged team reads: "Humans are social creatures and thrive in urban spaces that foster social connections. Because of this, a shift to a more dense, urban living would provide an outlet for social interaction and conditions under which humans can prosper.

"Contrary to common belief, urban systems can be more environmentally sustainable than rural or suburban living. With people and resources located so close to one another it is possible to save energy and resource things such as food, transportation and mass transit systems. Finally, cities benefit the economy by locating human capital in one relatively small geographic area where ideas can be generated."

As such, AllesWirdGut, Transsolar and Tom Matton are proposing a self-sufficient and self-supporting community where commerical and retail units, recreational and leisure facilities, and day-to-day amenities are located in close proximity to one another. As part of this strategy, factors such as vegetation, light-reflecting colours and various water features will be brought into play to reduce dependency on air-conditioning.

Comfort is key to this new development and the collaboration is aware of the discomfort often experienced by those not used to warm climatic conditions. To enhance the comfort of users, facades which filter sunlight will be used throughout to supply sufficient natural daylight to the interiors, highly efficient air handling systems will be installed, green plants and open spaces will be inserted to improve local microclimate and individual control of personal room climate installed as standard.




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  • 小子丫头czh
  • 2012.12.18 19:35
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