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Alberto Campo Baeza获2012海因里希•特森诺金奖第1张图片

随着普利兹克奖(Pritzker-Prize)得主Eduardo Souto de Moura和Peter Zumpthor的脚步之后,著名的西班牙建筑师Alberto Campo Baeza近来荣获了2012年的海因里希•特森诺金奖(Heinrich Tessenow Gold Medal)。自1962年设立起,该奖项就旨在奖励像德国建筑师海因里希•特森诺(1876年至1950年)那样“坚定不妥协,清醒理智和极为重要”的设计。

Alberto Campo Baeza获2012海因里希•特森诺金奖第2张图片

颁奖典礼将于2013年1月30号在汉堡举行。在Alberto Campo Baeza的授权下,汉堡港口城市大学(Hafeb City University)还将展出其作品。 西班牙建筑师Alberto Campo Baeza被授予了2012年的海因里希•特森诺金奖。其他已获得该奖的著名建筑师有来自葡萄牙的Eduardo Souto de Moura,来自瑞士的Peter Zumptor和来自挪威的Sverre Fehn,他们都是普利兹克建筑奖的得主。

Alberto Campo Baeza获2012海因里希•特森诺金奖第3张图片

海因里希•特森诺金奖是全球最富盛名的建筑奖项之一,于1963年在汉堡设立,用以奖励德国建筑师海因里希•特森诺(1876年至1950年)。海因里希•特森诺是当代建筑界的关键人物,以其创意和作品而著名。他总是重复道:“最简单的并不一定总是最好的,但最好的总是最简单的”。他在慕尼黑学习,曾是Vienna y Berlin,德累斯顿的教授。这一奖项旨在奖励那些作品坚定不妥协,清醒理智和极为重要的建筑师,这正是海因里希•特森诺作品中所描述的一样。

Alberto Campo Baeza获2012海因里希•特森诺金奖第4张图片

Alberto Campo Baeza既是一名建筑师,也是马德里建筑学院(Madrid School of Architecture,ETSAM)的教授。他曾任教于苏黎世联邦理工学院、洛桑联邦理工学院、费城的宾夕法尼亚大学、华盛顿CUA以及众多其他世界各地建筑名校。

Alberto Campo Baeza获2012海因里希•特森诺金奖第5张图片


特别鸣谢翻译一组10号 张晓丽 提供的翻译,译稿版权归译者所有,转载请注出明处。

Following in the footsteps of Pritzker-Prize laureates Eduardo Souto de Moura and Peter Zumpthor, the distinguished Spanish architect Alberto Campo Baeza has just been awarded the Heinrich Tessenow Gold Medal for 2012 by the Alfred Toepfer Foundation in Hamburg. The award, given since 1962, is a recognition of work that, like that of German architectHeinrich Tessenow (1876-1950), is “uncompromising, sober and essential.”

The awards ceremony will take place on the 30th of January, 2013, in Hamburg. In his honor, the Hafeb City University in Hamburg will also be exhibiting some of Campo Baeza’s works.

The Spanish architect Alberto Campo Baeza has been awarded the HEINRICH TESSENOW GOLD MEDAL 2012. Among the distinguished architects to have received the award are Eduardo Souto de Moura from Portugal, Peter Zumptor from Switzerland and the Norwegian Sverre Fehn, all laureates of the Pritzker Architecture Prize.

The HEINRICH TESSENOW GOLD MEDAL, one of the most prestigious architectural awards, was created in Hamburg in 1963 in honor of the German architect Heinrich Tessenow (1876-1950) a key figure in the history of contemporary architecture both for his ideas and his works. He always repeated: “the simplest form is not always the best, but the best is always simple”. He studied in Munich and was professor in Dresden, Vienna y Berlin.

The award is conferred on architects whose architectural oeuvre is as uncompromising, sober and essential as that proposed by the work, the projects and the writings of Heinrich Tessenow.

Alberto Campo Baeza is an architect and professor at the Madrid School of Architecture, ETSAM. He has taught at the ETH in Zurich and the EPFL in Lausanne, at the Universities of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and the CUA in Washington as well as numerous other prestigious schools of architectures around the world.

His work has been widely recognized and acclaimed, with exhibitions at CROWN HALL by MIES in Chicago, PALLADIO’s basilica in Vicenza, the Urban Center in New York, the Basilica Santa Irene in Istanbul, the prestigious Gallery Toto in Tokyo, and the Tempietto by Bramante in Rome. And at the MAXXI in Rome in 2011. And at the Biennale of Venice in 2012.



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