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David Santos已经开始重新制作卢加诺湖住宅渲染图。这是JM Architecture设计的一个美丽的住宅项目,设计师用SketchUP 2015建模,SketchUP v2.0中的V-Ray渲染,又用HDRI渲染了基础的傍晚灯光。在这篇博文中,我们跟随David一起来完成这个项目的渲染吧!

David Santos has set upon recreating the Lake Lugano House. A beautifully designed house by JM Architecture that he modeled using SketchUP 2015 and rendered with V-Ray for SketchUP v2.0 as part of a personal study of HDRI based dusk lighting. Follow David in this article as he takes us from start to finish on this one. Enjoy!


瑞士卢加诺湖住宅项目的灵感来自于对插件SketchUp 2015和SketchUP 2.0中的V-Ray进行新的探索。该项目是JM Architecture事务所在瑞士卢加诺湖畔设计的住宅,下面的解说是出自于我自己的学习分析。

The Lake Lugano House (Brusino Arsizio, Switzerland) project was born out of my motivation to explore the new possibilities enabled by SketchUp 2015 and V-Ray for SketchUP 2.0. It is a personal interpretative study of a house, designed by JM Architecture on the shore of Lake Lugano, Switzerland.

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Photo by Peter Sieling



My goal with this project was to study dusk scenes with artificial interior and exterior lightning, and took close to two weeks to complete. I also attempted to achieve a photo realistic look using the built-in depth of field feature in V-Ray for SketchUP. There was a focus on crisp and contrast-rich images achieved thanks to the cinematography color grading plug-in used during Photoshop post production.

The project also includes an image with cloudy sky and gold interior. The tones seen here were mostly achieved using Photoshop.




•        建筑设计事务所:JM Architecture
•        摄影:Jacopo Mascheroni
•        灵感来源:James Pickford

About the House
Lying on the slope of a hill, on the shores of Lake Lugano, the villa consists of two volumes organized on different levels due to the particular topography of the site. A polygonal shaped glass pavilion with rounded edges stands above a linear underground block. The living and dining room, the kitchen and storage spaces are located in the pavilion, while bedrooms, bathrooms and garage are in the lower level.
Each level relates itself with independent outdoor spaces, which are closely related with the interiors. The glass pavilion overlooks two much defined areas : the first, toward the mountain, is a very private zone resulted in the area between the property line and the building setback line according to the local building code. The second is a garden overlooking the lake. In the same way, the bedrooms face a garden enclosed by the building and the perimeter wall. The ring, obtained between the perimeter wall above and the pavilion, amplifies the interior space, with seems much larger than what it actually is.
•        Architecture : JM Architecture
•        Photographs : Jacopo Mascheroni
•        Inspired by : James Pickford

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我选择该项目要从三年前说起。我上网搜索HDRi照明使用的相关内容,一个项目一下子就吸引我的注意力。这个项目就是Lake Lugano House 3d recreation by James Pickford,我对自己说,总有一天我会尝试重新制作该住宅渲染图,获得和CG相同效果的图。


虽然开始了,但是因为太多的其他工作要做,导致还没有完成。但是,直到期待已久的64位的SketchUP 2015出来后,我觉得是时候继续这个项目了,以此来测试一下这个插件的新功能。

The Project
First of all, I would like to thank Ronen for the opportunity of write this article. It’s a great honor and pleasure to be showcased here on the blog.
This project has its origin back three years ago. I was surfing the web, searching for references about the use of HDRi lighting and I found a project that caught my attention right away. It was the Lake Lugano House 3d recreation by James Pickford and I said to myself that one day I will attempt remaking this house and achieving the same kind of look in CG.
After many commissioned projects for clients, I decide that it was time to make a personal project. A project in which I can explore many things that I’ve learned over the years. Getting the dusk look & feel was something I was always fascinated about since I got started with ArchVIZ and achieving that mood where interior illumination and ambient illumination are combined and in balance was a goal for me during this personal project.
Once I finally got started, it was delayed due the amount of work I had and I was unable to complete. But, after the long-awaited 64-bit SketchUP 2015 came out, I knew that was a great time to resume this project and test the new capabilities.




Why SketchUP?
Because I love it! SketchUP is a powerful tool that is often underestimated, and let me show you the real power of this amazing tool.
Like I said before, the project beginnings dates back to last year, when I started modelling with a raw CAD drawing that I made from JPG’s of the original drawings. After a lot of tests I found the correct way of modelling this.







Selecting the Project
Why this house?
First time laying my eyes on it the architecture seduced me. The simplicity of the architectural resolution is so clean and complex at the same time. It was a challenge to give it detail and to keep it clean. The curved glass is one of the elements that I thought was important to resolve well along with the surroundings and exterior design. The gravel and grass combination was a great challenge in SketchUP.
The prevailing white color and the attention to detail makes this project a real challenge.
The process started gathering as much information as possible, starting with the house drawings and photos.

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As well as obtaining many visual references for the look & feel I was aiming for.

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Quick AutoCAD draft
Since I didn’t have the original drawings and there was only a few references, much was guessed and eyeballed.

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1.        创建一个玻璃环绕的平面图。
2.        通过平版印刷创建建筑边界线。
3.        玻璃和屋顶部分也依照此方法。

The “Ring” modeling approach

As the house doesn’t have 90 degree angles, I developed (after a lot of tests) a system in which all the parts of the house are modeled by offset to the main glass enclosure.
As you can see in this process, the steps are :
1.        Creating a plane that is the glass enclosure.
2.        Offsetting to create perimeter beams.
3.        Follow that with the glass and roof parts.

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1.        生成地板——创建室内、室外地板样式。
2.        圆拐角——在边界处进行细节处理。
3.        地面——分散有草和树。

Detailing the Geometry
Getting into the small details took time and I used three plugins to help achieve what I aimed for :
1.        FLOOR GENERATOR – to create the interior and exterior floor pattern.
2.        ROUND CORNER – to give detail to edges.
3.        FUR – to scatter grass and trees.

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Interior Modeling (SketchUp view, plan view)
The interior modelling was relative simple given that the architecture itself it’s a lot of the project.

Exterior Modeling
The exterior modelling was achieved by the referencing photos of the original house, with emphasis on the vegetation and gravel.

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这个场景中使用了代理,它们来自不同的收藏:Evermotion,CGAxis,Arroway Texture和各种免费资源。


The Vegetation
Proxies used in this scene where from different collections : Evermotion, CGAxis, Arroway Texture, and various free sources.
The first set of V-Ray Proxies where used in the ground level. The second group as background trees.

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After the modelling part the next stage in the process is applying materials.
This is how the model looks like in clay style.

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There where three special materials I give special attention to :

Interior Wood Floor/室内木地板

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Exterior Wood Floor/室外木地板

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Concrete Perimeter Wall/水泥界墙

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Standard Materials
The rest of the materials were very simple, basically a Diffuse and a Reflection layer.

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Chrome is a single reflection layer material with fresnel off, and small glossiness.

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Glass Simplified Material/玻璃简化材料

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Gravel and Proxy Materials/沙砾和代理材质

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室内照明是一个IES & Sphere灯光的混合。


The interior illumination is a mix of IES & Sphere lights.
Interior light configuration without HDRi

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Sphere Lights Settings :/球面灯光的设置:

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Rectangular Lights Settings :/矩形灯光的设置:

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IES lights Settings :/IES灯光的设置:

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Exterior light configuration without HDRi/没有HDRi的室外照明形态

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Sphere lights Settings :/球面灯光设置:

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IES lights Settings :/IES灯光设置:

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Two Sided Material :/两种边界材质:

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装有HDRi 的V-Ray Dome Light制作的球形照明

V-Ray Dome Light设置:

Global Illumination archived with a V-Ray Dome Light loaded with an HDRi (1957 Dusk Clear by PETER GUTHRIE)

V-Ray Dome Light Settings :

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Rendering: The Rendering Settings

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VFB channels /VFB渠道 (Image of the channels)

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Framing : Photographic Composition
Below you can see what is behind the framing of the final images

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1.        Photoshop合成(截图图层)
2.        纠正渲染错误(RAW渲染)
3.        颜色纠正(对比)
4.        层级和透明度(对比)
5.        色彩视觉(效果)
6.        摄影效果(完成的图)

Post Production
Here are the stages of the Post Production :
1.        Photoshop compositing (Screenshot layers).
2.        Correcting rendering errors (RAW render).
3.        Color correction (Comparison).
4.        Levels and brightness (Comparison).
5.        Color vision (Effects).
6.        Photographic effects (Finishing image).

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Base Render/基础渲染

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Background Added/背景补充

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Composition Adjustment/成分调整

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Color Corrections/颜色修正

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Levels and Brightness/水平和亮度

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Color Vision and  Effects 1/彩色视觉和效果1

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Photographic Effects-Final/摄影效果



So, that`s it.
I hope you enjoyed it.





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