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菲茨罗伊北住宅/ Nic Owen Architects建筑事务所/Fitzroy North House / Nic Owen ...第1张图片

建筑师:Nic Owen Architects建筑事务所
建筑师负责人:Nic Owen Architects建筑事务所
摄影:Rhiannon Slatter
•        澳大利亚,Nic Owen Architects建筑事务所,菲茨罗伊北住宅,住宅类
Architects: Nic Owen Architects
Location: Fitzroy North, Victoria, Australia
Architect In Charge: Nic Owen Architects
Area: 150 sqm
Year: 2011
Photographs: Rhiannon Slatter
•        Houses Selected Works Australia Fitzroy North Nic Owen Architects

菲茨罗伊北住宅/ Nic Owen Architects建筑事务所/Fitzroy North House / Nic Owen ...第2张图片

This three bedroom inner city residence on a small site offers a sympathetic response to historically sensitive inner-city living.
The owners of the small Victorian terrace approached the architect with a brief to create a larger house with a bright and airy feel to cater for their growing family. The renovation is located on a small site in Fitzroy North with tight planning and heritage controls and a challenging orientation.

菲茨罗伊北住宅/ Nic Owen Architects建筑事务所/Fitzroy North House / Nic Owen ...第3张图片

A modern glass structure wrapped in a timber skin formed the shell of the extension providing light and vertical space whilst maintaining the south neighbour’s access to light.
New works are recessive, respectful and complement the historic setting. A clear division between old and new is established contributing to the public realm at street and side laneway level.

菲茨罗伊北住宅/ Nic Owen Architects建筑事务所/Fitzroy North House / Nic Owen ...第4张图片

Full height windows with fixed metal blades on the north laneway provide privacy from within and allow winter sunlight to enter through an open glass and timber stairwell. Large skylights add to the sense of space and light. North facing roofs accommodate photo-voltaic cells and solar hot water panels, and plantation timbers have been used throughout.
The extension creates new logical spatial relationships. The entire site fuses together with the new extended house creating a larger unified space. Vertical space is capitalised on to increase the spatial feeling of a very small footprint.

菲茨罗伊北住宅/ Nic Owen Architects建筑事务所/Fitzroy North House / Nic Owen ...第5张图片

Relationship of the built form to the context of the project
The renovation is located to the rear of an existing Victorian terrace on a 150m2 site in North Fitzroy.

菲茨罗伊北住宅/ Nic Owen Architects建筑事务所/Fitzroy North House / Nic Owen ...第6张图片

The site is in a tight planning area with strict heritage controls, street and side views were of a heightened historic consideration. The site also features a challenging orientation in relation to overshadowing.
The rear modern glass structure wrapped in a timber skin is angled to ensure the south neighbour’s access to light is respected whilst providing light and vertical space to the new dwelling. New works are clearly modern, recessive, respectful and complement the historic setting.

菲茨罗伊北住宅/ Nic Owen Architects建筑事务所/Fitzroy North House / Nic Owen ...第7张图片

Program resolution
The client requested more space and a better connection to their rear yard. A 1st floor extension adds a master bedroom, ensuite and private balcony looking towards the street. The 1st floor was setback 2 rooms from the street for heritage considerations and stopped short of the rear living area to enable a double height ground floor space. Rooms and actives overlap borrowing visual space to ensure the relativity small extension to feel larger then it is. Borrowed views from neighbouring trees aid to this feeling of space

菲茨罗伊北住宅/ Nic Owen Architects建筑事务所/Fitzroy North House / Nic Owen ...第8张图片

Cost/value outcome
Half of the existing rear structure was removed to make way for a new cost efficient structure. This was designed to save time & money, provide for good side site access and less time updating a poor existing structure. The client reused a selection of kitchen & laundry appliances which the joinery was design around. The client was given a cost efficient option of fixtures & fitting selections to aid in the economical transformation of the building

菲茨罗伊北住宅/ Nic Owen Architects建筑事务所/Fitzroy North House / Nic Owen ...第9张图片

Environmental sustainability
This three bedroom inner city residence on a small site offers a sympathetic response to historically sensitive inner-city living and demonstrating environmentally sustainable design.
Full height windows with fixed metal blades on the north laneway allow winter sunlight to enter through an open glass and timber stairwell. The fixed blades block the higher summer sun and also provide privacy from within. North facing roofs accommodate photo-voltaic cells and solar hot water panels, and plantation timbers have been used throughout. A concrete slab base provides solar mass to soak up heating and release during the evening. All new windows are double glazed, all internal and external walls plus roofs are Extensively insulated.

菲茨罗伊北住宅/ Nic Owen Architects建筑事务所/Fitzroy North House / Nic Owen ...第10张图片

First Floor Plan 一楼平面图
菲茨罗伊北住宅/ Nic Owen Architects建筑事务所/Fitzroy North House / Nic Owen ...第11张图片

Ground Floor Plan 底层平面图
菲茨罗伊北住宅/ Nic Owen Architects建筑事务所/Fitzroy North House / Nic Owen ...第12张图片

Existing Floor Plan 原有楼层平面图
菲茨罗伊北住宅/ Nic Owen Architects建筑事务所/Fitzroy North House / Nic Owen ...第13张图片

Laneway Elevation  巷道立体图
菲茨罗伊北住宅/ Nic Owen Architects建筑事务所/Fitzroy North House / Nic Owen ...第14张图片

Rear Elevation 后部立体图
菲茨罗伊北住宅/ Nic Owen Architects建筑事务所/Fitzroy North House / Nic Owen ...第15张图片

Street Elevation 街道立体图

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  • remon
  • 2013.04.23 20:52
    难得看得清楚的平面图 哈哈
    • 0

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