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I-Mango / Takuro Yamamoto建筑师事务所/I-Mango / Takuro Yamamoto Architects第1张图片

建筑师:Takuro Yamamoto建筑师事务所
摄影:Courtesy of Takuro Yamamoto Architects
Architects: Takuro Yamamoto Architects
Location: Kashihara
Structure Design: Masuda Structural Engineering Office
Construction: Furuichi-Koumuten
Area: 134.0 sqm
Year: 2008
Photographs: Courtesy of Takuro Yamamoto Architects

I-Mango / Takuro Yamamoto建筑师事务所/I-Mango / Takuro Yamamoto Architects第2张图片

I- MANGO是一个家庭的独立房屋,坐落在大阪市的郊区。这个房屋毗邻该客户父母的房屋,因此,在两所房屋之间建立一种稳固的联系是这个项目的关键。
I- MANGO is an independent house for a single family, located in suburb of Osaka city. The site of this house adjoins the house of the client’s parents, so establishing firm relationship between two houses is the key of this project.

I-Mango / Takuro Yamamoto建筑师事务所/I-Mango / Takuro Yamamoto Architects第3张图片

At first, they sought physical connection of two houses, but it was difficult due to the regulation and its structure. Then we decided to build the new house on the north of the site, so does his parents’ house in order to have a small sunny garden on the south side. This arrangement creates big single space on the south of both houses, so we proposed a united garden for common use of two families.

I-Mango / Takuro Yamamoto建筑师事务所/I-Mango / Takuro Yamamoto Architects第4张图片

But as the common garden directly faces to a street on the south, making windows on the same side was not good to keep privacy of the family. Generally in this case, building a wall between the street and shutting the curtain could be a stereo-typed solution in Japan, but we didn’t think it’s clear way to solve the problem.

I-Mango / Takuro Yamamoto建筑师事务所/I-Mango / Takuro Yamamoto Architects第5张图片

So we introduced a private terrace on the flat roof of the garage, and connected it with the common garden through a slope. Thanks to this difference in height connected by the slope, the private terrace is protected from passers-by’s eyes, though it is opened to the garden and the parents’ house. The living room and kitchen are on the second floor and opened directly to this private terrace, which helps getting sunlight and fresh air with privacy.

I-Mango / Takuro Yamamoto建筑师事务所/I-Mango / Takuro Yamamoto Architects第6张图片
I-Mango / Takuro Yamamoto建筑师事务所/I-Mango / Takuro Yamamoto Architects第7张图片
Floor Plan & Section 平面图&局部图
I-Mango / Takuro Yamamoto建筑师事务所/I-Mango / Takuro Yamamoto Architects第8张图片
Site Plan 总平面图

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  • remon
  • 2013.08.19 08:14
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  • j5114670
  • 2013.08.17 14:47
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