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Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第1张图片
© Yves André

来自专筑编辑Brick,刘庆新的报道。本项目是作为2010年举办的施皮茨市新图书馆设计竞赛两个阶段项目的一部分,评委会将第一名授予“Buchwert”项目,它是由bauzeit architekten事务所位于比尔的办事处来设计的。

From the architect. As part of a two steps project’s competition organized in 2010 for the new library of the city of Spiez, the jury awarded the first place to the “Buchwert” project (“book-treasure”, word game of the term « book value ») designed by ‘bauzeit architekten’ office in Biel.

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第2张图片
© Yves André


The project consists of a two levels wooden building, which forms an ‘ensemble’ with two existing buildings; the school and the main municipal’s administration building. On the first floor, we find an extension for the municipal’s administration (social services), on the ground floor the library and the game library for kids. The first phase of the detailed project was spread from 2011 to 2013, followed by the realization and the end of works in autumn 2014.

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第3张图片
© Yves André


The new building as part of the ensemble of public buildings defines, with its geometry, the surrounding space: in the eastern side, the park with its exotic trees maintains a clear spatial framework, while on the western side a sufficient distance is maintain between the residential neighbourhood area and the public buildings. In the North, it joins at the foot of the hill of the vineyards of Spiez.

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第4张图片
Ground Floor Plan /一层平面图

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第5张图片
© Yves André


The building’s exterior aspects, clearly affirms itself as a public building in several ways: The wooden facades, exempt of any iconographic element, which can express a use, present a rhythm which gives a unity to the volume. They provoke a certain monumentalization but also a calmness which confers to the building a modest presence. The envelope reminds of a book’s structure on shelves. The wooden building integrates the ancient local tradition, without imitating the forms.

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第6张图片
© Yves André

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第7张图片
© Yves André

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第8张图片
© Yves André

大量的木梁既阻挡了阳光照射,又用作垂直栏杆,栏杆中混合了172本碾碎的书和游戏标题,是为了纪念那些作品的作者。它们给这个古老建筑的带状装饰赋予灵感,这些木质装饰用伯尔尼高地的木材制成,跨越了几个世纪,上面精妙的文字不禁让人思考其意义。新建筑的立面回归传统的木工工艺,兼顾技术和建筑语境。这个尺度以手工打造并不合算 。因此排版资料被烧掉,凭借数控铣刀雕刻木材,有时雕刻高凸浮雕,有时雕刻浅浮雕。按照光线和天气情况,这些文字有时只有近看才能看清楚。随着时间的侵蚀,文字的轮廓将变得更为浅淡,裂开接收太阳的光泽,可能会有一定的模糊。它们将成熟起来,变得更有活力更漂亮。这个作品通向施皮茨的图书馆企业设计,也用作它的内部标识系统。

Massive wooden beams, which guaranty both sun protection and also acts as a vertical balustrade, are milled with approximately 172 books and game titles, in honour of the work of their authors. They inspired the ancient building’s friezes in wood in the Bernese Oberland, which crossed the centuries and the words of which question us with delicacy. The facade of the new building sends back to these former processes of the joiners, attached to look after the technique and after the contents. To realize this handwork in this scale is not payable any more today. The typographic data were thus burnt by means of a milling cutter CNC in the wood, sometimes in high relief, sometimes in bas-relief. According to the light and the weather situation, the words are sometimes readable only by looking at it closer. With the erosion of time, their outlines are going to become milder, to crack and to receive the patina of the sun, maybe up to a certain fuzziness. They are going to age and to become more alive and more beautiful. This work led to Spiez’s Corporate Design of the library, and was also used for its internal signage-system.

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第9张图片
First Floor Plan/二层平面图

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第10张图片
© Yves André



Constructing with Swiss Wood
The building’s structure used prefabricated wooden elements for both walls and slabs. The client’s wish was to use certified Swiss wood. The slabs are constituted by prefabricated elements with hollow structure. The external walls are made by frames with posts and beams in laminated wood. The exterior is covered with a wooden cladding in massive wood. The cladding of the facade age well and can be repaired easily; at all or punctually replaced if need be, as for the old constructions in the ‘Oberland’. The internal side is covered with panels in laminated wood too (walls and ceiling) that confers a specifically character to the interior atmosphere.

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第11张图片
© Yves André


The organization of the internal spaces can be freely modified thanks to the not carrier walls of separation. While in this period the timbers often imported from foreign countries because of the monetary situation of Switzerland, it is necessary to underline the exceptional fact that more than 98% of the 451m3 of wood used for the construction of the building results from Swiss forests managed durably.

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第12张图片
© Yves André

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第13张图片
© Yves André

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第14张图片
© Yves André

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第15张图片
© Yves André

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第16张图片
© Yves André

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第17张图片
Site Plan/场地平面图

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第18张图片

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第19张图片

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第20张图片

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第21张图片

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第22张图片

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第23张图片

Spiez图书馆、游戏资料馆及市政管理处/ bauzeit architekten第24张图片
© Yves André

建筑设计:bauzeit architekten
摄    影:Yves André
现场管理:BBR Architekten AG
木质工程:Pirmin Jung AG
立面图形和标识:Susanne Dubs, Designerin FH
景观设计:bbz landschaftsarchitekten GmbH
图书馆规划:Bibliotheksplanung Chevalier GmbH
结构工程:Dahinden Beat GmbH
维修工程:Waldhauser + Hermann AG
卫生工程:Sandmeier Planung
电气工程:Bering AG
木结构:Boss Holzbau AG

Architects: bauzeit architekten
Location: Sonnenfelsstrasse, 3700 Spiez, Switzerland
Area: 2003.0 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Yves André
Site Management:BBR Architekten AG
Wood Engineer:Pirmin Jung AG
Facade Graphics And Signag:Susanne Dubs, Designerin FH
Landscaping:bbz landschaftsarchitekten GmbH
Library Planning:Bibliotheksplanung Chevalier GmbH
Structural Engineers:Dahinden Beat GmbH
Service Engineers:Waldhauser + Hermann AG
Sanitary Engineer:Sandmeier Planung
Electrical Engineer:Bering AG
Wood Construction:Boss Holzbau AG
Client:Municipality Spiez
Site Area:8192 sqm





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