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联邦大厦 By Krueck + Sexton Architects第1张图片

来自专筑编辑雷君的报道。Krueck + Sexton Architects完成了面积达375000平方英尺高度可持续的联邦办公大楼,项目位于佛罗里达州米拉玛145大街西南2030 号。基于GSA卓越设计程序开发,作为联邦调查局办公楼,园区建筑朝向和形态适应于当地的气候和自然环境,符合调查局需要。因此,办公楼在保持最少能源消耗的同时,使光照和景观视野最大化,并且为联邦特工提供高品质的办公环境。20英亩的基地中多数是佛罗里达大沼泽的天然湿地恢复区,在视觉上保持边界高度安全性的同时,将园区与当地社区联系起来。

Krueck + Sexton Architects  have completed a 375,000 square foot, highly sustainable Federal Office Building located at 2030 S.W. 145th Avenue in Miramar, FL. Developed under the GSA Design Excellence Program and occupied by the FBI, the campus buildings are oriented and shaped in response to the local climate, natural environment, and agency needs. As a result, the office building maximizes daylight and views while minimizing energy consumption, and provides a superior workplace for federal agents. Restored natural wetlands of the Florida Everglades make up the majority of the 20-acre site, connecting the campus to its native community while visually integrating high-performance perimeter security features.

联邦大厦 By Krueck + Sexton Architects第2张图片

“联邦办公大楼的设计是一个在GSA卓越设计程序下从物理形态上连接民主价值和愿望的独特的机会。”Krueck + Sexton Architects 事务所的创始院长Mark Sexton如是说。“这个建筑表达了美国政府的尊严、进取、活力和稳定,而景观是通过恢复大沼泽典型的湿地和植被来进行与原生环境的连接。”

“Designing the Federal Office Building was a unique opportunity to articulate, in physical form, the values and aspirations of our democracy under GSA’s Design Excellence Program” said Mark Sexton, Founding Principal of Krueck + Sexton Architects. “This building expresses the dignity, enterprise, vigor, and stability of the United States government, while the landscape connects to the native environment by restoring wetlands and vegetation typical of the Everglades.”

联邦大厦 By Krueck + Sexton Architects第3张图片


The H-shaped office building represents a workplace paradigm that focuses on increased worker effectiveness that is achieved through maximum daylight access and views to the exterior. Two 60-foot wide, undulating multi-story buildings are connected by a link containing meeting spaces that partially enclose 2 central courtyards. The Eastern entry courtyard combines a reflecting pool and more formally composed landscape elements, while the Western courtyard is an extension of the informally designed, restored wetlands for use by employees only.

联邦大厦 By Krueck + Sexton Architects第4张图片

联邦大厦 By Krueck + Sexton Architects第5张图片


The all-glass building skin, which allows expansive views over the restored wetlands, consists of insulated window units, which are designed to withstand blast and hurricane impacts. Various glass coatings in combination with exterior perforated metal sunscreens are fine-tuned to maximize interior illumination while controlling excessive perimeter glare and significantly reducing solar gains. Both the office building and its site offer a user and visitor experience unlike any other federal facility.

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联邦大厦 By Krueck + Sexton Architects第7张图片

联邦大厦 By Krueck + Sexton Architects第8张图片

作为GSA建筑艺术计划的一部分,一个由来自布鲁克林的德裔艺术家Ursula von Rydingsvard制作的23英尺高的雪松雕塑将被放置在大堂中庭入口处。沿大堂楼梯拾级而上,参观者可以离雕塑非常近,刺激着身体的每个细胞和感官体验。

As part of the GSA Art-in-Architecture program, a 23-foot tall cedar sculpture by German-born, Brooklyn-based Ursula von Rydingsvard will be placed in the entry lobby atrium. Ascending the lobby staircase, one will be very close to the body of the sculpture, stimulating a physical and sensory experience.

联邦大厦 By Krueck + Sexton Architects第9张图片

园区停车场及其附属建筑的光伏屋顶系统为设施提供近20%的能源,办公楼按LEED核心和外壳的白金认证。园区设计期望在短时间内取得额外的可持续提升,在2030年实现零能源消耗的目标。这个耗资 1.94亿美元的项目会在七个月内完成设计,在30个月内竣工,在预算下分两期按桥接式设计建设方式交付。二期设计建造承包商是HenselPhelps ,Record Gensler设计。

Photovoltaic rooftop systems on the campus parking garage and annex provide nearly 20% of the facilities’ energy use, and the office building is set to achieve a LEED Platinum Core & Shell certification. The campus was designed in anticipation of additional, near-term sustainability improvements that will allow achievement of a net-zero energy goal by 2030.  The $194 million project was designed in seven months, constructed in 30 months, and delivered on budget under a two-phase bridging-design-build delivery method. The phase two Design-Build contractor was Hensel Phelps with Architect of Record Gensler.

联邦大厦 By Krueck + Sexton Architects第10张图片

联邦大厦 By Krueck + Sexton Architects第11张图片
site plan/场地平面图

建筑设计:Krueck + Sexton
Krueck + Sexton Architects桥接设计建筑师:Ron Krueck, FAIA – 主设计师; Mark Sexton, FAIA – 项目总监 Tom Jacobs, AIA – 设计总监
项目团队:Yugene Cha, Don Semple, AIA, Jennifer Stanovich, Tim Tracey, Laura Fehlberg
机械工程: WSP Flack + Kurtz
结构工程/建筑表皮顾问:Thornton Tomasetti
电力工程:WSP Flack + Kurtz
土建工程: Miller Legg
景观设计:Curtis + Rogers 设计工作室
照明设计:George Sexton Associates
环境与高级设计顾问: Atelier Ten
消防工程:WSP Flack + Kurtz
安防设计: Hinman Consulting Engineers
防火和生命保障:Rolf Jensen & Associates
安保系统:SAKO & Associates
声学、影音及信息技术:Dugger & Associates
垂直交通:Jenkins & Huntington
费用顾问:Toscano Clements Taylor

总包:Hensel Phelps, Derek Hoffine
设计建筑工程师: Gensler
项目团队:James Wallace, AIA, Principal in Charge; Donald Ghent, AIA, Principal - Technical Director; Peter Stubb, AIA, Principal – Design Director; Chris Banks, AIA, Principal – Design Director Workplace; Joseph Jansen, Sr. Project Manager; Laura DeBonis, AIA, Sr. Architect; Beth Miller, AIA, Sr. Architect; Ronit Shafrir, AIA, Architect; Jennifer Jones, AIA, Architect;   Timothy Taylor, AIA, Specifications; Robert Caldwell, Specifications; David Dymond, AIA, Architect; Amy Johnson, Technical Designer; Dan Jones, Project Manager workplace; Heather Dalton, AIA, IIDA, Interior Designer; Elizabeth Mesora, IIDA, Interior Designer; Alison Graham, IIDA, Interior Designer; Paul Rich, Technical Designer; Craig Curtis, Technical Designer; Chris Rzomp, AICP, Urban Planner; Yan Yan Hon, Technical Designer; Atilla Kara, Assoc. AIA, Technical Designer; Amy Mullen, Design Assistant; Hector Montalvo, Technical Designer
设备工程:Syska Hennessy Group, Inc.
结构工程:Walter P. Moore
电力工程:Syska Hennessy Group, Inc.
岩土工程:Professional Service Industries, Inc. (PSI)
总包:Hensel Phelps
照明设计:Syska Hennessy Group, Inc.
防爆分析:Hinman Consulting Engineers
幕墙装配:Gordon H. Smith Corp.

Architect: Krueck + Sexton
Location: Miramar, FL  USA
Year of completion: 2015
Client/Owner: General Services Administration
BRIDGING DESIGN ARCHITECT Krueck + Sexton Architects: Ron Krueck, FAIA – Lead Design Principal; Mark Sexton, FAIA – Project Principal; Tom Jacobs, AIA –  Design Principal
Project Team: Yugene Cha, Don Semple, AIA, Jennifer Stanovich, Tim Tracey, Laura Fehlberg
Mechanical Engineer: WSP Flack + Kurtz
Structural Engineer/Building Envelope Consultant: Thornton Tomasetti
Electrical Engineer: WSP Flack + Kurtz
Civil Engineer: Miller Legg
Landscape Architect: Curtis + Rogers Design Studio
Lighting Designer: George Sexton Associates
Environment & High Performance Design Consultant: Atelier Ten
Fire Proof Engineers: WSP Flack + Kurtz
Protective Design: Hinman Consulting Engineers
Fire Protection & Life Safety: Rolf Jensen & Associates
Security Systems: SAKO & Associates
Acoustical, A/V & IT: Dugger & Associates
Vertical Transportation: Jenkins & Huntington
Cost Consultant: Toscano Clements Taylor
Size in Square Feet: 383,000 square feet
Cost: $194M

General Contractor:  Hensel Phelps, Derek Hoffine
Design Build Architect: Gensler
Project Team: James Wallace, AIA, Principal in Charge; Donald Ghent, AIA, Principal - Technical Director; Peter Stubb, AIA, Principal – Design Director; Chris Banks, AIA, Principal – Design Director Workplace; Joseph Jansen, Sr. Project Manager; Laura DeBonis, AIA, Sr. Architect; Beth Miller, AIA, Sr. Architect; Ronit Shafrir, AIA, Architect; Jennifer Jones, AIA, Architect;   Timothy Taylor, AIA, Specifications; Robert Caldwell, Specifications; David Dymond, AIA, Architect; Amy Johnson, Technical Designer; Dan Jones, Project Manager workplace; Heather Dalton, AIA, IIDA, Interior Designer; Elizabeth Mesora, IIDA, Interior Designer; Alison Graham, IIDA, Interior Designer; Paul Rich, Technical Designer; Craig Curtis, Technical Designer; Chris Rzomp, AICP, Urban Planner; Yan Yan Hon, Technical Designer; Atilla Kara, Assoc. AIA, Technical Designer; Amy Mullen, Design Assistant; Hector Montalvo, Technical Designer
Interior Designer:  Gensler
Mechanical Engineer: Syska Hennessy Group, Inc.
Structural Engineer: Walter P. Moore
Electrical Engineer: Syska Hennessy Group, Inc.
Civil Engineer: Atkins
Geotechnical Engineer: Professional Service Industries, Inc. (PSI)
Construction Manager: Jacobs
General Contractor: Hensel Phelps
Landscape Architect: Atkins
Lighting Designer: Syska Hennessy Group, Inc.
Blast Analysis: Hinman Consulting Engineers
Curtain Wall Assemblies: Gordon H. Smith Corp.





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