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哈德逊河谷的玻璃住宅/ Toshiko Mori第1张图片

Toshiko Mori–Designed Glass Houses Dot This Incredible Hudson Valley Compound



With the help of architect Toshiko Mori, a tech-savvy couple builds a Hudson Valley compound that boldly reimagines glass-house living

哈德逊河谷的玻璃住宅/ Toshiko Mori第2张图片
在夜晚,室内点亮了温馨的灯光/At night the glass structures glow from within.

住宅位于纽约根特,是艺术家Corvova Lee和媒体执行官Bob Greenberg的休息寓所,建筑师Toshiko Mori设计了四个独立体量,主要的活动区在右侧,健身和厨房在左侧。室内空间采用了家庭式自动化系统,庭院由园艺设计师Edwina von Gal和景观建筑师Richard Herbert共同设计。

For the Ghent, New York, retreat of artist Corvova Lee and media executive Bob Greenberg, architect Toshiko Mori created four discrete structures; the main pavilion is at right, with the exercise and cooking pavilions shown at left. Inner Space Electronics consulted on the home’s automated systems; garden designer Edwina von Gal and landscape architect Richard Herbert collaborated on the grounds.

哈德逊河谷的玻璃住宅/ Toshiko Mori第3张图片

玻璃公寓的主人是媒体执行官Bob Greenberg和艺术家妻子Corvova Lee。夫妇俩九年在纽约哈德逊河谷买下了一块240英亩的土地,但长居曼哈顿,建筑师森俊子收到委托建造在这里建造休闲公寓,同时也是他们的老师。森俊子曾担任哈佛大学的教授,在她的指导下,夫妇俩参观了许多著名的玻璃住宅,如位于芝加哥郊外的由密斯凡德罗设计的范斯沃斯住宅,约翰逊菲利普在康涅狄格新迦南设计的公寓。如果说这些中世纪的住宅在风格上是杰出的典范,那么它们也引出了一些值得深思的问题。“太冷,太热,玻璃模糊,无法通风,除非在相当不错的天气里,否则这样的住宅并不适合居住。” Greenberg表示。

People who live in glass houses need to do their homework. Take it from Bob Greenberg, a media executive, and his wife, Corvova Lee, an artist. After purchasing a 240-acre plot in New York’s Hudson Valley nine years ago, the Manhattan-based couple enlisted architect Toshiko Mori to not only design a weekend retreat but also act as their teacher. With Mori, a longtime Harvard professor, the pair studied some of the country’s best-known glass dwellings, among them Mies van der Rohe’s 1951 Farnsworth House, outside Chicago, and Philip Johnson’s 1949 Glass House in New Canaan, Connecticut. If these midcentury marvels offered an education in style, they also presented a few sobering lessons. “Too cold, too hot, fogged-up glass, no ventilation,” Greenberg says, rattling off some of the buildings’ disadvantages. “These homes were not very livable except in perfect weather.”

哈德逊河谷的玻璃住宅/ Toshiko Mori第4张图片

哈德逊河谷的玻璃住宅/ Toshiko Mori第5张图片

在森俊子的帮助下,夫妇二人着手改造玻璃住宅,这意味着他们需要解决实践性的问题,相比密斯或约翰逊的玻璃住宅,他们提供了更多的空间。但是在解决问题的同时,如何体现建筑美学呢?于是,他们设计了四个独立体量,彼此用混凝土走道连接,像一个现代主义的营地。住宅整体呈开放式,起居/餐厅/厨房部分与主卧相连,主体建筑是Greenberg和 Lee在周末的主要活动空间。(面积1240平方英尺,几乎与范斯沃斯住宅同样大小。)他们还设计了一个烹饪区,可以招待朋友们,还有一个健身区,用作瑜伽和Gyrotonics。客卧与主体建筑距离稍远,设置了两个房间和一个现代式的起居空间和厨房。

And so with Mori’s help, the couple set out to reinvent the glass house. That meant tackling practical problems as well as providing more space than either the Mies or Johnson icons. But how to do all that while retaining the sleek aesthetic? Their solution was to create four small structures connected by concrete walkways—a kind of modernist Adirondack camp. With an open plan that contains a combined living/dining/kitchen area plus the master bedroom, the main house is all Greenberg and Lee need when they’re up for the weekend alone. (At 1,240 square feet, it’s roughly the same size as the Farnsworth House.) There’s also a cooking pavilion, where they can entertain large groups, and an exercise pavilion for yoga and Gyrotonics. Situated slightly apart from that clutch of buildings is the guesthouse, complete with two suites and a modest living room and kitchenette.

哈德逊河谷的玻璃住宅/ Toshiko Mori第6张图片

夫妇二人根据需要可以灵活使用其中某一独立空间(总4000平方英尺),而不必同时给整幢住宅供热或降温。Greenberg表示:“这不是传统的豪宅。”在建造的过程中,他们意识到了实际需求的空间尺度。Mori回忆道:“Bob 和 Corvova希望我可以缩减每个独立体量的尺度,可以营造更加亲密的氛围。这幢住宅更加关注生活,享受特定的空间体验。”

Instead of cooling and heating a vast house that’s mostly unoccupied, the couple can use any of the four volumes (which total 4,000 square feet) as needed. “It’s an anti-McMansion statement,” says Greenberg, who realized just how little space he and his wife actually required when, during construction, they would occasionally sleep in an Airstream trailer on the grounds. Remembers Mori, “Bob and Corvova asked me to reduce the size of each building so the experiences could be more intimate. It’s about living in each moment and appreciating the specific space one occupies.”

哈德逊河谷的玻璃住宅/ Toshiko Mori第7张图片

为了优化建筑结构,森俊子咨询了Bill Baker——世界最高塔迪拜哈利法塔的结构工程师。建筑师不打算隐藏建筑的结构构造,“我希望人们能够看到建筑结构柱网布局”,森俊子表示,她也确实做到了。Baker设计了长宽均为2英寸的结构柱,甚至比窗棂还要纤细。森俊子描述玻璃公寓:“非常激进,纤细的外观简直不可置信。” Baker利用新技术和结构将住宅打造成一个单层的摩天大楼,他表示,“在这样人性化的尺度内,每一个细节都很重要。”

To develop superslim structural frameworks for the pavilions, Mori turned to Bill Baker, the engineer responsible for Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world. While the architect didn’t want Baker to hide any supports—“it’s important for people to see what’s doing what,” Mori says—she did want them to recede. Baker came up with a network of columns that, at two inches wide by two inches deep, are even smaller than the home’s window mullions. “It’s very radical, with an amazingly delicate appearance,” Mori says of the residence, which Baker refers to as a “one-story skyscraper” on account of all the innovation that went into it. “At this very human scale,” he notes, “every detail matters.”

哈德逊河谷的玻璃住宅/ Toshiko Mori第8张图片

哈德逊河谷的玻璃住宅/ Toshiko Mori第9张图片





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