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釜山地堡改造的游泳馆/ space NEN第1张图片

space NEN proposes pool complex for bunker regeneration in busan


釜山,韩国的第二大城市也是最大的港口城市,是久具盛名的度假胜地。仅2015年就有近4600万的游客游玩海云台、松亭和广安里海浴场等地。随着游客数量的持续增多,社区设施和公共设施也急速发展。但是,釜山内陆的发展相对迟缓,为此space NEN建筑事务所开发了一个室内游泳建筑群,该建筑是将“mulman池”地堡进行改造而形成的。

Busan, south korea’s second largest city as well as the number-one harbor city, is famous for its summer attractions. Approximately 46 million people visited its beaches such as haeundae, songjung, and gwangalli just in the year 2015. As the number keeps on rising, community facilities and infrastructure along the coastlines are developing rapidly. However, the development of inland busan is inadequate, leading space NEN to propose the architecture for an indoor swimming complex that regenerates a bunker called ‘mulman cistern’.

釜山地堡改造的游泳馆/ space NEN第2张图片
总体透视图/overall perspective view

项目所在的基地位于釜山yeonje-gu,紧邻mulmangol地区。mulmangol源自一条小溪的名字,该小溪即使在干旱的季节淡水流量都非常充沛,因此周末游客络绎不绝。“mulman 池”是一个可以积极地吸引游客的场所,它也可以作为一个平台,通过水元素平衡釜山内陆和海岸线之间的发展。尤其是地堡,它源自日本殖民扩张时期的地下洞穴,其最低温度为11.21°C,年平均温差为1.7 °C。这些条件都促使该设施不仅可以在夏季使用,还可以作为吸引游客全年游泳的利器。这个优势成为整个釜山一个重要的旅游吸引点,同时也弥补了海边浴场只能在夏季吸引游客的不足。

The site where ‘mulman cistern’ will be located, busan yeonje-gu, is right next to the mulmangol area.mulmangol, a creek named to be full of fresh water even during the drought season, is always busy with visitors during the weekend. ‘Mulman cistern’ is a place that can actively accommodate these visitors and work as a platform to provide balanced development of inland and coastline of busan through the element of water.
Especially the bunker, which started from the expansion of caves dated back to japanese colonial period, shows the lowest temperature of 11.21 °C and the yearly temperature difference of 1.7 °C. This condition will allow this facility to function not only in the summer, but also as an all-year around swimming attraction. This advantage will eventually act as a critical attracting point for overall busan, and as a supplement to the problem of coastline only concentrated during the summer season.

釜山地堡改造的游泳馆/ space NEN第3张图片
草图/sketch image

space NEN建筑事务所最终设计的“mulman 池”水上娱乐中心,将吸引全国的游客并通过建筑内各项积极的项目平台振兴当地社区。mulman池将成为釜山最优越的旅游胜地。

The ultimate water entertainment center, ‘mulman cistern’ by space NEN will accommodate visitors nationwide as well as revitalize the local community through active programs within the platform. Mulman cistern will become the most favorable spot in the city of busan.

釜山地堡改造的游泳馆/ space NEN第4张图片
方案生成/design process

釜山地堡改造的游泳馆/ space NEN第5张图片
平面图01/floor plan 01

釜山地堡改造的游泳馆/ space NEN第6张图片
平面图02/floor plan 02

釜山地堡改造的游泳馆/ space NEN第7张图片
剖面图01/section 01

釜山地堡改造的游泳馆/ space NEN第8张图片
剖面图02/section 02

项目负责人:이석원, 김석훈

project info:
project: busan mulmangol bunker regeneration competition entry
type: community / leisure facility
location: busan, korea
status: competition entry
designer in charge: 이석원, 김석훈





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