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漏斗状的阿尔卑斯山教堂/Joaquim Portela Arquitetos第1张图片

Alpine chapel designed by Joaquim Portela Arquitetos as a giant light funnel


在瑞士的阿尔卑斯山,一座混凝土教堂被设计成从基地朝向天空延伸,它是Joaquim Portela Arquitetos 的设计方案。


This proposal for a concrete chapel by Joaquim Portela Arquitetos is designed to reach up towards the sky from its site in the Swiss Alps.
A large skylight set into the top of the angular outcrop is intended to flood the interior of the small Catholic chapel with natural light.

漏斗状的阿尔卑斯山教堂/Joaquim Portela Arquitetos第2张图片

波尔图Joaquim Portela工作室计划在明年建造这座教堂,想让建筑和景观融合在一起。方案计划把建筑的模板混凝土结构暴露在外,从而使它的色调与基地上岩石的颜色产生回应,而周围被树木包围着。

“寻找光线是体块外形背后的概念,”工作室的创始人Joaquim Portela说。“教堂内部空间的设计与室外景观分离开,成为一个反思空间。”

Porto-based Joaquim Portela Arquitetos, which has plans to build the chapel in the next year, wanted to help integrate the building with the landscape. It proposed leaving the building's board-marked concrete structure exposed so its tones can resonate with the rocky site, which is surrounded by trees.
"The search of the light is the concept behind the volume form," said studio founder Joaquim Portela. "The interior space of the chapel was created to be closed to the landscape, becoming an introspection space."

漏斗状的阿尔卑斯山教堂/Joaquim Portela Arquitetos第3张图片



"In opposite, the sacristy opens up to the landscape creating not only a meditation room, but also a contemplation space," he added.
The concrete walls will be left bare throughout the interior, which will be furnished with simple wooden pews and illuminated by the large skylight above a marble altar.

漏斗状的阿尔卑斯山教堂/Joaquim Portela Arquitetos第4张图片



A freestanding crucifix and slender candlestick holder are shown standing to one side of the altar.
A small wood-lined study branches away from the congregation area and features a glazed wall overlooking the the mountainside.

漏斗状的阿尔卑斯山教堂/Joaquim Portela Arquitetos第5张图片

这座教堂类似于西班牙Salas Architecture + Design设计的一座混凝土殡仪馆的形式。


The chapel is similar in form to a concrete funeral home completed by Salas Architecture + Design in Spain.
Like the chapel, one end of funeral home angles up towards the sky to funnelling light into a waiting room for mourners, while other areas of the building are largely windowless.
漏斗状的阿尔卑斯山教堂/Joaquim Portela Arquitetos第6张图片

漏斗状的阿尔卑斯山教堂/Joaquim Portela Arquitetos第7张图片

漏斗状的阿尔卑斯山教堂/Joaquim Portela Arquitetos第8张图片
Floor plan/平面图

漏斗状的阿尔卑斯山教堂/Joaquim Portela Arquitetos第9张图片





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