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巴黎Apartment XIV的翻新/Studio Razavi第1张图片

Studio Razavi inserts sculptural furniture block into 19th-century Parisian apartment


在巴黎一个公寓的中心,法国工作室Studio Razavi插入了一个多面的黑色体块,在创建新布局的同时也与奥斯曼时代的细节进行对比。

French office Studio Razavi has inserted a multifaceted black block into the centre of an apartment in Paris, creating a new layout while also offering a contrast to Haussmann-era details.

巴黎Apartment XIV的翻新/Studio Razavi第2张图片

Studio Razavi为一对年轻的夫妻翻新了Apartment XIV,这对夫妻收集当代的艺术品还养了一只狗。其目的是创建一个更开放的结构,同时也保留华丽的19世纪的细部。

Studio Razavi renovated Apartment XIV for a young couple who collect contemporary artwork, as well as their dog. The aim was to create a more open configuration, while also preserving the ornate 19th-century detailing.

巴黎Apartment XIV的翻新/Studio Razavi第3张图片


The architects removed some walls and slotted a sculptural multi-functional furniture block into the gaps. Made out of black wood-fibre panels, it has a staggered profile .

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“这座150年历史的Haussmannian公寓有规则的布局,而我们打算分解它,因此最终它的内在品质被显露出来,”建筑师Guillen Berniolles告诉Dezeen。

“我们的重点是移除所有现有的分区,并创建新的当代空间,” Berniolles说。“选择这样的材料与形状在新、旧之间和光明、黑暗之间产生对比。”

"The existing context is that of a 150-year-old 'Haussmannian' apartment with a rigid layout, which we intended to disrupt so that ultimately its inner qualities are revealed," architect Guillen Berniolles told Dezeen.
"Our focus was to remove all existing partitions and to create new contemporary spaces," said Berniolles. "Materials and shapes were chosen to create a contrast between existing and new and dark and light."

巴黎Apartment XIV的翻新/Studio Razavi第5张图片



The structure sits in the centre of the space. Each of its faces hosts a different function for the kitchen, living and dining area arranged around it.
"Programmatic clusters respond to specific client needs, create a landscape inside the apartment and modify the perception of this very classical Parisian layout," said Berniolles.

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At its tallest peak, the structure features storage cabinets that point towards the kitchen. This rooms features cabinets in the same material, as well as a splash-back comprising a jagged patchwork of marble.
A study desk is fitted in the lowest end of the black volume, while a television is mounted on the side that faces the living area.

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A matching triangular column sits alongside it in the entrance space, which accommodates a dog bed and more storage cabinets.
The architects also added a white block with a V-shaped profile to accommodate a new bathroom, with a space above that can be accessed by a ladder.

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It angular form is mirrored by a row of cupboards that creates storage space for the master bedroom.
Minimal materials and a stripped-back colour palette feature throughout the apartment, but timber flooring offers some relief from the otherwise monochrome colour scheme.

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Apartment XIV在十九世纪后半叶期间Baron Haussmann的重组,当时所有的建筑都有高度限制,并由同一种奶油色的石头建造。


Apartment XIV dates back to Baron Haussmann's reorganisation of Paris during the second half of the 19th century, when all structures were designed under height restrictions and constructed from the same cream-coloured stone.
Other recently-updated buildings from this era include a flat with a multifaceted wooden volume that house two shower rooms and an apartment with multicoloured flooring and space-saving stairs.

巴黎Apartment XIV的翻新/Studio Razavi第10张图片

Studio Razavi由建筑师Alireza Razavi创立,在巴黎和纽约有工作室。该公司之前的项目包括:为一位摄影师设计的布列塔尼单层住宅。

摄影:Olivier Martin Gambier

Studio Razavi was founded by architect Alireza Razavi, and has studios in both Paris and New York. Previous projects by the firm include amonolithic house for a photographer in Brittany.
Photography is by Olivier Martin Gambier.

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巴黎Apartment XIV的翻新/Studio Razavi第13张图片
Floor plan/平面图

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