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以体育为中心的生态技术中心的设计——Zaha Hadid Architects第1张图片


British green energy company Ecotricity has revealed plans for a new Zaha Hadid Architects-designed green technology hub in Stroud, England. The project, known as the “Gateway to Stroud,” will consist of several greenhouse-like buildings and a wooden footbridge that will connect the campus to the future all-wood stadium for the Forest Green Rovers football club, also designed by ZHA and revealed late last year.

以体育为中心的生态技术中心的设计——Zaha Hadid Architects第2张图片


Planned as a center for local sports and sports science, the ECO park will provide state-of-the-art office space for environmentally-focused companies as well as public access to a wide range of health and leisure activities.

以体育为中心的生态技术中心的设计——Zaha Hadid Architects第3张图片


“It will be a place where green businesses and technology companies come together and share ideas: a real focal point of creativity and innovation for the area and a part of the green industrial revolution that’s beginning to take off around the world,” Ecotricity states on their website.

以体育为中心的生态技术中心的设计——Zaha Hadid Architects第4张图片


Renderings for the Eco Park show a series of glass-enveloped and wood-slatter buildings maintain the architectural language established by the stadium design. An arching timber footbridge will cross over a 4-lane highway to link the two halves of the campus.

以体育为中心的生态技术中心的设计——Zaha Hadid Architects第5张图片


“The bridge design creates one single, fluid form by fusing together individual timber elements. This important, unifying gesture builds connections for the community, conveying Eco Park as a facility for all,” explains a spokesperson for ZHA.

以体育为中心的生态技术中心的设计——Zaha Hadid Architects第6张图片


“The Green Technology Hub proposals apply the latest sustainable design technologies with ecologically sound materials and construction methods to create an integrated community for world-leading research and development.”

以体育为中心的生态技术中心的设计——Zaha Hadid Architects第7张图片

可持续性将处于所有设计决策的前沿 - 足球场本身将完全由木材构成,并将由可再生能源驱动。该计划的未来要素将是一个广阔的自然保护区,将允许景观在自然状态下蓬勃发展。这个概念还包括公共交通枢纽的潜在发展,这将为该地区的居民提停车换乘选择。

Sustainability will be at the forefront of all design decisions – the football stadium itself will be constructed entirely from wood, and will be powered by renewable energy sources. A future element of the plan will be a expansive nature reserve that will allow the landscape to thrive in its natural state. The concept also includes the potential development of a public transportation hub, which would offer Park and Ride options to Stroud residents.

以体育为中心的生态技术中心的设计——Zaha Hadid Architects第8张图片

“借助生态公园,我们希望推动可持续发展的界限,在绿色经济中创造4000个就业岗位,是世界级的足球场,为生物多样性提升带来更大的自然空间,并创造出新的门户” “Ecotricity创始人Dale Vince说。

“With Eco Park we hope to push the boundaries of sustainable development, create 4,000 jobs in the green economy, a world class football stadium and make more room for nature with a big biodiversity boost, as well as create a new ‘Gateway to Stroud’,” said Ecotricity founder Dale Vince.

以体育为中心的生态技术中心的设计——Zaha Hadid Architects第9张图片


Ecotricity has submitted plans to the Stroud District Council for planning approval, which the company hopes to receive in the coming months.


地点:英国  斯特劳德

以体育为中心的生态技术中心的设计——Zaha Hadid Architects第10张图片




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