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10 Must Read Graphic Novels About Architecture



There is a fine line between comics and architectural drawings, whether in their layout or drawing technique. They both try to narrate a story in the most efficient and cinematic way. There is so much an architect can learn from comic artists and vice versa; one makes stories in and out of buildings, and the other makes buildings for stories. What are the most important graphic novels that illustrate this interesting combination? Here is a list for you to enjoy in your free time:


木刻城市 | Frans Masereel

Frans Masereel的漫画小说是小说无言体裁的早期倡导者。最完整和最引人注目的作品便是这本《木刻城市》。它出版于1925年,“城市”是我们这个时代的象征性词语。这本小说用一系列的印象事件来说明什么是城市。从某种意义上说,这是关于城市生活的故事,工厂里的工人、婚礼、聚会、阅兵。每个故事通过基础设施、建筑物和建筑构件,都在细细描绘日常普通生活。但仔细阅读书中的每个细节,都用图像来表达明确的层次,很明显,尽管繁荣和现代,大多数城市仍然是一个并不细腻的地方。

The City: A Vision in Woodcuts | Frans Masereel
Frans Masereel was an early proponent of the graphic novel and the sub-genre the wordless novel. The most complete and compelling of this works is The City: A Vision in Woodcuts. Almost a century after its publication in 1925, “The City” remains an emblematic representation of urbanism pertinent to our times. Vision is the correct term because there isn’t a narrative but a series of impressions of what the city is. In one sense it is the day in the life of a city, with images of workers in factories, weddings, parties, military parades. Each piece works as an individual composition depicting the banalities of everyday life, captured through infrastructure, buildings and architectural artifacts. But looking closer at the details he places throughout, there is a definite hierarchy in the images and it is obvious that despite the trappings of prosperity and modernity the city is a rough place and only a few win.


Robert Moses:纽约建筑大师| Pierre Christine & Olivier Balez

Robert Moses是纽约的著名建筑师。随着与Jane Jacobs等建筑师奠定了20世界美国城市的规划设计基础。Moses可是个神秘的人物,他是如此地忙于城市建设而甚至忽视了自己的写作天赋。从地铁到摩天大楼,从曼哈顿的金融区到长岛郊区,每一寸的城市都在讲述着这个建筑师的故事,他设计了这一切。如果你想要一个媒介来更好地了解纽约城市历史,这本书很适合你。

Robert Moses: The master builder of New York city | Pierre Christine & Olivier Balez
Robert Moses was the mastermind of New York. Along with Jane Jacobs, they set the foundations of the 20th-century American urbanism. Jacobs’ were mostly by her own hand. Moses, the more monumental if enigmatic figure, was too busy building to do much writing. From the subway to the skyscraper, from Manhattan’s financial district to the Long Island suburbs, every inch of New York City tells the story of this architect that designed it all. If you want a more palatable introduction to the byways of politics and power in New York City or a great look at urban history, this book is for you.


Yes is More | BIG

这本书是哥本哈根建筑事务所BIG(Bjarke Ingels Group)的激进言论。他们称呼它为Archicomic,它更像是一种说明方法,说明建筑的演变。它不像一个典型的建筑专论,这本书使用漫画的形式来表达其对于当代建筑的激进观点。它也是一个创新实践,详细地介绍了建筑设计的方法、过程、工具以及概念,“我们相信,建筑界始终有一个乌托邦,它能创造一个实践目标,在这里,社会、经济与环境都能得以完善。在BIG事务所,我们都将致力于在梦想与现实之中寻求一个平衡点。”建筑师如是说。

Yes is More | BIG
Yes is More is the easily accessible but unremittingly radical manifesto of Copenhagen-based architectural practice Bjarke Ingels Group, or BIG. An Archicomic as he calls it, it is an illustrated approach to architectural evolution. Unlike a typical architectural monograph, this book uses the comic book format to express its radical agenda for contemporary architecture. It is also the first comprehensive documentation of BIG’s trailblazing practice—where method, process, instruments and concepts are constantly questioned and redefined. “We believe that there is a pragmatic utopian architecture that creates socially, economically and environmentally perfect places as a practical objective. At BIG we are devoted to investing in the overlap between radical and reality.”, says the architect.


Outskirts of Vision | Nir Levie

Ben是一个突然出现在世界末日的年轻建筑师,他知道自己在做什么——调查这个城市。唯一吸引和与之交流的是一个暴力的、反叛的无政府主义者。很明显,他们都分享了关于城市的知识:他们知道它的变化。城市规划、建筑物、街道——一切都改变、消失、甚至在别处出现——这一切都突然且毫无预兆。令人惊讶的是,没有其他人知道这座城市的变化,只有他们两个人了解这一切。他们一起踏上这段旅程,在这条路上,一个未来主义的世界展现在他们面前,他们试图了解城市变革背后的原因。他们的旅程将改变他们的世界观。Outskirts of Vision是一部关于城市的漫画小说——什么是 “好”的城市?城市规划者真的能控制他们所设计的城市吗?在建造之前,人们有没有办法完整地参观另外一座城市?

Outskirts of Vision | Nir Levie
Ben is a young architect who suddenly appears in a dangerous, apocalyptic world. He knows what he’s doing there: he’s on a mission to investigate the city. The only person he gravitates towards and communicates with is a violent, rebellious anarchist. It soon becomes apparent that they both share knowledge about the city: they both know that it changes. The city’s plan, its buildings, roads, streets – everything changes, disappears and reappears elsewhere – suddenly and without warning. Surprisingly, no other person is aware of the changes to the city but the two of them. Together they embark on a journey in which a new, futuristic world unfolds before them while attempting to learn the reason behind the city’s transformations. Their journey will change the way they view the world. Outskirts of Vision is a graphic novel about cities – What constitutes a “good” city? Do city planners really have control over the success of the cities they design? Is there a way to visit a city before it has been built?


砖与气球| Mélanie van der Hoorn

砖与气球:Architecture in Comic-Strip Form整理了人类学家Mélanie van der Hoorn的研究结果,研究了漫画介质对建筑的重要性。让•努维尔、雷姆•库哈斯、Bjarke Ingels和诺曼•福斯特,这些大师级建筑师都常常用漫画来展示他们的作品。这本书是对许许多多建筑师和漫画家关于许多有关漫画的建筑项目的采访。

Bricks and Balloons | Mélanie van der Hoorn
Bricks & Balloons: Architecture in Comic-Strip Form collates the results of cultural anthropologist Mélanie van der Hoorn’s investigation into how the medium of the comic strip has been of importance to architecture. Jean Nouvel, Rem Koolhaas, Bjarke Ingels and Norman Foster – all these cutting-edge architects have at some time used comic strips to present their projects or reflected on the socio-political context that shaped them. The book features first-hand interviews with architects and comic book artists as well as numerous architectural projects relating to comics.


无处可归的公民 | Jimenez Lai        

《无处可归的公民》是一个集城市与建筑的短篇小说,以图形方式表示小故事。小说被用来作为一种解开建筑思维的策略。建筑模型作为一个记录传统图纸建筑思维的一个关键思维过程(特别是建筑师John Hejduk和Bernard Tschumi的曼哈顿短片)。这部短篇小说通过漫画形式探讨了许多建筑问题,这有助于引领产生多样的建筑理论与批评。

Citizens of no place | Jimenez Lai        
Citizens of No Place is a collection of short stories on architecture and urbanism, graphically represented using manga-style storyboards. Fiction is used as a strategy to unpack thoughts about architecture. Modeled as a proto-manifesto, it is a candid chronicle of a highly critical thought process in the tradition of paper architecture (especially that of architect John Hejduk and Bernard Tschumi’s Manhattan Transcript). The short stories explore many architectural problems through the unique language of the graphic novel, helping usher the next generation of architectural theory and criticism.


建筑故事 | Chris Ware


Building Stories | Chris Ware
Ware’s Building Stories allows us to investigate the parallels between the aesthetic and structural techniques of Ware’s artistic and narrative style and those of an architect: the story’s setting in a Chicago apartment block is developed through the use of axonometric and cutaway axonometric views. The organizing principle of Building Stories is architecture: Ware renders places and events alike as architectural diagrams. He’s certain of every detail of these rooms and tends to splay their furnishings out diagonally to show how they fit together. The unconventional work is made up of fourteen printed works – cloth-bound books, newspapers, broadsheets and flip books – packaged in a boxed set. The work took a decade to complete and the parts of it can be read in any order.


Batman: Death by Design | Chip Kidd & Dave Taylor

Batman: Death by Design这本书围绕着发生在替代破旧的韦恩中环火车站的高谭市新火车站的建设设计所发生的事。故事很大程度上受纽约佩恩车站启发,关于旅游中心如何成为昔日荣耀的影子,而对于Kidd这么一个贸易专业的业余建筑师来说是非常沮丧的。Death by Design清楚地反映了Kidd由现实生活中所得出的各个观点,与其将其拆除从头开始,不如复活曾经的辉煌。

Batman: Death by Design | Chip Kidd & Dave Taylor
Batman: Death By Design centers around the construction of a new train station in Gotham to replace the old, rundown Wayne Central Station. The story was inspired in large part by New York City’s Penn Station on how the popular travel hub has become a shadow of its former glory; to Kidd, a designer by trade and student of architecture by hobby, this is beyond depressing. Death By Design clearly echoes Kidd’s sentiments with the real-life station found in NYC, as a few characters in his story serve as vicarious voices to resurrect what was once great instead of tearing it down and starting from scratch.


Undocumented: Architecture of Migrant Detention | Tings Chak


Undocumented: Architecture of Migrant Detention | Tings Chak
Undocumented is a graphic narrative about the lines drawn to divide us. Children growing up behind barbed wire; families torn apart and unable to communicate; people jailed for years, in nightmarish limbo, because they don’t have the right paperwork; these are the stories of North America’s migrant detention systems. A combination of comics journalism, architectural sketches & commentary from those involved in migrant justice struggles, Undocumented is a blueprint for our understanding this hidden world. Using the conventional architectural tools of representation, the book questions the role of architectural design in the control and management of migrants in such spaces.


The life of an architect…and what it leaves behind | Mike Hermans


The life of an architect…and what it leaves behind | Mike Hermans
This graphic novel is about the life of architect Archibald and his daily struggle with his office colleagues, employees, clients, contractors, civil servants, consultants, architecture critics, and other people involved in the building industry. Archibald runs an architecture office with his partner and engineer, Gerald. While Archibald is a visionary and a romantic dreamer with a tendency to idealistic and egocentric behavior, Gerald is the rational one who keeps his feet on the ground. An exploited intern named Ralph; a narrowminded IT-specialist named John, and a weird cardboard model builder named Mr. Shan also work in their office. Archibald is married to Charlotte, a succesful lawyer who quit her job to help Archibald clean up his administrative mess. They have two children: Archie, his six-year-old son who wants to be the best architect in the world and Charly, a smart-mouthed ten-year-old daughter with a strong dislike for everything regarding art.





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