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© Enrico Cano

西班牙Centro Botín艺术文化中心
Centro Botín / Renzo Piano Building Workshop


Centro Botín是集艺术、文化和教育为一体的公共空间,放眼桑坦德湾,项目将一直被用作停车场的庞大码头恢复为与城市互动的人文场所。这是一个俯瞰大海的战略区域,靠近旧市中心,同时由于Jardines de Pereda历史遗迹的存在而加强了历史文化性。 该中心得到了西班牙银行总裁EmilioBotín(1934 - 2014年)的强力支持,并由博坦基金会资助,该基金会是西班牙最重要的私人基金会之一,成立于1964年,旨在促进坎塔布里亚社会、经济和文化的发展。

The Centro Botín, a space for art, culture and education, projecting into the Bay of Santander, will restore to the city the immense dockland site of the Albareda mole, used until now as a parking lot. This is a strategic area, overlooking the sea, near the old city centre and enhanced by the historic Jardines de Pereda. The centre was strongly supported by Emilio Botín (1934-2014), president of Banco Santander and financed by the Botín Foundation, one of the most important private foundations in Spain, established in 1964 with the aim of fostering the social, economic and cultural development of Cantabria.

© Enrico Cano

场地平面图/Site Plan



The project restores the ties between the historical part of the city and the sea.  The freeway separating the park from the sea has now been rung underground through a tunnel, making it possible to double the area of the Jardines de Pereda, extending them to the seafront and restoring pedestrian access to the sea for Santander’s citizens.

© Enrico Cano

Centro Botín在顺应城市公共轴线的基础上,一半根植在陆地,另一半从水面上悬挑而出。因为项目巧妙地被树木掩盖,这就避免了阻挡在公园散步的人群观看海湾景色的视觉效果。由一系列钢和玻璃组成的轻质走廊,使建筑形体一分为二,并创建了一个完全自由开放的小型中心广场,而后由楼梯或电梯到达两个形体中的各个空间,最终将到达悬挑于堤坝二十米的“海上跳板”。

Hemmed in between the park and the sea, and on the axis of the public market, the new Centro Botín is half based on the land and the other half suspended over the water on stilts. This avoids obstructing  the view of the sea and the beautiful bay landscape for people strolling in the park, as the Centro Botín is cleverly masked by the foliage of trees. A series of light walkways of steel and glass separate the two rounded volumes of the building and create a new square set above grade and fully public. Stairways and elevators then lead up to the two blocks of the cultural centre. From here the “springboard” over the sea projects twenty metres beyond the mole.

© Stéphane Aboudaram

一层平面图/Floor Plan Level 1

Centro Botín的建筑形式是使用模型进行精密计算的结果,这种形式产生两个相互关联的类似圆形的形体,为底层提供良好的自然照明条件,并引导游客和市民的视线由公园看向海滨。构成建筑的两个形体由近28万个小型圆瓷砖作为外墙饰面,透过坎塔布里亚稀薄的空气,整体建筑看起来类似在海边反射着阳光的珍珠,充满活力。

The two-lobed form of the Centro Botín is the outcome of a laborious progressive refinement of the design with the use of models. This gave rise to a rounded form that provides better illumination of the ground floor and accompanies the view of visitors and citizens looking out from the park to the sea. The two bodies that make up the building are completely faced with 280,000 small, slightly rounded ceramic tiles, pearl-coloured and vibrant, that reflect the sunlight, the sparkle of the water, and the rarefied atmosphere of Cantabria.

© Enrico Cano

© Enrico Cano

© Enrico Cano

© Enrico Cano


The east volume houses an auditorium rising to double height and cantilevered over the sea, and to the north, the educational centre: spaces designed with the maximum flexibility to adapt to multiple activities. The auditorium has been conceived as a multifunctional box that can host concerts, readings, lectures, but also festivals and ceremonies, while the rooms of the education centre are designed to offer spaces of varying sizes to host future workshops of creative art, music, dance and cookery for both children and adults.

© Enrico Cano

© Enrico Cano

© Enrico Cano


In the west volume the exhibition galleries unfold on two levels, characterized by a spectacular double view over the sea and the park. The exhibition space on the upper floor is illuminated zenithally by glass roofing consisting of four layers: an outer level composed of small silkscreened glass slats which prevent stray light from entering the gallery space directly; a second layer of double glazing which seals the gallery; a third layer consisting of small aluminium louvers automatically controlled by a system of sensors that can be used to black out the interior and make the lighting flexible; and lastly, under the main beams, a semi-transparent white fabric that creates a uniform space and diffuses the light while revealing the complex structure of the roof.

横截面/Transversal Section

© Enrico Cano

Centro Botín西侧设有一个LED屏幕,与公园内的露天剧场相对应,为人们提供看户外电影的场所。建筑底层是由透明玻璃完全包围的咖啡厅、餐厅、商业和信息中心混合的多功能空间。这里的天花板由陶瓷覆盖,地板是外部混凝土地面的一种延续。通过这种方式,游客和市民可看到由宽阔屋顶覆盖的室外滨海景观,同时营造出室内外空间相互融合的效果,创造出聚集社交的公共空间,形成建筑、景观及城市的紧密关系。

An amphitheatre hewn out of the park runs alongside the Centro Botín, its west façade equipped with a LED screen for screenings and outdoor cinema. On the ground floor a fully transparent façade encloses a multifunctional space animated by a café, restaurant, commercial space and the information centre. Here the ceiling is covered with ceramic and the floor is a continuation of the external blue concrete paving. In this way, the inner and outer space are almost indistinguishable and visitors and citizens can see the sea and landscape of the bay framed by the broad eaves of the building which shelter the tables outside, creating a space for gathering and socializing.Building, park and city are clasped in an intimate bond.

© Enrico Cano

© Enrico Cano

© Enrico Cano

© Enrico Cano

东立面/East Elevation

西立面/West Elevation

合作单位:Luis Vidal + Architects (Madrid)
摄影:Enrico Cano, Stéphane Aboudaram
设计团队:E.Baglietto, M.Carroll (partners in charge), F.Becchi (associate in charge), S.Lafranconi, M.Monti, R.Parodi, L.Simonelli with M.Cagnazzo, P.Carrera, S.Ishida (partner), M.Menardo, A.Morselli, S.Polotti and I.Coseriu, P.Fiserova, V.Gareri, S.Malosikova, T.Wozniak, A.Zambrano; F.Terranova, F.Cappellini, I.Corsaro (models)
客户:Fundación Botín
设计顾问:Dynamis, Arup, Typsa (structure); Arup, Typsa (MEP, façade); Müller-BBM (acoustics); artec3 Studio, Arup (lighting); Gleeds, Typsa (cost consultant); Fernando Caruncho (landscape)

•        Architects: Renzo Piano Building Workshop
•        Location: Santander, Cantabria, Spain
•        Collaboration: Luis Vidal + Architects
•        Area: 6823.0 m2
•        Project Year: 2017
•        Photographs: Enrico Cano, Stéphane Aboudaram
•        Design Team: E.Baglietto, M.Carroll (partners in charge), F.Becchi (associate in charge), S.Lafranconi, M.Monti, R.Parodi, L.Simonelli with M.Cagnazzo, P.Carrera, S.Ishida (partner), M.Menardo, A.Morselli, S.Polotti and I.Coseriu, P.Fiserova, V.Gareri, S.Malosikova, T.Wozniak, A.Zambrano; F.Terranova, F.Cappellini, I.Corsaro (models)
•        Project Manager: Bovis
•        Client: Fundación Botín
•        Consultants: Dynamis, Arup, Typsa (structure); Arup, Typsa (MEP, façade); Müller-BBM (acoustics); artec3 Studio, Arup (lighting); Gleeds, Typsa (cost consultant); Fernando Caruncho (landscape)





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