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Designjunction announces installations and exhibitions for London Design Festival 2017




Dezeen promotion: a giant ceramic gateway, a flower-filled passage and visions for cars of the future are among the installations and exhibitions set to take place at this year's designjunction.
The event returns to Granary Square in London's King's Cross from 21 to 24 September. It will host a series of installations, exhibitions, collaborations and pop-up shops over the four-day period, with brands including Renault, Rado and Tala all taking part.

花卉供应商Bloomon将建造一个被荷兰植物覆盖的通道|Flower delivery service Bloomon will create a passageway covered in plants from Dutch fields


designjunction第一次与Turkish品牌陶瓷合作,在中央Saint Martins中心外的喷泉区创建一个“引人注目的、完全浸入式”的陶瓷装置。

“大门”装置由艺术家Adam Nathaniel Furman创作,将由一系列色彩缤纷的四米高的大门组成,每扇门都反映了一个关于土耳其陶瓷历史的不同故事。

Dezeen is media partner for designjunction, and readers can receive a 50 per cent discount off tickets when purchasing them from the event website.
For the first time, designjunction will collaborate with brand Turkishceramics to create a "striking and fully immersive" ceramic installation for the fountain area outside Central Saint Martins.
Created by artist Adam Nathaniel Furman, the Gateways installation will consist of a series of colourful, tiled four-metre-high gates – each reflecting a different story based on Turkey's history with ceramics.

雷诺车队去年推出的Trezor自驾汽车,也将在Granary广场展示|Renault's self-driving Trezor car, unveiled last year, will also be on show at Granary Square

同样在 Granary广场,鲜花供应商Bloomon将会用荷兰植物创造一个通道。其尽头将是一扇秘密的门,里面是一间植物主题的房间,可以举办讲座和研讨会。

该广场还将展示雷诺的Trezor自动驾驶汽车,这也是该汽车品牌与中央 Saint Martins合作的结果,它见证了学生们设计未来汽车的挑战与结果。

Campari——意大利apéritif将在Regent附近的 Canal举办为期两周的高级讲习班,同时灯具品牌Tala将提供翻新酒桶里的饮品。

Also on Granary Square, flower delivery service Bloomon will create a passageway covered in plants from Dutch fields. At the end of the tunnel will be a secret door, which encloses a botanical-themed room that will host talks and workshops.
The square will also showcase Renault's self-driving Trezor car, as well as the result of the car brand's collaboration with Central Saint Martins, which saw students challenged with designing a car for the future.
Campari – the Italian apéritif – will host a two-week masterclass programme onboard a narrowboat on the nearby Regent's Canal, while lighting brand Tala will serve drinks from a refurbished vintage Mini Cooper.

穿越区域将被一盏定制的枝形吊灯照亮,由两个法国工作室Blackbody和Haviland设计|The Crossing area will be illuminated by a bespoke chandelier designed by two French studios, Blackbody and Haviland


穿过中央Saint Martins学院中心的十字路口,将再次扮演安装和合作项目的角色,包括与Rado合作,将展示第一届英国比赛RadoStar奖最终的设计。



The Crossing, Cubitt House and The Canopy will all return for the 2017 edition of designjunction, as well as a new area named Cubitt Park.
The Crossing, which runs through the centre of the Central Saint Martins campus, will again play home to installations and partnership projects, including a collaboration with Rado that will present the finalists' designs for the first Rado Star Prize UK competition.
This area will be illuminated by a bespoke chandelier named Helen, Light & Porcelain, designed by two French studios, Blackbody and Haviland.
The Canopy will return as a temporary pop-up venue for premium retail brands and emerging design labels, selling everything from fashion accessories to technology, ceramics, glassware and stationery.

照明品牌Tala,生产高端LED灯泡,将在翻新的老式迷你Cooper中供应饮料|Lighting brand Tala, which makes high-end LED bulbs, will serve drinks from a refurbished vintage Mini Cooper

今年的品牌组合包括Cherchbi,Holdall & Co,Korridor,Melin Tregwynt,Oggetto,以及我们之前介绍过的Tom Pigeon和Void手表。

在新的丘比特公园区,Kirkby Design和Eley Kishimoto合作创建了一个名为the Lounge的新闻区域。这个空间还将举办一些活动,包括Blueprint  iGuzzini建筑摄影奖和NLA网络聚会。


This year's mix of brands includes Cherchbi, Holdall & Co, Korridor, Melin Tregwynt, Oggetto, One We Made Earlier, Tom Pigeon and Void Watches.
In the new Cubitt Park area, Kirkby Design and Eley Kishimoto have teamed up to create a press area named The Lounge. This space will also play host to several events, including the Blueprint iGuzzini Architectural Photography Awards and an NLA networking gathering.
To help visitors navigate around the site, design practice Maynard has devised a wayfinding strategy along with graphic designers BCMH.

由Maynard和Marshalls设计的一系列受brutalist启发设计的街道家具,将在designjunction发布,并在Granary 广场附近放置|A range of brutalist-inspired street furniture by Maynard and Marshalls will be launched at designjunction and positioned around Granary Square for the event

Maynard还与Marshalls公司合作设计了一套全新brutalist风格的模块化街道家具,包括座椅、照明灯和自行车停车场,这些家具将在designjunction发布,并在Granary 广场周围放置。



Maynard has also worked with Marshalls to design a new range of brutalist-inspired modular street furniture, including seating, lighting and cycle parking, which will be launched at designjunction and positioned around Granary Square for the event.
Designjunction will take place from 21 to 24 September 2017 during the London Design Festival. Tickets for the event can be purchased online in advance for £12, while trade tickets are free when reserved in advance.
Dezeen readers can receive a 50 per cent discount for tickets through this link to the designjunction website.





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