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Joseph Kennedy专注于温尼伯市中心的空中走廊的系列照片
joseph kennedy's photo series focuses on the empty corridors of downtown winnipeg’s skywalk


寒冷的北方气候导致许多加拿大城市广泛的采用跨越连接的走廊形式,成为独特的行人通道网络。这些空中走廊的设计初衷是为了让行人能够避免城市的恶劣天气,但现在却有专业人士认为这些道路系统过于封闭,也从某种程度上减少了城市的街道生活。Colin Rowe在他的著作《拼贴城市》中描述,城市布局的活力来源于以前城市形态的叠加。

the cold northern climate lead to the adoption of expansive climate controlled networks of pedestrian passages across many canadian cities. although originally intended to provide a comfortable means of navigating the city in bad weather, these enclosed pedestrian systems are now widely considered responsible for detracting from the street life of the cities where they have been deployed. colin rowe attributed the vitality of successful city layouts to the urban conglomerations that superimposed themselves over previous urban forms in his seminal work, ‘collage city’.

这些走廊拱门可能成为城市古迹,从而形成温尼伯的城市特点/these gateway arches may become urban monuments that help positively define winnipeg’s city identity

joseph kennedy的摄影系列主要集中于记录无人的街道以及温尼伯市中心的“天空步道”,其目的是激发对于城市退化的系统背景下的探讨,以及未来城市发展的可适应性原则。通过维多利亚州的城市中心空置的人行道和通道中可以观察到乌托邦现代主义项目的遗留问题。温尼伯的天桥系统于20世纪70年代末开始建设,目的是激发城市活力。

joseph kennedy‘s photographic series focuses on the unpopulated streets and empty corridors of downtown winnipeg’s ‘skywalk’, in the context of local debates of the system role in urban degradation and possible adaptation in to the future development of the city. the legacy of utopian modernist projects can be observed in the vacant walkways and passages that bisect winnipeg’s city center. winnipeg’s two kilometer long skywalk system began construction in the late 1970’s as an effort to revive a downtown already in decline.

温尼伯的天桥系统在20世纪70年代末开始建设,目的是激发城市活力/winnipeg’s two kilometer long skywalk system began construction in the late 1970’s as an effort to revive a downtown already in decline

这个目标并未成功达成, 长长的走廊和昏暗的隧道似乎坚持着一个不被看好的愿景。跨越城市街道的空中桥梁让人想起罗马的水道,它们代表着历史的基础设施。

although ultimately unsuccessful, the long hallways and dimly lit tunnels remain a montage of unpopulated one point perspectives that persist beyond their well-intentioned ambitions. the narrow sky bridges spanning the city streets recall the presence of roman aqueducts as if they were the remnants of a past civilization’s abandoned infrastructure.

封闭的桥梁系统最初是为了在恶劣的天气环境下为人们提供一个舒适的城市空间/the enclosed bridge system was originally intended to provide a comfortable means of navigating the city in bad weather

长长的走廊和昏暗的隧道似乎坚持着一个不被看好的愿景/the long hallways and dimly lit tunnels remain a montage of unpopulated one point perspectives that persist beyond their well-intentioned ambitions

温尼伯天桥/winnipeg’s skywalk bridge

跨越城市街道的狭窄的天空桥梁让人想起了罗马的水道/the narrow sky bridges spanning the city streets recall the presence of roman aqueducts

而多伦多和蒙特利尔的PATH和RESO系统似乎成功地将繁忙的街道生活与购物中心相融合,而温尼伯则主要运用空中天桥这样的基础设施来形成自己的城市象征/while the PATH and RESO systems in toronto and montreal appear to successfully integrate busy street life into a shopping mall like atmosphere, cities such as winnipeg struggle to resolve their urban identity with their pedestrian infrastructure

人们可以在空中天桥上观察到城市乌托邦现代主义项目的遗留作品/the legacy of utopian modernist projects can be observed in the vacant walkways and passages that bisect winnipeg’s city center

温尼伯规划总平面图/winnipeg skywalk map

轴测图/isometric skywalk map





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