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Orms create new London arcade


Orms 公司在Chancery Lane的商业区建造了综合多用体。

Orms has created new mixed-use destination in Midtown at Chancery Lane


建造前期Orms已经完成了Chancery小巷79号至86号的主要重建工程,其中包括5万平方英尺(4645平方米)的当代办公空间,5个单人或双人公寓和7500平方英尺(696平方米)的零售空间,还包括对历史悠久的Chichester Rents巷道的改造,从而创造一个有吸引力的新拱廊。


翻新工程还包括重新设计的Chichester Rents,这是曾经位于83号和84号之间的敞篷小巷——Chancery小巷,两边是两座维多利亚式建筑。


地面层临街的一面,是由玻璃幕墙形成的店面,这些店面为街道带来些许活力。人们可以直接通过小巷来到附近的主教法庭。零售空间分别不同的单元,从而为Chancery Lane吸引高端零售商。

Architecture practice Orms has completed work on the major redevelopment of 79-86 Chancery Lane, comprising 50,000 sq ft of contemporary office space, five one and two-bed apartments and 7,500 sq ft of retail space, including the remodelling of the historic Chichester Rents passage way to create an attractive new arcade. Developed by Raingate Limited, the five floors of contemporary, BREEAM ‘excellent’ office space which were prelet to a chamber of barristers and residential units are all carefully crafted behind a restored Victorian façade.The renovations also include the re-design of Chichester Rents which once formed an open alleyway between 83 and 84 Chancery Lane, the two Victorian buildings which sit either side. In order to reinstate Chichester Rents as an open alleyway from Chancery Lane to Star Yard, existing bridges linking 83 and 84 Chancery Lane have been removed and replaced with a stepped glass and metal infill. Faceted by anodised aluminium panels, the façade of this new build changes in appearance according to the movement of the sun throughout the day due to the nature of its glistening jewel-like quality. At ground level, the facades have been replaced with full height glazed shop fronts to activate a lively street frontage, complemented by new connections that create a thoroughfare linking the nearby Bishops Court. The new retail space, delivered in two larger units and three smaller boutiques, has been designed to attract high-end retailers to Chancery Lane.



Orms的 “悬空体量”似乎漂浮在Chancery Lane83号至84号之间的巷道之上,两栋建筑历史悠久,可以追溯到19世纪。

Orms’ in-fill intervention appears to float above the alleyway between 83 and 84 Chancery Lane which both date back to the 19th Century. Here, Orms has undertaken careful retention to the Victorian facades, enhancing them with terracotta fins to reference the faïence of the Victorian buildings replaced in 1990. An additional top floor of 8,200 sq ft which is part of the prelet office space provides views of Lincoln’s Inn Fields.


Orms公司的总监John McRae说:“我们已经竭尽所能地建造出一幢完全现代化的建筑,它保留了传统的精华。我们很快就意识到了正确的处理方式,Chancery小巷应当符合其传统的发展方式,这里具有Chichester主教的场所特征。在他的遗嘱里,遗址上存放的珠宝都留给了国王,所以这些宝石也成为设计的线索,从而引导建筑师设计了如同珠宝般闪光的建筑外观。Chancery小巷以前一直作为车行与人行道路,这里十分拥堵。但是现在这种令人烦扰的境况已经不复存在,恢复改造后的Chichester Rents也和主教法庭联系在了一起,我们为此深感自豪。”

图片:Marcus Peel

John McRae, Director at Orms said: “Every care has been taken to create a thoroughly modern building that retains the best of its previous incarnations. We soon realised that with the right treatment, 79-86 Chancery Lane had every potential to become something befitting its origins when it was the site of the Bishop of Chichester’s, Ralph Neville, mansion. In his will, jewellery and gems that were housed on the site were left to the King and it was these gems that we would return to as a guiding influence for the glistening jewel-like design for the façade of this site. Chancery Lane has long been home to a warren of alleyways, lanes and courtyards and we’re deeply proud that this sensitive transformation has positively reinstated Chichester Rents and connected it to Bishops Court.”









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