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继景室内设计团队近日完成了位于山东省会济南Fly Lounge的设计。Fly Lounge位于市中心的一座旧厂房的建筑内。业主热衷于电子音乐并每年参加欧美大型音乐节,因此想把Fly lounge打造成一个举办电子音乐演出与提供高端酒水服务的精品酒吧。继景室内设计团队经过多次对当下主流俱乐部及演出现场的调查,决定通过现代设计手法及材料把Fly Lounge塑造成符合国际趋势的夜生活场所。
Fly Lounge by Jin Design Studio is located in an old factory at Jinan. The owner has been to many top electronic music festivals around world. Fly Lounge is dedicated to electronic music party and serving innovative beverage. After studies of many bars and clubs, Jin Design Studio decided to design an international night venue by using distinctive ways.

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设计师通过对原有建筑的仔细评估和测量保留了原厂房空间的尺度和设备。Fly Lounge整体空间开放而富有节奏感。入口接待区及名酒展示区洞口的霓虹灯管为FLy Lounge打下了感性的基调。两大核心区域为休闲吧区与音乐舞池区。休闲酒吧区营业开放时间较早,整体氛围休闲舒缓。弧形吧台精致的松香玉石台面与四周富有肌理的水泥墙面形成对比。紫色铜皮板大面的运用一直贯穿休闲吧台到卡座区背面。由于紫铜板反光性较强,因此在舞台灯光照耀下变化莫测渲染了整体氛围。
Architectural structures were kept such as lighting roof. Interior space is modern and open. The blue neon lighting between reception and wine display creates sexy mood of the lounge. Round bar opens earlier and presents relaxed ambient. The jade marble and textured cement stands out as a contrast. Purple copper wall from round bar to couch area presents an image of different lights and shades.

▽ 入口接待区及名酒展示区洞口的霓虹灯管打下了感性的基调, The blue neon lighting between reception and wine display creates sexy mood of the lounge

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▽ 紫色铜皮板大面的运用一直贯穿休闲吧台到卡座区背面,Purple copper wall from round bar to couch area presents an image of different lights and shades

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▽ 弧形吧台精致的松香玉石台面,The jade marble surface of the round bar

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卡座区对面为音乐舞池区,设计师在保证原有结构稳定的前提下,拆除掉了原有较为封闭隔墙保证了卡座区顾客享有现场演出最佳视听效果并实现两个空间互通。不同于国内大部分的俱乐部,Fly Lounge划分出了较大的舞池用于举办现场电音演出。整个音乐空间利用了原建筑加建的玻璃结构拥有接近四米的层高,在电子音乐及灯光特效带动下充满活力。音乐舞池区右侧为服务于演出活动的长吧台,背部用镜子装饰的酒架对空间有延伸效果。设计师通过加入新的元素与原厂房建筑氛围相吻合,一改曾经老旧的形象。
Part of original walls were removed to enlarge the opening between dance floor and table area. Large dance floor was set for live music show. The glass house of four meters high is a perfect space for party music and lighting. The mirrors behind long bar extend dance floor. The combination of materials and old structure adores the space.▽ 卡座区,The table area

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▽ 长吧台用镜子装饰的酒架对空间有延伸效果,The mirrors behind long bar extend dance floor

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酒吧的卫生间往往是设计的一大亮点,Fly Lounge也不例外。设计师利用银箔和炫彩马赛克让洗手间变得浮夸。进入卫生间,入口两侧的镜子通过折射可以让不同性别顾客感受到来自空间的错觉,大胆而又暧昧。区分男女的不再只是标识而是通过空间的颜色。
Bathroom was a focal point of Fly Lounge. The use of silver paper and glazed mosaic add dramatic effect to the space. Mirrors on all both sides of bathroom present to customer illusion that going to wrong place. Male and female bathrooms are identified by colors rather than signing.

▽ 镜子通过折射让不同性别顾客感受到来自空间的错觉, Mirrors on all both sides of bathroom present to customer illusion that going to wrong place

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此外,Fly lounge还设置了一间VIP包间提供私人定制化服务。户外露台在天气适宜情况下开放,为顾客提供了不同的社交娱乐体验。
In addition, the VIP room is dedicated to create first-class service and private party. Enjoy an outdoor entertainment at terrace also enrich experience at Fly Lounge.

▽  平面图,Plan

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▽  剖面图,Section

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项目地点: 山东济南
设计团队: 继景室内设计(上海)工作室
设计师: 范继景,柴润知,孙旭,MoMo
Project Location: Jinan, Shandong
Design Firm: Jin Design Studio(Shanghai)
Design Team: Fan Jijing,Chai Runzhi,Sun Xu,MoMo
Design Area:400 Square Meters
Materials: cement,iron plate,metal net,copper,oak,jade marble,silver paper

济南Fly Lounge电子音乐酒吧第20张图片



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