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传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第1张图片

Hamyangjae / guga Urban Architecture


这座现代化的红砖住宅具有当地的传统建筑元素“Hanok”,为一个有两个孩子的家庭而设计。 客户要求住宅足够安静,可以为他们的孩子提供一个温馨的家。

This contemporary red brick house embraces Hanok, a traditional Korean architecture, for a family with two children near Seoul. Clients had specific demands for their own house that it should have a restful space for them and a spacious home for their children.

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第2张图片
© Yoon Joon-Hwan


A fifth of the population of the entire country now resides in the capital. As a response to the growing demand, it has been inevitable to build tall apartments with less consideration on design to speed up the whole process. Correspondingly, it became the most popular type of living. However, there are also shortages. “Clients told us that they could hardly feel at home in their house. Apartment blocks are famous for noise issues between the floors.” Architect continued “Accordingly, activities are highly limited” The identical design and restrained lifestyle now make many inhabitants to find an alternative way to dwell in the city.

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第3张图片
© Yoon Joon-Hwan

运用现代策略与Hanok结合对于建筑师来说是一个巨大的挑战。 “有两个要求。 首先,建筑仍需具有传统因素。其次,建筑需设置有南向花园。”传统与历史相互结合衬托。因此我们需要在这二者之间找到平衡点。建筑师说:“花园就像一个缓冲区,可以柔和建筑的硬边。”同时它也通过大窗户自然融入起居室。 它的功能就像一个开放式空间让人感到自由与舒适。这种充满趣味的场景可以发生在上部空间,那里设置有小型图书馆和书房。

Embedding Hanok into a contemporary building was a big challenge for the architect. “There were two requests. Firstly, a part of the house should be Hanok. Secondly, it should have Madang, Korean garden, facing south” The contrast between the Hanok part and the contemporary part seems to be prominent. Balancing these two different construction methods was the main concern in this project. “Madang is like a buffer zone to dilute any possible disconnection” said architect. Madang also naturally blends into the living room through the large windows. It functions like a big playground for the children where they can run around all day. This playful moment continues to upstairs where the small library and the study room can be found.

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第4张图片
© Yoon Joon-Hwan

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第5张图片


因此,建筑入口被放大,顶部有一个露台,下面有一个储藏室。住宅的三个体量使建筑的每一面都与众不同。 从入口外面看不出建筑的传统意味,在另一面,整个体量分成三个部分,展示些许的传统构件,建筑师解释说:“Hanok传统单元可以完全脱离红砖部分,而不会造成任何损害。”

The three big volumes of Hamyangjae was the manoeuvre to enclose Madang. The architect had to seek an alternative solution that could keep Madang private since having fences is not allowed in the neighbourhood.
As a result, the entrance is enlarged that has a terrace on the top and a storage below. The three masses of Hamyangjae makes every side of the building distinctive. From the outside of the entrance, Hanok completely disappears. On the other side, the whole mass splits into three volumes and gives a hint of Hanok. “Hanok unit can be completely detached from the red brick part without any damage” explained the architect.

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第6张图片
© Yoon Joon-Hwan


Bay window: The bay window was carefully chosen in order to fit with the whole conceptual design. Apart from bringing a strong visual connection, the bay window is able to open from the center to the extremity, allowing a strong physical continuity from the inside to the outside Madang.

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第7张图片
© Yoon Joon-Hwan

传统的窗户设计:窗户是传统韩国建筑中的重要元素。 首先,这些窗户允许光线进入房屋,同时给予居民很强的隐私感。 其次,窗户的形式与内部空间相呼应,也是居民身份的象征。 最后,这也是内部氛围的重要因素。 在这个项目中,现代窗户的使用使其能够保持传统的品质,同时也具有良好的隔离性和实用性。

Traditional design system windows: Windows are important elements in the traditional korean architecture. First, they allow the light to enter in the house while giving a strong privacy to the habitants. Secondly, the type of pattern are related to the inside program and also symbolic to the status of the habitants. Finally, it is also an important factor of the inside atmosphere. In this project the use of a modern system window allowed the project to keep those traditional qualities but also to have a good isolation and ease of use.

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第8张图片
© Yoon Joon-Hwan

木地板:Hanok通常需要木地板来象征交流空间。建筑师通过材料的区分让这些空间看上去愈发独特。这也用来区分交流区域与传统封闭房间的不同。因此,Hanok可以被看作是这二者的结合。后者也可以看作是连接内外区域的灰空间。 在这个项目中,整个Hanok覆盖了一种现代化的木地板,其中使用了与传统地板不兼容的地热系统。

Wooden floor: Wooden floor is usually need to in the Hanok to symbolize the meeting spaces. The use of the precious material give some importance to those space that we used to call Maru. It is also used to differentiate the meeting space from the individual room called Bang. In this way a Hanok can be seen as an alternating of Maru and Bang. The Maru can also be seen as a threshold which connect the inside space between themselves and also the inside spaces with the outdoor spaces. In this project, the whole Hanokis covered with a modern wooden floor in order to take advantage of the floor heating system which is not compatible with the traditional one.

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第9张图片
© Yoon Joon-Hwan

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第10张图片

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第11张图片
© Yoon Joon-Hwan

花岗岩石材:花岗岩石材是传统Hanok的重要元素。 它们被用于项目“Gidan”的基础,同时建筑师将木柱竖立在一块坚固的石块上,在这个项目中,为了适应现代的生活方式,建筑师仍然决定使用花岗岩材料作为花园的地面材料。传统建筑中,花园地面往往覆盖着泥土,花岗岩的使用让整个环境看上去更加干净整洁,同时也增加了功能性。 石材同样运用在客厅里,表达了室内外空间的连续性。

Granite stone: Granite stone is an important element in the traditional Hanok. They are used for the foundation of the project Gidan and also the wooden columns are standing on a strong piece of stone called Choseok. In this project, in order to fit with the modern life style, we decided to extend the granite stone as the ground material for the whole Madang Korean courtyard. Compared to the originally soil covered Madang, the stone pavement allows the children to play in a clean environment but also multiply the programmatic possibilities. The living room rather than covered with a wooden floor is covered with a stone pavement which highlight the continuity between the Madang to the inside space.

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第12张图片
© Yoon Joon-Hwan

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第13张图片
© Yoon Joon-Hwan


Red bricks: The red bricks are an important outside materials for the contemporary and traditional Korean architecture. It is also, usually, used for the urban Hanok. It is then logical to use this material to connect the contemporary and traditional part of the house into a unique ensemble.

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第14张图片
© Yoon Joon-Hwan

Hanji纸墙:这种墙体能够在空间之间创造一个界限。 它以微妙的方式将不同的空间分开。 那些无边界的元素相互靠近时,会产生一种统一感。另一方面,当取消隔断,两个空间便会结合成一个独特的空间。 最后,Hanji纸墙的透明性也为空间带来微妙的氛围。

Hanji paper wall: Hanji paper are used in order to create a limit between spaces. It separate in a subtle way the spaces between them. Those frameless elements, when they are closed, give the feeling that the wall is unified. In the other hand, when opened, they give the feeling that 2 connected spaces look like a unique space. Finally, the slight transparency of the Hanji give an impressive and harmonious atmosphere to the space.

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第15张图片
© Yoon Joon-Hwan

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第16张图片
© Yoon Joon-Hwan

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© Yoon Joon-Hwan

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第18张图片
© Yoon Joon-Hwan

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第19张图片
© Yoon Joon-Hwan

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第20张图片
© Yoon Joon-Hwan

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第21张图片

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第22张图片

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第23张图片

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第24张图片
东北立面/North East Facade

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东南立面/South East Facade

传统韩式住宅的现代设计表达——Hamyangjae 住宅第26张图片
西南立面/South West Facade

建筑设计:guga Urban Architecture
地址:韩国 城南市
主创建筑师:Junggoo Cho, Jina Yoon, Seunghwan Jeong

Architects: guga Urban Architecture
Location: Seongnam-si, South Korea
Architect in Charge: Junggoo Cho, Jina Yoon, Seunghwan Jeong
Area: 223.9 ㎡
Project Year: 2012
Manufacturers: Eagon   





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