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Future Expansion将在纽约的熨斗大厦外安装“唱诗班式”的镜像管
Future Expansion installs "choir-like" mirrored tubes outside New York's Flatiron Building


布鲁克林的Future Expansion设计公司在纽约熨斗大厦(Flatiron Building)外放置了一个装置,这个装置以中空反射管道集群而成。


A cluster of hollow reflective pipes forms this installation by Brooklyn architecture and design firm Future Expansion, which is on display in front of the Flatiron Building in New York City.
Titled Flatiron Reflection, the design comprises a set of vertical metal tubes that together create a horseshoe shape in plan and a fluted perimeter.




Around the outer edge, their bottoms are cut away at an angle and the lower half is painted white. Overall, the sculpture is evocative of grand organ pipes.
At night, the shiny tubes are illuminated from within and their outer surfaces reflect the surroundings.


纽约市运输部(DOT)设计、艺术助理专员Wendy Feuer表示:“选用的材料会反射周围环境,也有闪亮的效果,这个像诗歌班式的装置更加促使路人与艺术之间的交流。”


"The glistening materials and choir-like sculptural formation prompt passersby to engage with the art," said Wendy Feuer, assistant commissioner of design, art and wayfinding at the New York City Department of Transportation (DOT).
The horseshoe layout creates a more secluded space at the centre, which then opens out towards a public space adjacent to Madison Square Park.


这件作品位于熨斗大楼的前方,这座建筑是建筑师丹尼尔•伯纳姆(Daniel Burnham)和Frederick P Dinkelberg于1902年完成的标志性建筑。该建筑因其非同寻常的三角形体量而闻名于世,其位于第五大道和百老汇街23号交汇处。

The piece is located in front of the Flatiron Building – the iconic beaux-arts building completed by architects Daniel Burnham and Frederick P Dinkelberg in 1902. The building became famous – and gained its name – for its unusual triangular shape, created by the site at intersection of Fifth Avenue and Broadway at 23rd Street.



Flatiron Reflection is designed to interact with the area's heavy foot and car traffic, and reflect and refract light from the sun during the day, and passing vehicles and street lights at night.


Future Expansion 的负责人Deirdre和Nicholas McDermott说:“这个装置是为三种体验而设计,其具有张力的外观为个人提供了内部空间,而这个内部空间为小团体提供了一个亲密的聚集场所,另外,朝北的楔形物则为这个广场提供了一个交流平台。”

"The installation is designed for three scales of experience: the deeply creased exterior makes spaces for individuals; the interior room offers an intimate panorama for small groups; and the north-facing wedge presents a platform toward the plaza," said Deirdre and Nicholas McDermott, the principals of Future Expansion.


该装置在熨斗广场假日设计竞赛中获奖,此竞赛由Van Alen Institute和Flatiron / 23rd Street Partnership组织,并与纽约市DOT艺术公司合作。

The design was installed as the winner of the Flatiron Plaza Holiday Design Competition, organised for the fourth year running by Van Alen Institute and Flatiron/23rd Street Partnership, in tandem with the New York City DOT Art.


近期,具有反射性的材料应用广泛,例如,Es Devlin  在迈阿密Beach Edition酒店的展览作品、艾未未的“Good Fences Make Good Neighbourscages”,以及在切尔西David Zwirner画廊展出的草间弥生的“Infinity Mirror Room”。


摄影:Noah Kalina。

Reflective materials have been used in a handful of recent installations. Examples include Es Devlin's colourful and immersive exhibition at the Miami Beach Edition Hotel, Ai Wei Wei's Good Fences Make Good Neighbourscages across New York City, and Yayoi Kusama's Infinity Mirror Room on display at David Zwirner Gallery in Chelsea.
Flatiron Reflection will remain on show until 1 January 2018.
Photography is by Noah Kalina.





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