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该项目的合作方为Austin+Mergold与Maria Park,工程顾问为Chris Earls (Cornell)与Scott Hughes (Silman)/Austin+Mergold in collaboration with Maria Park, and consulting engineers Chris Earls (Cornell) and Scott Hughes (Silman)

Pavilion made from grain silos wins competition to be installed at Governors Island this summer


今年夏天,总督岛将在第七届“梦想之城”(City of Dreams Pavilion)竞赛中展示另一个户外装置。由非营利性组织FIGMENT主办,合作方为美国建筑师协会纽约分会的纽约新兴建筑委员会(Emerging New York Architects Committee of the American Institute of Architects New York Chapter)以及纽约结构工程联合会(Structural Engineers Association of New York),比赛要求建筑师设计一座临时展馆,其中环境影响和可持续性是核心原则。要求设计者考虑从材料选取到废物处理的设计过程中考虑生态效益,鼓励参与者重新使用再生利用的建筑材料,并积极与当地制造商合作,寻求社会和环境责任组织的赞助。

2018年评委会,其中有来自工作室位于纽约的美国注册建筑师David Benjamin,他是哥伦比亚大学建筑学硕士生导师,评审团队共同选择"Oculi"作为今年的获奖方案。该项目由Austin+Mergold事务所(由Aleksandr Mergold和Jason Austin共同创建的建筑、景观和设计实践团队)设计,展厅由旧金属筒仓建造。

This summer, Governors Island will show off another outdoor installation from the City of Dreams Pavilion competition, now in its seventh edition. The annual competition hosted by the non-profit FIGMENT (along with the Emerging New York Architects Committee of the American Institute of Architects New York Chapter, and the Structural Engineers Association of New York) asks architects to design a temporary pavilion where environmental impact and sustainability are core principles. Requiring designers to consider the ecological effects of their designs from materials sourcing to disposal of waste, entrants are encouraged to reuse salvaged construction materials, work with manufacturers that produce cradle-to-cradle products, and seek sponsorship from socially and environmentally responsible organizations.
The 2018 jury, which included  David Benjamin of New York–based The Living and Jorge Otero-Pailos, AIA, director and professor of historic preservation at Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation among others, has picked "Oculi" as this year's winning proposal. Designed by Austin+Mergold, an architecture, landscape and design practice founded by Aleksandr Mergold and Jason Austin, the pavilion will be constructed from old metal silos.

该项目的合作方为Austin+Mergold与Maria Park,工程顾问为Chris Earls (Cornell)与Scott Hughes (Silman)/Austin+Mergold in collaboration with Maria Park, and consulting engineers Chris Earls (Cornell) and Scott Hughes (Silman)


The winning proposal will reuse old metal grain bins (silos), vestiges of the American agro-industrial age, hearkening back to how the medieval inhabitants of Rome reoccupied the remains of the Ancient Empire—with a bizarre combination of pragmatism and poetry. The grain bin is our contemporary spolia; as such these structures can be both useful and fanciful.

该项目的合作方为Austin+Mergold与Maria Park,工程顾问为Chris Earls (Cornell)与Scott Hughes (Silman)/Austin+Mergold in collaboration with Maria Park, and consulting engineers Chris Earls (Cornell) and Scott Hughes (Silman)


The bins, which dot the fields of upstate New York, will be brought to the city, establishing a visual connection between urban and rural modes of living. A field of elevated oculi will frame unobstructed views of the sky and track the path of the sun, producing a range of shadow patterns augmented by color and sound. The interiors of these suspended rooms will be painted a particular color of the daytime sky, inviting viewers to negotiate their paths below the structures. As viewers look up through the oculi, the colors of the walls of the silo will at times match the color of the sky.

该项目的合作方为Austin+Mergold与Maria Park,工程顾问为Chris Earls (Cornell)与Scott Hughes (Silman)/Austin+Mergold in collaboration with Maria Park, and consulting engineers Chris Earls (Cornell) and Scott Hughes (Silman)


Following the de-installation of Oculi, the bins will be reconstructed as an experimental housing cluster in central New York. There, interior views into the repurposed bins will occasionally reveal colors of a New York City summer sky.

该项目的合作方为Austin+Mergold与Maria Park,工程顾问为Chris Earls (Cornell)与Scott Hughes (Silman)/Austin+Mergold in collaboration with Maria Park, and consulting engineers Chris Earls (Cornell) and Scott Hughes (Silman)


FIGMENT is accepting tax-deductible donations to support the fabrication, installation, and maintenance of the pavilion on Governors Island for the 2018 summer season. Donations can be made by following the link here. The project will likely also be launching its own funding campaign.





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