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BMW Guggenheim LAB launches in New York City第1张图片

BMW Guggenheim LAB launches in New York City

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BMW Guggenheim LAB launches in New York City第2张图片
Today, the BMW Guggenheim Lab launched their 6-year global tour; first stop: New York City's East Village. Part think tank, part exhibition space, part public forum, the LAB explores challenges facing today's cities and bustling urban populations through a carefully curated program of events. Over the next 2.5 weeks, five LAB Team members grapple with the theme of "Confronting Comfort" through over 100 free public programs—workshops, speakers, exhibitions and screenings. Kicking off the series, tonight the LAB hosts a screening of the documentary Blank City, which chronicles avant-garde filmmaking and renegade movements of New York City in the '70s and '80s.
宝马古根海姆实验室开始了他们为其六年的旅程; 第一站:纽约城的东村。 一部分策划团队,一部分展览空间,一部分则是公共论坛区域。这个实验室通过精心策划的活动程序,对抗着如今城市扩张和人口膨胀所带来的挑战。在接下来的两个半礼拜, 五位实验室成员尝试通过超过一百种公共项目,如车间,演说,展览和大屏幕来解决“面对舒适”这一主题。 作为这次系列活动的开始,今晚实验室放映了Black City的纪录片,其中记述了纽约七八十年代前卫的电影的制作和叛逆运动的内容。
BMW Guggenheim LAB launches in New York City第3张图片

The five LAB members are a mix of global thinkers and local activists—Omar Freilla (Founder of Green Worker Cooperatives, Bronx), Charles Montgomery (Journalist and Urban Experimentalist), Olatunbosun Obayomi (Microbiologist and Inventor) and Studio ZUS (Architects and Urabnist). A true public experiment, the theme of "Confronting Comfort" hopes to explore how urban environments can be made more responsive to peoples' needs, how a balance can be found between modern notions of individual versus collective comfort and how the urgent need for environmental and social responsibility can be met. Speakers include Elizabeth Diller, Sakia Sasson, David Simon, Juliet Schor, Interboro Partners, Assaf Biderman and Jake Barton.
这五位成员由来自全球的思想者和本地的活动者组成——Omar Freilla(Green Worker Cooperatives创始人),Charles Montgomery(新闻工作者和城市体验者),Olatunbosun Obayomi (微生物学家和发明家),还有ZUS工作室(建筑与城市规划)。 这是一个真正的公共实验,主题叫做“面对舒适”,为的是发现如何让城市环境更适应人民的需求,如何平衡个人与集体对舒适的认同感,以及如何达到环境和社会责任的迫切需求。演讲者包括Sakia Sasson, David Simon, Juliet Schor, Interboro Partners, Assaf Biderman 和Jake Barton。

BMW Guggenheim LAB launches in New York City第4张图片
BMW Guggenheim LAB New York City site before construction
Nestled between two buildings, the LAB is housed in a mobile structure by Tokyo-based Atelier Bow-Wow. The architecture serves as a sort of public theater for staging programming. With a loggia serving as architectural inspiration, the bi-level, open-air space is structured like a traditional theater with a fly system of rigs suspending a "toolbox"—for changing over the space from program to program—in the upper level to create a multi-functional and flexible open-loft floorplan.
设计位于两座建筑物之间,实验室被放置在一个由总部位于东京的设计室Bow-Wow所设计的移动结构中。 建筑有作为公共剧场的作用。以一条长廊作为建筑灵感,双层开放空间如传统剧场一样却又加上了一个吊挂着“工具箱”的飞行系统,以用于给空间切换不同的功能。高楼层创造了一个灵活的,多功能的,开放式LOFT。

BMW Guggenheim LAB launches in New York City第5张图片
A venue without walls, the upper floors are wrapped in two layers of semitransparent mesh—the outside with black mesh, the inside with white mesh—the effect is more like curtains. The open lower level invites visitors and the soundtrack of the city into the structure; for people inside the space, the LAB creates a frame for the constant bustle of citylife on the street. As Momoyo Kajima, Principal of Atelier Bow-Wow, explained, the purpose of the project was to "create architecture for the people; the building is just the skin." My favorite detail is the decades-old graffiti on a flanking building that has become an unplanned part of the charm of this wall-less space.
这是个一个没有围墙的会场,楼上的空间被两层半透明的网子包裹,外部是黑网,而内部是白网,这样的效果更像是窗帘所营造出的。开放的一层空间邀请来访者和声音进入建筑结构; 对空间内部的人来说,实验室在大街上创造了一个持续喧闹的城市氛围。正如Bow-wow工作室主席Momoyo Kajima所解释的,方案的目的在于“为人们创造建筑,楼,只是一层皮肤而已”。我个人最爱的细节是建筑侧翼墙壁上的老涂鸦了,这已经成为一个计划外的,零墙体空间的一部分。

BMW Guggenheim LAB launches in New York City第6张图片
One of the most exciting features of the structure is the frame—constructed out of lightweight carbon fiber. Not only does the material choice effect the actual mobility of the structure, but a series of carbon fiber "gutters" that run down the side create added structural stability. As one of the first buildings designed to employ carbon fiber for its structural framework, the architects and production team faced unique challenges with New York City's notoriously labyrinthine permitting process.
BMW Guggenheim LAB launches in New York City第7张图片

Atelier Bow-Wow creates architecture to "activate existing behavior in society through micropublic space." Their "Manga Pod" for the 2002 Gwangju Biennale in South Korea was a flexible shelving structure stocked with recycled manga comic books. The jointed shelving adapts to the movement and needs of the user while providing a safe and insular space for getting lost in the pages of the books. Their hopes for the LAB are similar and we hope all the quirks, griminess, beauty and attitude of our hometown can be surfaced in the space and contribute to the dialogue of this global experiment.
Bow-Wow工作室设计的微型空间建筑激活了的是一种社会的行为。他们的2002年韩国光州双年展的“Manga Pod”是一个灵活的,存放回收漫画书的书架。 这个移动书架在适应了用户需求的同时提供了安全和独立的沉浸在书海中空间。 他们对实验室的希望是类似的,我们希望所有独特的习惯,丑陋,美丽和对家乡的态度可以在空间中被表现出来,并且为这段全球性的实验做出贡献。

BMW Guggenheim LAB launches in New York City第8张图片



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