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强强联合,“Between Two Worlds | Escher X Nendo”展览第1张图片
“巧妙而神秘的视觉展览”将Escher 和 Nendo的世界巧妙地交织在一起/The exhibition will intertwine the worlds of Escher and Nendo in a "masterful and enigmatic visual presentation"

Escher 和 Nendo一起参加墨尔本维多利亚国家美术馆(NGV)的展览
Escher and Nendo paired together for upcoming show at NGV Melbourne


在今年12月的墨尔本维多利亚国家画廊,日本Nendo设计工作室将为荷兰著名艺术家埃舍尔(M.C. Escher)的160多幅版画和绘画设计一个沉浸式的环境。

这场名为“Between Two Worlds | Escher X Nendo”的大型展览将展示M.C.Escher在1916至1969年间创作的版画和素描。这些作品将在一个充满几何、空间和感知的环境中展出。

Japanese design studio Nendo will create an immersive environment for more than 160 prints and drawings by Dutch artist M.C. Escher at the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne this December.
Called Between Two Worlds | Escher X Nendo, the blockbuster exhibition will present M.C.Escher's prints and drawings, created between 1916 and 1969, inside an environment that plays with geometry, space and perception.

强强联合,“Between Two Worlds | Escher X Nendo”展览第2张图片
这场轰动的展览将展出1916到1969年间M.C.Escher的版画和绘画/The blockbuster exhibition will present M.C.Escher's prints and drawings created between 1916 and 1969

NGV的发言人表示:“Nendo设计工作室的创始人Oki Sato与Escher都是“幻象大师”,这次展览将以“巧妙而神秘的视觉表达方式”将艺术家和设计师的世界交织在一起。

M.C. Escher的160幅作品被广泛认为是20世纪最具代表性的一些图像,这些作品来自于海牙博物馆,这里是收藏Escher作品最多的地方。



Describing both Oki Sato, founder of Nendo, and Escher as "masters of illusion", the NGV said that the exhibition will intertwine the worlds of both artist and designer in a "masterful and enigmatic visual presentation".
The 160 works by M.C. Escher, who is widely regarded as having created some of the most iconic images of the 20th-century, are drawn from the world's largest collection of Escher's work in the Gemeentemuseum in The Hague.
The exhibition is the first major Australian presentation of the artist's work and will cover the full span of the artist’s career, from 1916 through to his final work produced in 1969.
Nendo meanwhile is no stranger to creating immersive environments. Last year the Tokyo studio scattered over 40,000 shards of polished steel across a Japanese flower-arranging school to create an "ivy of mirrors", and has created numerous imaginative retail environments such as a Tokyo store interior, which was designed to look like "melted ice cream cake".

强强联合,“Between Two Worlds | Escher X Nendo”展览第3张图片
Nendo工作室之前为一个花艺学院的展览设计了这个装置/Nendo, which previously created this installation for a floristry academy, will design the environment for the exhibition

NGV的导演Tony Ellwood说:“这次展览特别有趣的是,除了这些令人难以置信的160件作品之外,我们还特地邀请了一支名为Nendo的日本设计团队来构思整个展览的布景和氛围。”


"What makes this exhibition particularly interesting is that as well as having these incredible 160 works on paper, is that we’ve actually invited a Japanese design team called Nendo to conceive the whole look and feel of the show," said Tony Ellwood, director of the NGV.
"We've never done that before and in fact, Nendo's never done that before. The reason that we paired the two together is because both are really interested in innovation and optical illusion. There's a lot that connects them."

强强联合,“Between Two Worlds | Escher X Nendo”展览第4张图片
Oki Sato的工作室将为这位荷兰艺术家的作品设计背景,类似于2011年在台湾举办的光错觉集/Oki Sato's studio will provide a backdrop for the works by the Dutch artist, similar to the optical illusion set created for this exhibition in Taiwan in 2011

强强联合,“Between Two Worlds | Escher X Nendo”展览第5张图片

强强联合,“Between Two Worlds | Escher X Nendo”展览第6张图片


在独家展览的旁边将有一个活动计划。就是NGV国际和NGV澳大利亚举办的贯穿春夏季的展览,有Polly Borland, Julian Opie, Hito Steyerl 和 William Wegman的大型个展。

“Between Two Worlds | Escher X Nendo”展览将于2018年12月2日至2019年4月7日在NGV国际展出。

Set to open in December, the blockbuster show will be the centrepiece of the National Gallery of Victoria's 2018/2019 season.
Presented alongside the exclusive exhibition will be a programme of events, programs and exhibitions throughout spring and summer at NGV International and NGV Australia, including major solo exhibitions by Polly Borland, Julian Opie, Hito Steyerl and William Wegman.
Between Two Worlds | Escher x Nendo will be on display at NGV International from 2 December 2018 to 7 April 2019.

强强联合,“Between Two Worlds | Escher X Nendo”展览第7张图片

强强联合,“Between Two Worlds | Escher X Nendo”展览第8张图片

强强联合,“Between Two Worlds | Escher X Nendo”展览第9张图片

强强联合,“Between Two Worlds | Escher X Nendo”展览第10张图片

强强联合,“Between Two Worlds | Escher X Nendo”展览第11张图片

强强联合,“Between Two Worlds | Escher X Nendo”展览第12张图片

强强联合,“Between Two Worlds | Escher X Nendo”展览第13张图片

强强联合,“Between Two Worlds | Escher X Nendo”展览第14张图片

强强联合,“Between Two Worlds | Escher X Nendo”展览第15张图片





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