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The Beauty of our Contemporary Architecture Revealed Through These Colorful Facades





Contemporary Architecture and Colorful Facades: Architecture is white, gray, beige, brown, and the sky’s shade of blue. That is it mostly. White is modern, neat, and minimalistic. Grey is the color of concrete and steel. Brown is the color of wood and bricks, and beige is the color of stone and timber. These neutral colors dominate the architecture that surrounds us, so if we come upon a striking red wall, a hot pink glass panel, or a green aluminum sheet, we would look twice. So, You can introduce colors to your architectural facade using materials other than paint. Well, imagine all these vivid unusual colors featured on one façade; what would be the result?
You won’t believe the colorful transformation that small Indonesian village has been given. If you think it would be messy, so we are here to prove you wrong, and if you think it would be pretty, then you will certainly love what we are going to show you.

Here are some quite attractive examples of colorful façades from contemporary architecture around the world. Please your eyes and enjoy the perky spirit.
List of Colorful Facades from Worldwide Contemporary Architecture:


1. Kuggen大厦——瑞典,哥德堡

这座以意大利文艺复兴为灵感的建筑隶属于查尔默斯理工学院(Chalmers Institute Of Technology)。由Win rdh arkitektkontor设计。建筑外观由红色和绿色的釉面瓷砖组成。

1.Kuggen Building – Gothenburg, Sweden
The Italian Renaissance-inspired building belongs to Chalmers Institute of Technology. It was designed by Wingårdh Arkitektkontor, and its exterior skin comprises glazed ceramic tiles in shades of red and green.


2. SAM Monthey幼儿园——瑞士,蒙泰

这所由Bonnard Woeffray建筑工作室设计的幼儿园,被相同大小的垂直木板包裹。板条用糖果色进行调色处理,对儿童和成人都很有吸引力。

2.SAM Monthey Kindergarten – Monthey, Switzerland
This kindergarten, by Bonnard Woeffray Architectes, is enveloped in equal-sized vertical timber slats. The slats are painted in a candy color palette that is attractive for children and adults alike.


3. Sugamo Shinkin银行分行——日本,埼玉县

建筑师Emmanuelle Moureaux通过改变凸出、体积为花盒两倍的立方体的深度,创造了有趣而充满活力的立面体系。建筑师利用多种颜色来绘制这些盒子的正面和侧面,使其看起来更加富有生气。

3.Sugamo Shinkin Bank Nakaaoki branch – Saitama, Japan
Architect Emmanuelle Moureaux created a playful dynamic façade by varying the depths of these protruding cubic masses that double as flower boxes. The animated touch was furthered by the use of multiple colors to paint the faces and sides of these boxes.


4. Brandhorst 博物馆——德国,慕尼黑

博物馆由Sauerbruch Hutton设计,建筑师使用了三种不同的颜色来区分三个体块。立面活泼的效果是由每行位置各不相同的彩色陶瓷和后方的多孔铝板组合而成。

4.Brandhorst Museum – Munich, Germany
This museum, designed by Sauerbruch Hutton, uses three different color palettes to distinguish its three volumes. The façade’s animated effect is created by the combination of perforated aluminum sheets behind shifted rows of multicolored ceramic rods.


5. Spectrum(光谱)公寓——澳大利亚


5.Spectrum Apartments – Box Hill, Australia
Kavellaris Urban Design (KUD) designed this unconventional apartment building, playing with both masses and colors to create a dynamic effect. The balconies are stacked on top of each other with different angles and painted in a bright variety of colors.


6. 体育休闲中心——法国,拉塞勒-圣克卢

该建筑各个立方体体块,由一系列的五彩玻璃立面组成。KOZ建筑工作室的设计使得建筑的 内外空间都丰富多彩,这反映了主要使用人群的青年精神。

6.Sports and Leisure Center – Saint-Cloud, France
The building’s varied cubic masses feature multicolored glass façades with a range of grading shades per each mass. KOZ Architects designed the facility to be colorful on the inside and outside, reflecting the spirit of youth who will be mainly using it.


7. IMI国际管理学院——印度,加尔各答

五颜六色的玻璃板覆盖着建筑弯曲的立面,流动而顺畅。这种非重复的模式是受“天空本质”的启发,而色彩则代表了年轻人活泼的精神。建筑由Abin 工作室设计。

7.IMI International Management Institute – Kolkata, India
Multicolored glass panels cover the curving façade of the Institute in a smooth flow. The non-repetitive pattern was inspired by the “nature of the sky”, and the colors were meant to represent the lively spirit of the young. The building is designed by Abin Design Studio.


8. Seguin住宅 ——法国,波洛格内-比兰科

总部位于法国的设计机构Bernard Bühler通过引入色彩,为建筑设计了不寻常但具有吸引力的外墙。Seguin住宅项目深灰色的外墙与一侧的红色元素形成对比,同时点缀有梯田式不规则的多色玻璃体块。

8.Seguin – Boulogne-Billancourt, France
France-based Agence Bernard Bühler design unusual yet attractive façades for their buildings by introducing colors. Their Seguin housing project here features a dark gray façade, contrasted by full-hue red elements on one side, and brightened up by the irregular multicolor glass volumes of the terraces.


9. 蒙特利尔会展中心——加拿大,蒙特利尔


9.Palais des congrès de Montréal – Montreal, Canada
This convention center in old Montreal is enveloped in a multicolored glass curtainwall. The glass panels feature five different colors that repeat randomly, animating the façade. The light coming through these panels takes their hues and beautifully color the interior of the building by the day.


10. 色彩天堂——中国,北京


10.The Paradise of Color – Beijing, China
Vibrant full hue colors further enliven the façade of this kindergarten in Beijing. Atelier Alter was inspired by building blocks in their design of the exterior envelope. Giant color blocks “pop-up” from the façade to grab the attention of the neighborhood’s children.




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