ODA Tapped to Expand Rotterdam's Historic Post Office
ODA New York has been selected to redesign the historic post office of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. The iconic Postkantoor has sat vacant for more than a decade, and now the adaptive reuse project aims to bring new life to the city center. Built in 1916, the post office was one of the only original structures still standing after the Rotterdam Blitz aerial bombardment in 1940. The city of Rotterdamhopes to re-energize the neighborhood by activating the site with residential, retail, and hospitality.
国际开发公司Omnam从一系列著名建筑事务所中挑选了ODA,其中包括 BIG和丹尼尔·李伯斯金事务所。多功能的使用设计是考虑保护和适应邮局原始的结构。邮局将通过与周边环境的完美融合成为著名的公民节点。一座150米高的新塔将矗立在邮局的后方,横跨现有的开放式庭院,位于新的 Rodezand翼楼。塔楼的拱形基座是为了增加庭院的体验感,将庭院与大厅连接起来。该设计反应了邮局正面的石头网格和柱子之间的5英尺间距的节奏感,从而用来定义塔楼。
International development firm Omnam selected ODA from a range of renowned architects, including Bjarke Ingels and Daniel Libeskind. The mixed-use design was made to both preserve and adapt the Postkantoor’s original construction. The POST will be a civic node distinguished by seamless connectivity to the surrounding city. A new 150 meter-tall tower will rise towards the rear of the Postkantoor and straddle the existing open courtyard, on the new Rodezand wing. The vaulted plinth of the tower is made to enhance the experience of the courtyard, coupling it with the Great Hall of the Postkantoor. The design mirrors the rhythm of five-foot spacing between columns on the Postkantoor’s facade in a stone grid that defines the tower.
Eran Chen是ODA的执行董事,他认为:“我们认为《鹿特丹邮报》不仅仅是回忆,而是应该成为鹿特丹充满活力,联系紧密的文化中心,是城市有机更新和生活质量的体现。我们认为它拥有的隐藏的价值应该被公民所共享。”ODA将和 Braaksma & Roos Architectenbureau建筑事务所合作。而ABT将为本地的建筑事务所提供记录。设计公司West 8 将会为邮局进行景观设计,实现其与周边街道的连接最大化。
Eran Chen, Executive Director at ODA said that, “We believe that it’s time for the POST to stand not only as a memory, but also as an expression of the strength of Rotterdam today as a vibrant, connected, center of culture, renewal, and quality of life. We believe that the hidden treasures that it holds should be shared by all citizens." ODA will be working with Braaksma & Roos Architectenbureau, while ABT will be the local architect of record. West 8 will lead the landscape design for the POST, maximizing opportunities for connectivity on the surrounding streets.
图片:Forbes Massie
With construction set to begin in 2019, the project aims to create a cohesive civic vision for the Postkantoor.
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