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"The new roof materiality, although with an innovative design, refers both to the memory of local construction and also, in its form, to a large light levitating membrane, with a subtle reference to a textile plasticity as an evocation of the great strength of this industry in the region."





The Matadouro Industrial of Porto, surrounded by inherited industrial and residential uses resulting from successive transformations and urban amputations, nowadays regulates functional hesitations at low level and visual impasses at high level. Devalued with the implementation of internal city motor-way (VCI), the schism with the Dragão Stadium and the Metro is overcome through a crossing bridge with an impactful design morphology, that allows an extended overview on the former slaughterhouse and the Campanhã valley. The functional miscegenation of the bodies that made up the old Matadouro is unified by the head of access and the described crossing. The modelled and perforated roof adds the existing diversity and complexity with a shaded unit and conformity that covers the voids between volumes.




"Here, what matters is what Matadouro will give to the city. A new typology of covered outdoor spaces, an urban system of walkways, with streets and squares joining a series of buildings. The trigger for all this, what captivates us most, is to question the rehabilitation, not of one or more buildings, but to make and create a more ambitious system that integrates something broader and which is the city."






通过社会和文化规划整合,使这座城市两处地点产生了共同特征。这里有着由安东尼·高迪设计的波浪形纹理,它根据地形而升降,并恢复了城市的原有尺度,它在社会和文化领域起到了变革性的作用,构成了社会和经济的再生功能。除了主要功能之外,项目还包含了娱乐和教育用途,以及激发具有场所感的博物馆特征,该项目十分大胆,目的是改变城市保护和改造的方式,让 Campanhã 地区有机会以此作为未来发展的基准。

A common public identity is generated between sides of the city, through a social and cultural programmatic integration. Apparently wavy and textured by Antoni Gaudí, it is ascending or descending according to the topography and gives back the city its lost scale. Instrumentally transforming in the social and cultural universe, it constitutes a regenerative act of a socially decadent and economically needy territory. Aside from the main installed services, recreational and educational uses are proposed, in addition to museological features of evocation and allocation of the place. Both ambitious and audacious, this project seeks to transform the narrative on conservation and transformation in the city giving the area of Campanhã an opportunity to use this as a benchmark for future developments.


“对于波尔图的 Matadouro 项目,我们试图创造一种新型的公共空间。对于这种项目,最重要的是空间的温度,因此我们尝试使用陶瓷屋顶瓦,因为它们具有城市关联性。通过使用这些材料,我们试图创造一种温暖和活力的感觉。”隈研吾说。

"For the Matadouro project in Porto we tried to create a new type of public space. For this kind of project, the most important thing is the warmness of the space, therefore we tried to use the ceramic roof tiles as they very much relate to the complexity of the city. By using the material, we tried to create a warmness and a liveliness." Kengo Kuma




公司:OODA Architecture
类型:商业 › 零售
文化 › 画廊 文化中心
尺寸:100,000 平方英尺 - 300,000 平方英尺
合作团队:Kengo Kuma & Associates, OODA
合作:ESC, Ejiri, Mir, Luxigon

FIRM: OODA Architecture
TYPE: Commercial › Retail
Cultural › Gallery Cultural Center
STATUS: Under Construction
SIZE: 100,000 sqft - 300,000 sqft
Partnership: Kengo Kuma & Associates, OODA
Collaboration: ESC, Ejiri, Mir, Luxigon




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