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银杏画廊 / MORE Architecture
Ginkgo Gallery / MORE Architecture


银杏画廊由MORE Architecture事务所设计,建筑位于中国嘉兴,是一座被银杏树覆盖的岛屿上的创新博物馆。博物馆的灵感来自当地村庄的传统,邀请游客探索小镇,发现不同的区域。它结合了两种传统博物馆类型——引导式博物馆与自由布局博物馆,形成了“流动空间”的平面布局。面向周围水域和景观的方向,使文化与艺术之间建立了深厚的联系。博物馆外观朴实,材质为现场浇筑混凝土。

Ginkgo Gallery by MORE Architecture is an innovative new museum on a ginkgo tree-covered island, in Jiaxing, China. Inspired by the DNA of local villages, the museum invites visitors to wander through and discover the different sections as if they were exploring a small town. It is therefore set up as a blend of two traditional museum typologies – the guided museum meets the free plan museum, creating a floorplan with ‘fluid spaces’. The orientation towards, and connection with the surrounding water and landscape generate a deep relationship between culture and art. The museum has a modest appearance, emphasized by its materiality: in-situ cast concrete.




博物馆热潮——在过去十年中,中国经历了“博物馆热潮”,期间,不仅建造了大量标志性博物馆,传统博物馆的规模也在大幅增加。银杏画廊是对这一现象的回应,这是一座低调而精致的博物馆,艺术与自然融为一体,带来沉浸式体验。客户旨在将艺术融入公共生活,特别是教育儿童了解当代艺术。为此,博物馆内还设有一个剧院、一个阅读室和一个工作坊。MORE Architecture事务所为此项目对当代中国博物馆进行了广泛的学术研究,并且在内部开发了需求清单。

Museum Boom - Over the past decade, China has been undergoing a ‘museum boom’ in which not only an enormous number of iconic museums were built, but also the scale of the typical museum increased massively. Ginkgo Gallery is the antidote to said phenomenon: a humble, intricate museum where art and nature merge into one immersive experience. The client aimed to make art a part of public life, and particularly educate children in the field of contemporary art. To this end, the museum also houses an auditorium, a reading room and a workshop space. For this commission, MORE Architecture developed the bill of requirements in-house, based on extensive academic research of contemporary Chinese museums.




空间体验,小规模——从类型学的角度来看,建筑师希望创造一种创新的博物馆体验。MORE Architecture事务所受其乡村环境的启发,将博物馆设计为一个“村庄”,供人们探索。典型的浙江乡村,有着小规模和复杂的空间网络,是这个博物馆的真正灵感。通过将两种传统博物馆类型——传统的“引导式”路线和“自由流动”布局——融合在一起,建筑师创造了一个“流动空间”的建筑,游客可以自由探索和选择自己的路线——就像Schinkels Altes博物馆和Mies’ Neue国家美术馆的结合。这种融合创造了一个相互连接但又有微妙区分的博物馆大厅,通过连接或者隔断的方式,为策展人提供了以多种方式讲述故事的机会。更重要的是,它使游客能够自由探索……

Spatial experience, small scale - On a typological level, the architects wanted to create an innovative museum experience. Inspired by its rural context, MORE Architecture conceived the museum as a ‘village’ which allows for exploring. The DNA of the typical Zhejiang village – with its small scale and sophisticated network of spaces that differ in size – is the true inspiration for this museum. By merging two traditional museum typologies – the conventional ‘guided’ routing and the ‘free flow’ plan – into one museum, the architects created a building with ‘fluid spaces’, where visitors can explore and choose their own route – Schinkels Altes Museum meets Mies’ Neue National Gallery! This merger creates a building with museum halls that are connected yet subtly differentiate themselves. It creates opportunities for the curators to tell stories in various ways – by connecting or disconnecting the exhibition halls. But more importantly, it allows for visitors to explore…




低调的材料使用——在银杏画廊的设计初期,就明确了需要采用低调的材料策略。因此,建筑师决定专注于博物馆的空间品质,限制材料的数量,从而减少运输、建筑废料和包装等。MORE Architecture事务所采用了一种材料来建造整个建筑:现场浇筑的混凝土。博物馆的结构由坚固的混凝土墙体构成,承载着跨度可达17米的弯曲混凝土板。浇筑采用脚手架和粗木板进行,木板水平放置,图案由施工工人决定。即使是弯曲板也采用这种低技术方法浇筑。木板的浇筑在建筑的立面、墙壁和天花板上创造了韵律和质感。粗糙的混凝土与光滑的绿色铝合金窗框,以及室内温暖的榉木细节和家具相互融合,既形成对比,也相互衬托。

Modest materiality - Early in the design process of Ginkgo Gallery, it became clear that a modest museum design also required a modest use of materials. So, the architects decided to focus on the spatial quality of the museum, and limit the number of materials, and therefore transport movements, construction waste, packaging, etc. MORE Architecture used one material for the whole building: in-situ cast concrete. The structure of the museum is built from solid concrete walls, carrying curved concrete slabs that span up to 17 meters. The cast was made of scaffolding and rough wooden planks, which were placed horizontally – the pattern being decided by the construction workers. Even the curved slabs were cast with this low-tech method. The cast of the wooden planks creates rhythm and texture in the facades, walls and ceilings of the building. The ‘rough’ concrete is combined with smooth green aluminum mullions, and warm beech details and furniture in the interior.



Inside and outside - The architects made the building rather closed on its southern façade and opened it up on the north side, to create indirect natural light. The exhibition halls increase in both size and height from the south towards the north. They are connected by ‘streets’ which run east-west that bring in the natural light. Curved roofs filter the incoming daylight. Moreover, the architects want the visitors of the building to experience a soft transition between building and landscape, between inside and outside. The interaction with the landscape is critical in the design and experience of this museum: being situated on an island, approaching the museum is an experience in itself. Once across, this experience continues as the exhibition starts in a statue garden since the island can be used for outdoor exhibitions as well. A series of curvy pathways invite visitors to explore the island. A bridge that curves outside the perimeter of the island onto the lake allows the sightseers to ‘walk on water’. Inside, the museum opens towards the landscape and the lake, letting visitors constantly balance between art and nature.









建筑师:MORE Architecture
类型:文化建筑 博物馆
面积:2500 平方米
摄影:Kris Provoost
设计事务所:MORE Architecture
设计主管:Daan Roggeveen
设计团队:Robert Chen, Lina Peng, Pedro Martins, Emilio Wang, Mengyao Han, Anna Clement Mae Szeto, Jeffrey Kuo
外墙:Shanghai Meite Curtain Wall Co Ltd

Architects: MORE Architecture
Area: 2500 m²
Year: 2023
Photographs:Kris Provoost
Structure Consultant: 9LEON, Jiaxing
MEP / HVAC: 9LEON, Jiaxing
Main Contractor: Zhejiang Zhongcheng Construction Engineering Group
Design Office: MORE Architecture
Design Lead: Daan Roggeveen
Design Team: Robert Chen, Lina Peng, Pedro Martins, Emilio Wang, Mengyao Han, Anna Clement Mae Szeto, Jeffrey Kuo
Client: ​Di Yuan Art Gallery
Façade: ​Shanghai Meite Curtain Wall Co Ltd
City: Jiaxing
Country: China




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